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best hyper in europe?

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until Arrow built Magnum XL200 (200 foot coaster) the term hypers didn't excist, Intamin build a 300 foot coaster and call it a giga like wise the 400 foot is a terra . These are all phrases commonly used in the coaster world wether you are riding an intamin an Arrow or a B&M. Some people on these forums don't class water coasters as credits some do, so I suppose it depends on which way you look at it to me EGF isn't a hyper. And as statedin my earlier post if we are classing it as one then why isn't colossus at hyde park on the list and we might as well ad Jubille odessy that's a pretty big coaster.

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until Arrow built Magnum XL200 (200 foot coaster) the term hypers didn't excist, Intamin build a 300 foot coaster and call it a giga like wise the 400 foot is a terra . These are all phrases commonly used in the coaster world wether you are riding an intamin an Arrow or a B&M. Some people on these forums don't class water coasters as credits some do, so I suppose it depends on which way you look at it to me EGF isn't a hyper. And as statedin my earlier post if we are classing it as one then why isn't colossus at hyde park on the list and we might as well ad Jubille odessy that's a pretty big coaster.

To you, it's not a hyper...but to the rest of the planet it is!


--Robb "Seriously, would anyone else here NOT consider EGF a hyper?!?!" Alvey

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Yeah, let's say for ease sake...


Hypers in Europe:

Expedition Ge Force


Silver Star



Hmm, that's pretty much my order of how I like them too!


Yes let's say it's a Hyper just to beef the list up where's stealth?


At this point I will say my good bye's Please remove me from you mailing list.

Thank you!

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then why isn't colossus at hyde park on the list and we might as well ad Jubille odessy that's a pretty big coaster.


Becouse hypers don't have inversions and aren't made of wood! And i know that hypers are supposed to be over 200ft, but except for the height, EGF and Goliath fit perfectly into the definition of a hyper coaster, plus Intamin itself calls it a "hyper coaster" so it mus be one! If you can't accept that then at least accept them to be a sort of "mini hyper", and we're counting them in this race becouse otherwise we would have only 2 hypers to discuss about and thats just to sad...


So yeah IMO EGF and Goliath are hypers, i don't expect you to share that opinion just accept the fact that they count as a (mini) hyper in this particular thread.


At this point I will say my good bye's Please remove me from you mailing list.

Thank you!


Ow yeah and chill out dude you're taking this way to serious!

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then why isn't colossus at hyde park on the list and we might as well ad Jubille odessy that's a pretty big coaster.


Becouse hypers don't have inversions and aren't made of wood! And i know that hypers are supposed to be over 200ft, but except for the height, EGF and Goliath fit perfectly into the definition of a hyper coaster, plus Intamin itself calls it a "hyper coaster" so it mus be one! If you can't accept that then at least accept them to be a sort of "mini hyper", and we're counting them in this race becouse otherwise we would have only 2 hypers to discuss about and thats just to sad...


So yeah IMO EGF and Goliath are hypers, i don't expect you to share that opinion just accept the fact that they count as a (mini) hyper in this particular thread.


At this point I will say my good bye's Please remove me from you mailing list.

Thank you!


Ow yeah and chill out dude you're taking this way to serious!


Don't call me dude! a post was made before I made any ,somebody else stated that Egf was not a hyper, I agree and that is based purley on what most coaster enthusiasts would count as a a hyper the reason I got pissed is because typical Amercan style if they don't agree with what you are saying they change the rules. EGF is not a Hyper. Whay can't a hyper be made out of wood (bang you just shot your self in the foot) It has nothing to do with what it's made with. I bet when all you credit whores rode your first 200+ coaster you where excited about riding your first Hyper.

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What the heck? I used to think of hypers as 200+ft but now think of them as the epitome of what I want from a steel roller coaster (wildness without roughness).


Also Owen, please don't say that about Americans, languages are living and if the term hyper seems to connote different meanings, than why can't it have a double meaning?


If Marine World couldn't remove its height building limit I'd be perfectly fine with a hole being dug to put one of these bad ass rides in (and I'm glad to see that it's really the ride's design and not its height that deems it turely praiseworthy).


Also, based on videos and opinions, I'll agree with Elissa's list, until I ride the rides in the future and maybe discover that they age badly

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Owen careful you'll start to give us Brits a bad name. Sometimes you have to accept that not everyone will agree with you. This is not an open and shut case so people will have differing opinions.

I personally regard Goliath and EGF as hypers, OK they're not over 200ft but they're close. My idea of a hyper is a tall coaster with high speed drops, helices and airtime hills and no inversions. With regards to 200+foot woodies I've heard the term Hyper Woodie used on numerous occassions. But generally speaking all the enthusiasts I speak to wouldn't count Colossus as a hyper coaster but they certainly would Goliath and EGF.

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Don't call me dude!


Ok dude. I won't call you dude. That would be like bogus, dude.


I agree and that is based purley on what most coaster enthusiasts would count as a a hyper


That's true only if "most coaster enthusiasts" is some sort of obscure limie slang for "I".


the reason I got pissed is because typical Amercan style if they don't agree with what you are saying they change the rules.


