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TPR's "Real World Orlando" Photo Trip Report!

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Hi, guys,


I just want to chime in with my thanks for a truly excellent Halloween adventure! We of "Road Rules Orlando" (that is, myself and the "other Eric Johnson") had a great time reuniting with some of our fellow UK trip alums and meeting some new folks.


In fact, I had such a good time, I had to spend most of Monday in bed recuperating (also brought back an awesome head cold). Might just have to make this a regular October thing (not the head cold, but the trip).


If any of you find yourselves in the vicinity of TPR's "Mid-Atlantic Division," be sure to give me a shout--I expect quite of few will want to check out BGE's Griffon next spring.


I'll post a TPR sometime this week, but Eric is already doing an excellent job.



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  Canobie Fan said:

Way to drive 90



Haha, I was about to say the same thing. Let's see, going 93 mph in a 65 mph (or less if it was a construction zone)-that's probably an automatic license revocation plus jail time.



/hopes you have a radar detector......jeez!



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note to self: remember that someone will ALWAYS find something in your photos.


Honestly I believe that me taking the photo is more dangerous than driving a little over the speed limit (which I would bet was 70)


I think you need to be blowing past 40 over to get arrested.

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  ParkTrips said:
note to self: remember that someone will ALWAYS find something in your photos.


Honestly I believe that me taking the photo is more dangerous than driving a little over the speed limit (which I would bet was 70)


I think you need to be blowing past 40 over to get arrested.


In Florida if you're going over 15mph you can get arrested to wreckless driving. That is, if I'm remembering my driver's test right.

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Aha! I told you Elissa that Clarice was at MGM Studios! I'm actually surprised she still comes out, but I'm glad to see it!


I wish I wasn't working all the time you guys were here, otherwise I would've met up with you all. Poo on that.


There's always next time!

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I was doing 90 mph down I-75 around Bradenton, FL and I got a speeding ticket! The ticket was $200, but they lowered the price to $150 if I went to traffic school. That was 5 years ago and the only time I ever got ticketed!

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Pregnant .................. or .......................not ? i can't tell but Maybe the facial expressions will help finding out . It's proven that women get mad when they're pregnant . And besides When The running of the bulls to tatsu was happening , SHE SKIPPED OUT ! hhmmmmm . wonder what that was about ............................... Either she's pregnant or she just got screwed sitting with dave ............. But that's another story !


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  astroworldfan said:
Look again.. It looks like he is fighting an imminent bowel movement.




  Stitch said:
Just when you think Guy is sweet and normal ...



you see an expression like this



Awesome pictures, I will be watching this thread for sure!


Good Tower will cause that in the most fearless of men. I actually think that was mid-bowel movement.


Kimmy hold me. I have to pee!

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