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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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  andrewb94 said:
  netdvn said:
Could it be track???

Cedar Point - 2010 Mystery Stuff


I spy with my little eye... a staircase.

Cedar Point - 2010 Mystery Staircase


Speculate away...


Sorry to bring up last year's speculation, but that staircase was used for the Wildcat: http://www.flickr.com/photos/andrewb94/4670868632/

And the so called "Track" is actually things they use to store the paddle wheel boats on top of over the winter.

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I can't say firsthand, but I've heard the lines are pretty short. I was down when I went yesterday though, and it looks down today. Good thing I still have SRF (and its unacceptable wetness) though.


Anyway, as for the other rides, the lines weren't that bad yesterday; I've seen worse. Worst for me was an hour for Millennium. Here's how it went down:

Magnum 2x - Walk-on

Gemini 2x - Walk-on

Maverick 1x - 30 mins(!)

Mean Streak <3 2x - Walk-on

Millennium Force 1x - 1 hour

Raptor 1x - 50 mins

Snake River Falls 1x - 30 mins

Mantis 1x- 10 mins

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I was there yesterday too, and they did turn the water effects on for a bit, but then everything shut down again. Oh well, it's 'whatever' for me at this point. Hopefully they will fix the kinks in the off season, and maybe notice that it's a bit too wet of a ride. But in other news, I toughed it out for my first front seat ride on Millennium Force! It was running GREAT, but the massive clouds of bugs were a bit painful

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Cedar Point's new thrill ride for 2011 will be announced in mid-August -- a relatively early announcement compared to previous ride announcements.


Cedar Fair's chairman and CEO, Dick Kinzel, dropped a hint about what's coming. "It's going to bring back a lot of memories for people that follow Cedar Point," he said.



I guess it's officially time to forget about Shoot the Rapids. Maybe Kinzel's "hint" is referring to CP removing STR and installing a brand new Intamin flume called White Water Landing .

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^^^Just a rough estimate, but I'd say Maverick at about 45 min to 1 hour 30 min, depending on the time of day, Milliennium at 25 min-1 hour and Dragster at 30 min to 1 hour 15 will be your longest waits. Raptor will have a long wait in the morning and early afternoon. The other coasters should all be 30 min or less, execpt Mantis and possibly Magnum. You should try to hit the big three in the evening or very early, before 11 (and during early entry if you have that option). Ride Raptor in the late afternoon or evening (should be 20 min or less by then).



Good to hear about the earlier announcement. I think that later announcements, like with StR, lead to overhype.

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  CPmaverick said:


Cedar Point's new thrill ride for 2011 will be announced in mid-August -- a relatively early announcement compared to previous ride announcements.


Cedar Fair's chairman and CEO, Dick Kinzel, dropped a hint about what's coming. "It's going to bring back a lot of memories for people that follow Cedar Point," he said.



I guess it's officially time to forget about Shoot the Rapids. Maybe Kinzel's "hint" is referring to CP removing STR and installing a brand new Intamin flume called White Water Landing .


STR is a failure. Now Dick finally gets it, or pretends to.

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Fire at CP



Erie County Sheriff's dispatchers confirmed there is currently a working fire at Cedar Point.


Scanner traffic between Sandusky and Cedar Point firefighters indicate the burning structure is a two-story, metal building used for maintenance purposes. As of 9:25 p.m., firefighters were still working to extinguish the blaze.


At least one Cedar Point firefighter was taken by ambulance to the hospital to be treated for unknown injuries.


UPDATED 9:50 p.m.: Additional fire departments have been called to the scene to provide mutual aid, including Huron, Perkins and Margaretta fire.


UPDATED 10 p.m.: Fire personnel on scene have requested immediate transport for a "firefighter down," according to police scanner traffic. "I have a firefighter down; need transport A-S-A-P," one fire commander relayed on dispatch.


UPDATED 10:20 p.m.: Firefighters have indicated there appears to be no more smoke in the building at this time. The building is not located in the main park area, but in a maintenance area.


Park personnel have shut down three rides close to the fire — the Corkscrew, Power Tower and a musical bob sled ride. For the most part, park visitors said the fire has not affected them a bit; they've continued riding the other rides without much interruption.



It's directly to the left of Corkscrew (not sure if that's the building involved or if that's just base camp for the fire crews).


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  KDcoasterMAN said:
Can somebody say Cedar Point Cyclone!


Cedar Point Cyclone.


Really though, I am expecting and hoping for a good wooden coaster. Blue Streak is classic and fun, but it's nothing spectacular, and Mean Streak almost killed me (part good and part bad). Grav Group would be thumbs up with me!

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  chadster said:
^^or replacing Mean Streak, actually, I would just like to see them retrack MS and put some decent trains on it.


Does mean streak even have that exciting of a layout compared to the newer wooden coasters?


I don't see them getting rid of disaster transport anytime soon. It still has long lines(longer lines than mean streak), and it is a good "begginer" coaster.

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