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Silver Dollar City (SDC) Discussion Thread

p. 275: New resort announced as part of a $500 million development plan!

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Am I the only one who is hoping there is absolutely no spinning aspect to this new coaster?


If it's like Cobras Curse then I don't mind. But if it's nothing but vomit inducing spinning, then please god, no!!


Crazy fast spinning is awesome. It just needs to be comfortable i.e. restraints. I've yet to go on a spinning coaster other than the typical Maurer clones, but flat rides that spin like crazy are awesome. Teacup spinning is great because I can control it and spin the freaking things around a bazillion times and make my nieces and nephews vomit everywhere!

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Am I the only one who is hoping there is absolutely no spinning aspect to this new coaster?


If it's like Cobras Curse then I don't mind. But if it's nothing but vomit inducing spinning, then please god, no!!


I can't see it being allowed to spin on the launch.

We get it. You think you know something the rest of us don't, and you think this will help your chances of getting laid. This adds nothing to the conversation.


Am I the only one who is hoping there is absolutely no spinning aspect to this new coaster?


If it's like Cobras Curse then I don't mind. But if it's nothing but vomit inducing spinning, then please god, no!!


Crazy fast spinning is awesome. It just needs to be comfortable i.e. restraints. I've yet to go on a spinning coaster other than the typical Maurer clones, but flat rides that spin like crazy are awesome. Teacup spinning is great because I can control it and spin the freaking things around a bazillion times and make my nieces and nephews vomit everywhere!

Now this is an interesting idea. If there were a way to make a coaster spin, rather than relying on gravity and weight distribution, that would definitely be more family friendly. No idea if the new project has anything like that, but it's certainly fun to think about.

Edited by ytterbiumanalyst
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I can't see it being allowed to spin on the launch.


We get it. You think you know something the rest of us don't, and you think this will help your chances of getting laid. This adds nothing to the conversation.



And just because. . .


I can't see it being allowed to spin on the launch.


Because a spinning launched coaster has never been done before.


(And yes, there are coasters that spin during the laucnh.)




You know ZambeziZinger, you are starting to sound a lot like a member that use to be on the forums PhantomPoster32. It's also a little convenient that you just happened to join the forums on Mon Sep 05, 2016 at 9:38 pm which just so happens to be exactly 8 minutes after PhantomPoster32's last visit, which was on Mon Sep 05, 2016 at 9:30 pm. It's even more weird that you spend a lot of time posting in the same threads that PhantomPoster use to post in, and you say a lot of things similar to what PhantomPoster use to say. . . Hmmmmm... Just a coincidence or???


Either way, just like no one believed PhantomPoster, no one is going to believe you. Those who do know what is going on in the park are not allowed to say, and are smart enough not to risk their job by posting the "top secret" information to an online forum. You don't have to try to prove to random strangers in an online forum that you are "better than them" by pretending to know the secrets of a park. Can we try something new?? Instead of trying to point out why we are all wrong, why don't you join in the discussion WITH us, not against us, and enjoy the speculation leading up to the official announcement. That sounds like a great idea. Thanks for understanding!



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You know ZambeziZinger, you are starting to sound a lot like a member that use to be on the forums PhantomPoster32.


I was actually wondering what had happened to PhantomPoster and why he hadn't let us in on any details. I could also swear he was up to four accounts at one point last year

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You know ZambeziZinger, you are starting to sound a lot like a member that use to be on the forums PhantomPoster32. It's also a little convenient that you just happened to join the forums on Mon Sep 05, 2016 at 9:38 pm which just so happens to be exactly 8 minutes after PhantomPoster32's last visit, which was on Mon Sep 05, 2016 at 9:30 pm. It's even more weird that you spend a lot of time posting in the same threads that PhantomPoster use to post in, and you say a lot of things similar to what PhantomPoster use to say. . . Hmmmmm... Just a coincidence or???


