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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

p. 2030 - Top Thrill 2 announced!

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Not sure if anyone knew, but Ocean Motion is for sale, along with Chaos still, this pretty much confirms something is going there, sad though, I loved those two flat rides That section of the park just seems dead now


CF could be selling the ride to improve their finances. Won't help though, 'cause their ship is sunk.

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Before you say this is just another case of ITAL using CP's pics to sell a different ride (a la Chaos), this info matches up perfectly with Ocean Motion's upgrades:


Ride in excellent condition. Fiberglass on boat re-painted 2002. New bores & pins for columns & sweeps in 2008. New boat frame & lap bar system rebuilt 2009. New hydraulic motor frames & rebuilt hydraulic system 2010.

From: LINK - ITAL Int'l



That seems like it could also have been a maintenance nightmare as of recent as well. One has to wonder, though, why make all those upgrades in recent years (especially this year) only to list it for sale? Parks usually know years in advance what additions they are putting in.

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yeah, a billion in the hole and selling a ship is gonna get them out of it, not.....So I guess we have less than three weeks before they tell us what they are really up to, I am ready for whatever it is, because honestly, STR just isn't something that screams to me "hey, book a flight and come ride me all day, it'll be awesome" I mean for some it probably does, and it looks like it is themed really well, so I give them credit for that. Of course, I'm not a huge water ride fan, but will ride them on occasion, so that might have something to do with it

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Once again, that moronic blog got people jacked up again. I could easily go get a wooden stake, tie a ribbon around it, shove it in the ground somewhere around here at Carowinds, and then post it and tell people it's a construction marker. Are people really that gullible?

I am REALLY tempted to go put a ton of stakes on the beach just to see everyone on Pointbuzz freak out. I'll also label them with things like 500, GCI, TOGO, and OM. That would be AMAZING .

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^^Call me crazy, but I don't think they were going for a high thrill ride with STR, so I'm not entirely sure why people keep judging it as if it were supposed to be one.


I'm just sayin for me, it doesn't scream make a special effort to come out and ride it this season. There are many coasters I won't ride over and over, and yet there are certain fliers that I will ride over and over. I know it's not a thrill ride, it's a water ride with a tall drop and big splash at the bottom, and staying wet all day just doesn't interest me, that's all I'm sayin on it.


I do feel bad for CF that the interest level isn't too high ( by high, I mean lines wrapped around two or three times) judging only by reports of queue time length.

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^^Call me crazy, but I don't think they were going for a high thrill ride with STR, so I'm not entirely sure why people keep judging it as if it were supposed to be one.


I'm just sayin for me, it doesn't scream make a special effort to come out and ride it this season. There are many coasters I won't ride over and over, and yet there are certain fliers that I will ride over and over. I know it's not a thrill ride, it's a water ride with a tall drop and big splash at the bottom, and staying wet all day just doesn't interest me, that's all I'm sayin on it.


I do feel bad for CF that the interest level isn't too high ( by high, I mean lines wrapped around two or three times) judging only by reports of queue time length.

I don't understand why they even got it. It's just a log flume, right?


What were they thinking? Seriously? If they wanted a water ride, why didn't they get a water coaster and add to their count? Or get an interesting water ride? Why did they get a ... log flume?

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^Nope. PointBuzz wrote the book on psychotic fanboyism (and then KDFansite rewrote it and added a few chapters). There are TONS more rational and lucid posters on TPR than PointBuzz. Sure, there are fanboys on here, but to even suggest that this site is like PointBuzz is laughable. Believe me, I used to post on there.

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