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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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It's alright. We understand, you're from West Virginia. j/k


On the plus side it seems as though this thread has become less cluttered in one day with fewer fanboys since school started back up. Ahh... school. I think I'll go to the mall right now and not fear anyone crashing into me while on their skateboard.


Oh yeah, back on topic... I talked to a mouse that crept under the tarps covering whatever is on those flatbed trucks. Unfortunantly I don't speak mouse so I have no idea what he said was under there. But if I had to guess what's under those tarps, my money is on pornography.

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Sorry if this is off topic, but is Cedar point closing during the weeks for rehab like Six Flags Magic Mountain? (sorry if it's been posted already, but I didn't see it) I noticed on the webcams that the cars for the cable car ting that seems to go across the park, are sitting on the ground, and that nobody's in the midway, or in line for skyhawk.

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Pretty much every park north of Orlando closes after labor day during the week due to schools reopening thus causing a lack of people coming to the park. This has been a trend since the cave-men days. Back then they didn't have web cams to clue the public into the happenings though. But, man did those cave men have some kick ass coasters!


BTW, yes your post, and mine, is totally off topic and should be deleted so that they don't taint this perfect thread.

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Wes, it's okay...just keep telling yourself...2 more days, 2 more days, 2 more days.


Are us Mod's going to have to fight over who gets to close this thread!?!!?


Well since I get up at the crack of dawn for work and live on the east coast, I hope there is something. But I bet Parktrips will be the lucky one.

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I don't think it's really harmful, it's quieted down a lot as I said before. Like archfiend said, I think it's because school's started so a lot of young fanboys can't watch the webcam all day. We all know the real reason this thread will be closed down: The Tatsu fanboys are afraid this thread would be longer if they kept the same thread.


-James Dillaman

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Close the thread now!


Two more days...two more days...


I think at this point we should be making eulogies for this thread. I'm sure it will be missed by many.


Also, it's a good time to get out any AQUATRAX, Bench: The Ride, LOL Fanboys jokes you have saved up, cause I ain't putting up with it in the next thread.

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Why do people keep saying it's an Aquatrax?!? Seriously, have you ny brains at all? Cedar Point wouldn't build a stupid water coaster, this is gonna be good!! I'm thinking something like Rita only longer with more inversions. It CAN'T be an aquatrax because 1. The track is RED, not white or blue! 2. There's no WATER. I'd bet eleventy-thousand-billion dollars that it isn't an aquatrax. All you aquatrax people will be sorry when they announce it in a couple days. You'll look so silly because you said it was an aquatrax. How could you be so stupid with an issue so important to our country right now. If it's an aquatrax, the terrorists win!


-James Dillaman

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All I know is that if it is not an Aquatrax then life just isn't worth living anymore.


I have based my entire life around one day riding an Intamin produced Aquatrax at Cedar Point. I can't imagine I would ever be able to look forward to anything again in my life if this coaster proves to be otherwise.


I can't talk anymore.... just the thought of it not... I'm gonna....


Over the top rating: 9.5 out of 10.

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