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The Official NoLimits/NL2 Help Thread

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  • 2 weeks later...

^You could try those slope formulas and equations you learned in 7th grade math by using side view as a coordinate plane and click on vertexes to bring up the vertex panel and get the coordinates to do the formulas/equations. Or, you could use a protractor.


Are those the only ways if you don't have the Construction Kit or used Newton2?

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^Those methods would be impossible if the view wasn't parallel to the drop. If the coaster started with a lift, then 60-degree turn, then drop, then the side views would be inaccurate. I'm not exactly sure how you could calculate that, but you could start with highlighting the drop segment, copying the length, then making two straight supports that complete a right triangle at the same overhead angle (60-degrees) and recording those lengths to find a tangent or something of the like. It's like making your own plane.


Other than do-it-yourself-math, there's no way to calculate the angle of a NoLimits coaster drop.

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^In all fairness, he never specified the situation, but a tangent and homemade plane should do the trick. Unless the drop was curving, and then I have NO IDEA.


Have fun crunching numbers!

Yeah, I realized that. I was just stating what to do if the drop wasn't parallel to the view.

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^...you turn the roll past 90 degrees...


To make a good overbank, there's no real formula (like the other inversions), and overbanks have a big difference based on what kind they are and their placement, as well as what the current track situation is like. Overbanks that are like Millennium Force's are simple 4G-1G-4G sextics (or multi-zone, whichever turns out better) that are placed under two roll sections. You can do this with single zones even (I think).


If you're looking for Maverick style overbanks, then there's a lot to consider. Maverick has two overbanks and both are quite different (not in pace, but in shape and direction). A quick 2G-1G-2G sextic with a sextic roll will get a decent job done for a overbank that's like Maverick's first. A 2G-1G-4G transition would be like the second one, and the roll would have to turn one way, then go the other.


It's hard to describe because there's no recipe. You can only create them with proper Newton knowledge and just figuring it out.

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I think the key to using Newton 2 is a gradual knowledge curve. You can't expect to be able to do everything all at once because you don't know how the forces work or how they will affect the track shape. If you are trying to do something specific with Newton 2 and don't know how, then forget it. Just play around with it until you get a feel for what you can do to manipulate the track. Then you can use your own powers to create the kind of elements you want to. I don't think it's helpful at all to try to get advice from others about this program because that's just their own interpretation. It takes a lot more tweaking and precision testing to make accurate elements.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

This may not be so much of a "No Limits" problem but an "I can't use the settings on my new computer" problem, but since it deals with NoLimits...



Ignoring the atrocious colors from copying this screen into Paint (why Paint did that, I have no idea, another side effect of not being able to use this computer, I suppose... ), I have noticed that when I switch from 3D mode back into Top View in the editor, a black bar appears on the top and right side of the field, which then creates an annoying "snap" after I click as the screen readjusts to fill up that black space. Any ideas what may be causing this or how I can stop it from doing it?


That little black border...

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  • 1 month later...
Thanks for all the different methods. I made a couple Euro-Fighters (horrible Euro-Fighters) and I wasn't sure what angle the drop was at.


I build just get a piece of track under the drop and bank it to whatever degree I want the drop, then align the drop with the banked track's heartline. That works great for me.

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I just tried to use AHG on Windows 7 and it pretty much does not work at all. It just freezes and things are out of line and you can't even close it without running task manager. You can't load a track or do pretty much anything. Is this to do with it not being compatable with Windows 7 or is it something else entirely?

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Help Me Guys! Im building an 'Oblivion' style roller coaster, and I'm not quite sure how to stop the train over the edge at the top of the ride...Please help me!!!!!!


You could place a brake segment, and have a stop time of several seconds. You do have to get the trigger position exactly right. Brake too early and your train will still be level, brake too late and train wont be stopped.


But if you look closely at the (newer) divemachines, you can see they are not stopped, but rather slowed down A LOT, so you could also make it work by placing a lift segment with a low speed and high deceleration.

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Adding to that, you can also use a transport section with the same low acceleration/high deceleration if you don't want your train stopped there for a long time (because, remember, a lift is a block section).

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Sorry guys for this question, but I can't find a download for the HSAK .eformula. I have the .ewizard but can't find the .eformula anywhere online. Would one of you mind either pointing me to a link or PMing me that you have it and send it to me?


Thanks a ton,


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