Either way, just like no one believed PhantomPoster, no one is going to believe you. Those who do know what is going on in the park are not allowed to say, and are smart enough not to risk their job by posting the "top secret" information to an online forum. You don't have to try to prove to random strangers in an online forum that you are "better than them" by pretending to know the secrets of a park. Can we try something new?? Instead of trying to point out why we are all wrong, why don't you join in the discussion WITH us, not against us, and enjoy the speculation leading up to the official announcement. That sounds like a great idea. Thanks for understanding!




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Also, Zinger, I know you dont work in the park. You know as much as we do. You dont have an "inside guy" for info because, like someone previously said, they would get fired for telling anybody. You dont own the park, this thread, or this website. Stop acting like it. You act like you are better than everyone when you are not better than anyone on here or on this earth. I know for sure Zinger is Phantom Poster.

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The first one looks hokey to me.


Agreed. It doesn't really seem to fit the feel of SDC either.


I think the only thing we can confirm from these is that there will be a backwards launch on this spinning coaster. (Then again, I'm pretty sure we already knew this.) I'm still betting it ends up something like Cobra's Curse.

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Cobra's curse was neat. That's pretty much all I can say about it. I had no desire to get back into a 45+ minute queue to ride it, and probably would have passed all together if we couldn't have picked it up at rope drop. I'm sure I would appreciate it much more if I had a little one.

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So Dollywood is getting a new drop tower for this season, but what if I told you that you could also ride a brand new drop tower in Branson this year?


The "Bigfoot" tower project is currently under construction on the 76 strip where the old dollar store used to be. You can actually see it under construction on street view: https://www.google.com/maps/@36.6464822,-93.2879443,3a,75y,251.96h,85.47t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1soVUMcKahLejT1HwQa8M9mg!2e0!7i13312!8i6656


The complex will apparently include an arcade and potentially some other rides. So that's something to look forward to this year while we watch the coaster get constructed.



As for the concepts, I was thinking #1 or #2, with #3 being a red-herring just so they can have a real list. I'm guessing they went with #2 but played with #1 to push the boundaries a bit. It just makes too much sense to stick with the mine theme with all the other mine stuff on that side of the park, plus I think the family would push for it. I'll be the marketing department in Atlanta wanted to go with the time machine bit.


Of course the final concept will be a bit more fleshed out and specific. I'm sure it will involve a mine though.

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Is the park typically still packed on the Wednesday after Memorial Day, or is it mostly just the weekend and Monday which I should avoid?



More and more public schools in the area seem to run after Memorial day these days. Being a combination of lack of snow days and having to make them up to just running longer. For Example, several large districts in Northwest Arkansas are "open" till June 7 even with the "traditional" calendar and then there's the year round schools that are mostly elementary and middle schools open till the middle of June.

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Is the park typically still packed on the Wednesday after Memorial Day, or is it mostly just the weekend and Monday which I should avoid?


Just the weekend through Monday. Wednesday shouldn't be an overly busy day.


Correct Wednesday is usually the best day to go regardless of the time of year (if the park is open)

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Sooooooooooo... about the new coaster coming to SDC in 2018. . .


Concept 1:




Concept 2:




Concept 3:




I think I prefer concept 2 the most. . .


What's your favorite concept?


Of the three, I think the time traveler theme is random due to the heavy Rome themeing on the ride. There are tons of different periods/places to travel to that would fit the realm of SDC.


Prozach's comment about Cobras Curse seems to be consistent with the reviews:

"Fun ride, but not something I'd want to jump back in line for/wait 45+min"


Which, IMO, would be a ride that doesn't fit in at SDC to me - TNT, Wildfire, Outlaw, Powder Keg leave me wanting to get right back in line, and I'd be totally fine waiting 45 min. Each coaster is pretty effing good.


If they do move forward with the Rome idea I'm sure it'll be done nicely. The idea just seems like a park for BGE or Europa Park.

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