Now you have to bring that into it. It's obvious who is acting like a baby here, dude. Furthermore, I suggest that you actually learn how to spell, punctuate, and otherwise write coherently. There's nothing more pathetic than someone trying to argue on the Internet who can't even spell.

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Owen careful you'll start to give us Brits a bad name.

Agreed. As well as giving TPR members a bad name. Which is why I've suspended his posting privileges for 1 week based on rule #2 in our TOS:


2. Have fun! That's the most important rule. Friendly debates are acceptable, but flame wars are NOT! Personal attacks will not be tolerated, will be deleted, and could lead to suspension or being banned from the forums.


Personally, Owen, I feel your peer said it best. And once you start bringing in crap like "typical American attitude" your credibility just goes to shit and that turns a civil discussion into a "flame war." Which we just won't have on TPR. Take that attitude to RRC or Coasterbuzz where it belongs.


I hope everyone understands.



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LOL...um, well, I used to *LOVE* Raging Bull until SFGAm killed it with like 78 trims! Never really cared for Apollo or SFoG's Goliath...Nitro is cool, Silver Star seems to have actually improved over the years so...B&M Hypers are okay, but to me it's all about the Intamin's! (Except for Thunder Dolphin!)


Awwww....I thought you liked SFoG's Goliath.

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Unfortunately, I've never been on any (sadness), but I do believe that if I had to choose one to go on, it would be Goliath or Silver Star.


Goliath - I've only ridden two Intamins (V2 and American Eagle; not much of a variety)

Silver Stay - B&M's make me drool.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Silver Star! lotsa good pops in the air make ya feel

good so put ya hands up 'n ya legs raise to the sky durin' 3 mins!

B&M's kinda real super industry of latest styled ride! i'm lovin' it!

Silver Star! Europa Park goodness! ever wondered europe's got

such great feelin' good stuff?!

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  • 2 years later...

Pfft. EGF was the single biggest let-down of a coaster ever! After you read time and time again how it's just "unbeatably awesome" you go on it expecting the thing to do just that. Most of my group got off pretty deflated to be honest.


Sure, it's more airtime filled than Silver Star, but Silver Star gets nothing but a slating on coaster forums from what I have seen, and it was a really enjoyable ride - especially on the back!


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then why isn't colossus at hyde park on the list and we might as well ad Jubille odessy that's a pretty big coaster.


Because hypers don't have inversions and aren't made of wood! And i know that hypers are supposed to be over 200ft, but except for the height, EGF and Goliath fit perfectly into the definition of a hyper coaster, plus Intamin itself calls it a "hyper coaster" so it mus be one! If you can't accept that then at least accept them to be a sort of "mini hyper", and we're counting them in this race Because otherwise we would have only 2 hypers to discuss about and thats just to sad...


So yeah IMO EGF and Goliath are hypers, i don't expect you to share that opinion just accept the fact that they count as a (mini) hyper in this particular thread.


At this point I will say my good bye's Please remove me from you mailing list.

Thank you!


Ow yeah and chill out dude you're taking this way to serious!


Don't call me dude! a post was made before I made any ,somebody else stated that Egf was not a hyper, I agree and that is based purley on what most coaster enthusiasts would count as a a hyper the reason I got pissed is because typical Amercan style if they don't agree with what you are saying they change the rules. EGF is not a Hyper. Whay can't a hyper be made out of wood (bang you just shot your self in the foot) It has nothing to do with what it's made with. I bet when all you credit whores rode your first 200+ coaster you where excited about riding your first Hyper.


I kinda know how owen feels, being an avid reader of these forums. More than any other coaster/amusement site, there are a few people that tend to change the rules based on their personal opinion. If you are going to add a EGF and Goliath, then you have to add some others. The original question which was 'what is the best hyper in Europe', was clearly altered to fit personal tastes. I have seen topics and threads changed many times to fit someones personal interest. Its unfortunate that it happens so much on here, but it does. With this being said, if you don't like it, ignore it. Many times I have to back off this site myself. TPR can be extremely biased and unfortunately there isn't much you can do. Its Robb's site and he can run it any way he likes.

BTW- Owen, I hope you make a return and ignore people like Gizmo's negativity. He loves to insult people to try and make himself feel better for his shortcomings. If most people had made those comments to him, they would have been banned for that as well. Again, certain people can say those types of things on here.

Don't sweat the small stuff!

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Have you tried EGF in the back row on the left?


On that seat that first drop is simply amazing. Silver will be cool when they turned of those damn trim brakes.






EGF would also be cool if they turned of those damn trim brakes, which to me spoiled it equally as much as Silver Star's trims affect it too.


I rode EGF several times, and found the front to be the best place, which is very unusual!


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Last year I rode it when it was around 30 degrees celsius and you could hardly feel the trims.


Later that day a thunderstorm passed by and the temperature dropped like 10 degrees and the performance of the Geforce also dropped. It ran a lot slower than it did when it was hot.




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