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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

p. 2030 - Top Thrill 2 announced!

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You know, I just though of an almost completly impossible but interesting solution. Tear out the first stengel dive, then extend the heartline roll and make an upwards turn into the second stengel dive.

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They could widen the heartline or just take it out (like Chiller) and just have transition.


Basically what I said. But anyway, with just three pieces being replaced, either the heartline roll is staying, but slightly modified, or it's leaving and being replaced by a transition. Either way, it could mean the removal of the canyon that the heartline roll goes through.

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This is so funny. Someone made a huge mistake........


Unfortunatly, It isn't funny for people who are making a 10+ hour trek out to Cedar Point mainly to ride Maverick, but it turns out to be closed and they can't ride it after all...

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sucks to be you


I couldn't fathom spending the kind of money to fly to a park for the opening day of a coaster just because..


Maybe next time you will use better judgment in spending your money, or at least you can enjoy the rest of the park since, at 17 roller coasters, they have a lot to do

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I'm pissed....My CP trip is this Sunday & Monday...I was looking forward to riding Maverick. I don't even know if i'll be able to hit CP again this year...this blows major a**!

All I will say is, and don't take this the wrong way, if you read what Elissa and I always say about "going to a park for the opening of a new ride" our general rule is "don't."


Especially if it's something "new" or a new variation on technology.


One more thing I want to point out. It's very easy for us to "blame Intamin" because as we are all roller coaster enthusiasts that's what we see.


We have no idea if the reason these track pieces need to be replaced or modified could have nothing to do with Intamin. For example, could be stress fractures based on who was contracted to put the ride together or who poured the footers.


I have no more information than you all do about the delay I'm just saying don't be so quick to point the blame finger until there have been more details released.





Exactly, that is like say, something goes wrong on Boardwalk Bullet and everyone blames The Gravity Group, if it was an error in the design of the ride, Yes GG would be at fault for the delyaed opening, but if something went wrong with construction, blaming GG would be like Blaming your cat when you busted your mom's vase or something, because GG didn't Build it, M&V did, so it would be their fault. But still I think it kinda sucks, I was looking forward to seeing something on the new about it opening... Oh well.

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sucks to be you


I couldn't fathom spending the kind of money to fly to a park for the opening day of a coaster just because..


Maybe next time you will use better judgment in spending your money, or at least you can enjoy the rest of the park since, at 17 roller coasters, they have a lot to do


Hey how's it going Joe?

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Well, this is a bit disappointing. I have already made plane/hotel/car reservations. However, I timed my trip to avoid crowds (before schools let out)...Maverick was just an extra bonus. While I was pissed to hear about this, there are still 16 other coasters. I mean, it's gonna be difficult to be upset about Maverick while you're cresting Millie's lift hill. I'm still way psyched to get to CP next week. Now, I just have to hope that the weather is decent...

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Cedar Point fanboy rage explosion in 5...4...3...2...


Hey Wes, you made Pointbuzz.



Awesome. Knowing that Wes has offended what is arguably the biggest collection of coaster fanboys in the world just made me forget all about Maverick's little delay!




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sucks to be you


I couldn't fathom spending the kind of money to fly to a park for the opening day of a coaster just because..


Maybe next time you will use better judgment in spending your money, or at least you can enjoy the rest of the park since, at 17 roller coasters, they have a lot to do


I'm stuck with the flight reservations, (Well, I could cancel, but I would lose the $300 or so cost of airfare (per person, with two people going), and that would suck. Anyway, there is alot of other things to do, but I am in a bad mood, because I was really looking forward to riding, and everything seemed to be on track for opening, and CP continued to say that it would be open the 12th, so I felt I was safe going for opening weekend.

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This is so funny. Someone made a huge mistake........


Unfortunatly, It isn't funny for people who are making a 10+ hour trek out to Cedar Point mainly to ride Maverick, but it turns out to be closed and they can't ride it after all...

Nah, that's actually kind of funny!

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This is so funny. Someone made a huge mistake........


Unfortunatly, It isn't funny for people who are making a 10+ hour trek out to Cedar Point mainly to ride Maverick, but it turns out to be closed and they can't ride it after all...


If it matters I think its funny also. Who goes to a park JUST to ride one ride I mean really...

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Awesome. Knowing that Wes has offended what is arguably the biggest collection of coaster fanboys in the world just made me forget all about Maverick's little delay!



Honestly, soon as I saw it on the front page here, I knew I would at least get SOME laugh out of it. Whoda thunk it'd be there?


All right, so I'm a little bummed about it... but heck, if I still go in late May, it sounds like there'll be a lot less lines for everything else.

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This is so funny. Someone made a huge mistake........


Unfortunatly, It isn't funny for people who are making a 10+ hour trek out to Cedar Point mainly to ride Maverick, but it turns out to be closed and they can't ride it after all...

Nah, that's actually kind of funny!


Whatever. I guess I should have expected that TPR people wouldn't be the best people to whine to


Anyway, anyone else wishing that Maverick was the rumored dueling flyers? Probably would have been alot more reliable (I know you said we shouldn't bash Intamin, but seriously, what are the chances that B&M would spend 4 years planning and 1.5 years building, just to have it mess up just half a week before the intended opening?)

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I guess I should have expected that TPR people wouldn't be the best people to whine to


Why, because we're being realistic?


Seriously, how many times have Elissa and I stressed that going for a ride's opening is NOT something you can always count on!


So many people seem to be hung up on this "I gotta ride it first" mentality that the only person you can blame is yourself if you've spent significant amount of money and the ride ends up getting delayed.


You're a coaster enthusaist. You have the entire internet full of research to be able to educate yourselves to make the best decision on when to go out to ride a new coaster. If you fail at making the correct decision based on all this information available at your finger tips, how can you fully blame the parks? Seriously?


Just look at the history of parks that open new coasters and ask yourself how many of them open for opening day?


Especially rides that are dealing with new technology or a new variation on technology.


My strong advice -


Robb Sayz: If you're planning to go for opening day, you run the risk of the ride not being open.


How often do you see Elissa and I at openings of rides? Unless it's down the street from us, very very rarely!


/end rant


--Robb "It's just not worth the potential dissapointement." Alvey

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