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Wanna buy a piece of hades?

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There are so many things wrong with this I don't kwow where to begin!!!!


- "They were broken during the ACE Coaster Con" - BWAHAHAHAHA!!!! OMG!!! TOO FUNNY!!!! As if that doesn't fit the stereotypical acer!!!!


- $105!?!?!? You could have gotten a Blackpool Log Flume boat for $50!

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Ok WTH... How can those break? I really thought that the seats were more substantial than that. I mean I know it says seat covers but those things seem to go back quite a ways. Isn't that the whole seat or am I misinterpreting this? If someone can explain exactly where these come from maybe I can understand how on earth these could just break off... Right now I am just completely lost.

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When I rode it in June the seat botton was cracked so it leaned towards the center of the car. The divider inbetween the seats was also broke and leaned towards the rider that was leaning towards the center. This made the seat extremely uncomfortable.

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When I rode it in June the seat botton was cracked so it leaned towards the center of the car. The divider inbetween the seats was also broke and leaned towards the rider that was leaning towards the center. This made the seat extremely uncomfortable.
Is it legal for them to run the ride like that? I don't know the laws for amusement rides but wouldn't that make the restraints less than effective?
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Is it legal for them to run the ride like that?

I'm not sure of whether it's legal in Wisconsin for them to run it like that, but regardless of location, I wouldn't say that it's advisable.


If a seat bench were to open up or fall through during a ride, it'd be a bad thing. Remove a seat bench on a PTC train and you can see right through to the wheels and the track below. Needless to say, plenty of opportunity for injury if a rider is exposed to that.


Anyway, they've obviously replaced that particular bench, so there's no apparent issue today.

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The most sick part of getting those, is that they've most likley been throw up and or farted on. I mean, if someone can throw up on collossus at SFMM (it was right before we were going to get on, so they just sent it out empty) they can throw up on Hades, and it's probably happened.

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1) I don't think I've ever seen vomit on a seat cushion before. The side, sure. The front or back of a car, definitely. But it would take some creative aiming to get it on the seat cushion.


2) At least 10,000 bare asses didn't sit on them.

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