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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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^I don't know about the dark ride anymore. I did some searching in the css coding of Canada's Wonderland website last night a found a picture that defiantly looks like it is meant for a dark ride (the archived image is linked below). After I posted it on CW Mania, the park removed the image pretty much saying that Wonderland will likely get a dark ride for 2014. I feel like the only reason CW would get a dark ride first is to make sure CF can perfect this type of ride before bringing in to the point.



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^I don't know about the dark ride anymore. I did some searching in the css coding of Canada's Wonderland website last night a found a picture that defiantly looks like it is meant for a dark ride (the archived image is linked below). After I posted it on CW Mania, the park removed the image pretty much saying that Wonderland will likely get a dark ride for 2014. I feel like the only reason CW would get a dark ride first is to make sure CF can perfect this type of ride before bringing in to the point.





Yeah, that obviously has something to do with wonder mt.

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Went to the Point for the first time in 3-4 years, I'll post a report later but just some Gatekeeper thoughts.


The front entrance is very refreshed and nice looking, a lot more open so it doesn't bottleneck. I like the plaza for the ride as well. I actually thought the best part of the ride was the inversion next to the keyhole; had a nice little snap to it. But it rattled/bounced unlike X Flight or Wild Eagle (Which were both very smooth) and Gatekeeper was pretty smooth in row 2, bouncy/rattle-y in row 4, and really uncomfortably rattle-y in the back row. It didn't matter the inside or outside seat


The ride just kind of shakes you, so you shimmy down further into your seat so the restraints can boa-constrict tighter against you from what I experienced. My most pleasant experience is row 2. It's a beautiful project and looks very nice, is fun to take pictures of; but I'm not happy with it, especially compared to my other fun rides I've had on Wild Eagle and X Flight.


I'm not going to hold the vest off of my chest for the whole ride; I shouldn't have to do that, I want to be able to put my arms up and have fun! Sigh. I really hope Banshee's restraints aren't bad like these next year. It sucks because I want to ride the ride, but I'll come off it complaining; I love the keyhole, the immelmans, etc because it's something different and it's got a fantastic location. But that back row ride I had was one of the worst coaster experiences I've had in the last couple years.

Overall I'd give it a 3.5/10. If I was comfortable the whole ride it'd be a 6/10.

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Uhm guys... Not to be a disappointment but I saw someone post this image. They say they shrunk down the Pix-elated photo Cedar Point posted and it fit well... here





EDIT: This is the original image. If you wish to compare and contrast be my guest


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Does anyone else remember reading a quote from the new CEO saying that they want to invest more in their hotels? Maybe Cedar Point is building a new resort hotel themed for families. With the apparent success Knott's is having with their Snoopy rooms, maybe a Snoopy themed hotel. Just speculation.

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^He had already announced they'd be investing $45-$60 million in their hotels for upgrades and such. He stated previously that they weren't necessarily interested in opening up a new hotel up there though.


Today's photo according to the Tony's Twitter page shows "happy people" and hanging lights that look a lot like the lights in Knott's New Boardwalk section.


As one of the photos kind of looked like the beach, this may be a new boardwalk section for the park. Mr. Ouimet did say that the beach was under-utilized and he wants it to be incorporated more. This would go hand-in-hand with the resorts upgrades too, kind of bringing everything closer together.

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^ Saying that made me think about how Knott's announced the Boardwalk last year. Remember the Sketch?


Just pointing it out, but the Preview of the people seemed alittle sketchy.. (No pun intended ) Maybe we will get the boardwalk...

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Today was a busy day at the park. I just wanted to post that I had a comfortable ride on GateKeeper. I was in row 4, and the vest didn't clamp down on my collarbone. It didn't lock down at all, which was a pleasant surprise. I'm guessing not all the seats have been modified yet from previous recent posts. Mine was a comfortable ride with my arms up.

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Row four just has longer seatbelts. But to me, row 2 the "fixed" row just felt like my rides on Wild Eagle or X Flight.


I was at the park for Coastermania in June for the weekend. I rode GateKeeper about 12 times and I was hurting for days because of the vest clamping down on me. Again, I'm a skinny guy without much natural padding. Yesterday even coming into the station, the vest was still loose and not crushing me. I could breathe.

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Posted 2 months ago:

Last night I had a chance to ride in a modified seat on Gatekeeper, and I'll say...SO MUCH BETTER. I had no soreness after the ride at all. If anyone's interested, I do know of two seats that have been changed already; Gold train, right side, rows 2 and 4 outside seats. I'm sure there are others I'm not aware of, but try those first if you want to experience it.


I'm pretty sure maintenance hasn't had time to continue with this endeavor, so I would expect the full change to happen over winter. If any other seats are known, please share them!

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It's a family attraction or something along those lines.

Edit: Im pretty sure this is from the boardwalk concept art for Knotts but it was teased on Twitter.[attachment=0]image.jpg[/attachment]


That was from yesterday. It was discussed on the last page and a copy of the Knotts concept art was posted I feel that this is for whatever this attractions concept art is, but either way, there are striking similarities. Look at those lights. We'll just call those "boardwalk lights". Very similar to Knotts and the area in question was near the beach. As Mr. Ouimet said, they're always looking into more ways to incorporate the beach. This is a perfect way I feel. A family coaster and some classic flats. Sounds pretty good. But who knows what it may be haha.


There's been teasers going out about this time each day. I wonder if we'll see one soon today.

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^ONLY the outside seats in row 2 and 4 have been modified. And I am not sure whether that is both trains.


I'm not sure which train I was on this morning, but I was in row 2 left outside seat and the vest clamped down on me. Nothing like some pain first thing in the morning on my first ride for early entry. By the way there are 3 trains not 2.

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