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Universal Studios Hollywood (USH) Discussion Thread

P. 120: Fast and Furious - Supercharged closure announced

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Robb was right, the outrage started with a Vice article. Here is update from the author of the original article after the show was cancelled:





Yeah, I'm not buying this. The author got the result that was desired and now wants everyone to think it's all Universal's "massive overreaction" that got the show cancelled. That only tells me the author has learned exactly zero lessons about being "irresponsible" with your voice, and does not believe at all that any mistake was made on the author's part. It's pretty clear when the author dismissed any reaction that called the article PC or overly sensitive, or claimed that the gay Superman character was satire as "idiots," there's an enormous amount of satisfaction being felt over the show's cancellation. By that logic, anyone who has actually watched the show (unlike the author) and knows B&T is a comedy show and nothing in it is a realistic portrayal of anything are "idiots".


As much as we'd all like to think the author was irresponsible here, it's clear the author feels the exact opposite, and would have no qualms about writing a similar article anytime anything else similarly perceived as "homophobic, racist, terrible" the author runs across. Author will just dismiss any criticism as from "idiots" again like was done with this one. I know Universal was in a tough place, but I wish they hadn't chosen to empower terrible people, like this author, who go around LOOKING for things to be offended by, by choosing to cancel the B&T show.


Is Universal really to blame for the show's cancellation? No. The author is solely to blame, as is HuffPo and all the other media outlets who empowered the author by picking up the article and blindly running with it like they did. But again, the censorship/removal of content/outright cancellation was exactly what they all wanted. Everyone can be made fun of *except* them. Their sensitivities matter more than mine, yours, or anyone else's. Until someone does not cave to their wishes because they fear bad PR, it will only happen again and again. They need be told what everyone else gets told - it's a comedy show and comedians make fun of everybody.

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I don't understand how you can blame the writer of the Vice article for a lot of this. He wrote a review about how terrible the show was and then wrote another article after the cancellation about how he got hate mail and no response from Universal.


I saw the Vice article first on Facebook with friends (straight, gay, male, female) commenting about how terrible the show looked. I explained to them that I was going to the good Halloween Horror Nights in Orlando

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What's amazing is that people complained about Bill & Ted, yet Book of Mormon continues to play in multiple cities every night. I guarantee you there is FAR more offensive material in BOM than Bill & Ted!

Ive been thinking the same thing. Hypocrisy at its finest

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I saw the show and wasn't offended in the slightest. I didn't think the show was great, but that's simply because it isn't my kind of thing, nothing to do with anything that certain people consider to be 'offensive' about it.


The way I see it, I think nowadays people are generally offended when they think they should be, as opposed to when they actually are.

For example, when reading through that Vice article, I can imagine many members of an over-sensitive, overly 'pc' general public, thinking 'oh wow that's offensive', not because they have actually been personally offended by it, but because they think that they have seen something which 'should' offend them.


That is the problem here I think, if people just stopped for a second to think about weather or not something has actually offended them personally, rather than just thinking that they should be offended by it to fit in with the common 'correct' perception, then less stupidity like this would happen.

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What's amazing is that people complained about Bill & Ted, yet Book of Mormon continues to play in multiple cities every night. I guarantee you there is FAR more offensive material in BOM than Bill & Ted!

Ive been thinking the same thing. Hypocrisy at its finest


Or maybe they don't know and that just their next target, better go and see it soon!

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So I think we've beaten to death the discussion about whether or not its offensive. I think the next question is, what happens next? Is this the end of low-brow halloween shows?

You know that the execs will definately be scrutinizing everything about hhn next year to make sure there's nothing that can be used against them in the future.

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You can still have a funny show without having to use "lowest common denominator" jokes (as I like to call them). Florida's Bill and Ted's was really good without a segment with a gay Superman...

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You can still have a funny show without having to use "lowest common denominator" jokes (as I like to call them). Florida's Bill and Ted's was really good without a segment with a gay Superman...


Agreed, the Florida version this year was very funny. I didn't see one person having a bad time in the crowd when I saw it.

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The Hanging at Knotts seemed to have extra gay jokes (and Universal references) last night, glad that guy didn't go there.


I'm hoping someone at Universal doesn't decide to tone down the whole event. It will be interesting to see what impact this has on next year's event.

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In the Florida one Superman and the male Leiah (or maybe it was Adam Levine, I can't remember) hook up. It's subtle but it was there.


Kanye threw away a baby because it was a girl.


I think I saw the same thing as you but I thought they were doing pantomiming the Eiffel Tower position without 'the middle'.


Also, the Kanye scene was a parody of the beginning of Man of Steel.

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It should also be noted that Superman is copyrighted character and it would be hard for Universal to justify it's inclusion in the show as ''fair use'' since it didn't parody or satire anything from Man of Steel or the comics.


DC Comics/Warner Bros. gave a cease and desist to Universal for the infamous 2006 show that almost got the show cancelled for good.

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What's amazing is that people complained about Bill & Ted, yet Book of Mormon continues to play in multiple cities every night. I guarantee you there is FAR more offensive material in BOM than Bill & Ted!


Thank god this writer never saw BOM or else the show would have never made it out of dress rehearsals!

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What's amazing is that people complained about Bill & Ted, yet Book of Mormon continues to play in multiple cities every night. I guarantee you there is FAR more offensive material in BOM than Bill & Ted!


Thank Heavenly Father this writer never saw BOM or else the show would have never made it out of dress rehearsals!


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What's amazing is that people complained about Bill & Ted, yet Book of Mormon continues to play in multiple cities every night. I guarantee you there is FAR more offensive material in BOM than Bill & Ted!


Thank god this writer never saw BOM or else the show would have never made it out of dress rehearsals!


I wonder how the vice writer would have dealt with the days of Monty Python and their jokes against pretty much everything.... probably the same way Graham Chapman's (who was also openly gay but wrote these sketches) character used to at the end of the sketches. Closest example I could think of in relation to what upset the writer over Bill&Ted.



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