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Skyline Park

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Here are some photo´s from our meeting at Skyline Park in Germany.

Skyline Park is a small Park in Germany with some unique rides.

Like Skyrider, the only suspendet spinning coaster, or Sky Wheel, the first X-Car oaster from Maurer and Soehne.

We´ve had very much fun there and Skywheel rocks. For me it´s the most thrilling coaster in germany.

If you want to make a trip to germany you should visit this park.

More pictures can be found here:




Thank you for the photos, Manuela.



LG Matthias



The Humpty Bumty Lift from Skywheel


We´ve had a lot of fun there



Claudia at the bobkarts


An old Wildcat from Schwarzkopf




That´s me


Edited by larrygator
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That coaster is pretty cool looking! The pictures are also great, it looks like you guys all had a great time!


I hate seeing all of these little German parks because then I want to add them to my trip!


Elissa "wow, cool looking park!" Alvey

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The park is in bavaria between Munich and Ulm.

I like the park very very much, and izs one of the cheepest parks in german. For example to ride the Sky Shot you don´t have to pay a extra fee. I other parks or at the fun-fairs you have to pay more than 15 € to ride sky shot.

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  Noemi said:
And what do you think about a trip Skyline Park-Europa Park- Holidey Park?? are they so far?...how many days do you think I need?

not my early project..but..

just asking.....perhaps next year..


I think 4 days are enougth to see the parks. But Sklyine Park is not on the way from Europa Park to Holiday Park. I think you need more than 2 1/2 hours from Holiday Park to Skyline Park.


If you never were at Europa Park I think you should stay there 2 days. because the Park is very big.



LG Matthias

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  • 6 years later...

Skyline park posting this on ther Facebook


Es ist soweit - hier kommt das erst Puzzleteil der Top Neuheit 2012! Wer als erstes errät um was es sich handelt, bekommt von uns als Belohnung eine Jahreskarte! Es zählen alle Tipps, die ab jetzt abgegeben werden. Viel Spaß beim raten!!


Finally - here comes the first puzzle piece on the top new release 2012! Whoever guesses as to what it is first given by us as a reward a season ticket! It includes all the tips, which are made ​​from now. Enjoy your advise!


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  sammmmmy said:


It's not difficult to figure out. If you participate in the park's contest and guess the new ride for 2012 you win a season pass. You really couldn't figure that out for yourself?


Please show respect to our international members instead of acting like a spoiled America A$$.

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  larrygator said:
  sammmmmy said:


It's not difficult to figure out. If you participate in the park's contest and guess the new ride for 2012 you win a season pass. You really couldn't figure that out for yourself?


Please show respect to our international members instead of acting like a spoiled America A$$.



Thats not at all what I was talking about, I was saying that about the picture of the (maybe) B&M catwalk. There's no need for your unnecessarily rude comment, but thank you anyways!

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^^^After looking at PMBO's lift on a coaster video, it looks much more similar to that. So with the looks of it, I think that they are showing a picture of an Arrow Hyper coaster. But my question is, if it is an Arrow Hyper and not a B&M sitdown, which of the parks is actually selling theirs? They are usually the star attractions at their respective park. The only one that I would think that would have even a remote chance of being sold is Desperado, but that's solely on the basis that it resides in a casino and not an amusement park.

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Skyline is a nice park, I visited the park on a ECC trip to Germany back in 2004, Its a very unique park in that all rides are included in the entrance price including a booster ride,reverse bungee and Go Karts, there's also lots of self operated rides and its got one of those powered bobsled', Its not a day filler park, but great for a long morning/afternoon session.

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  • 1 year later...

Thriller is coming home!


Skyline Park bought the legendary travelling coaster!





Achterbahn kommt per Schiff aus Mexiko


Als zweite Großattraktion hat Löwenthal eine Achterbahn mit Vierfach-Looping beschafft. „Die Bahn ist 40 Meter hoch und 1400 Meter lang“, sagt Löwenthal. Einst wurden die Fahrgäste mit dem 6,5-Fachen ihres Körpergewichts in die Sitze gedrückt. „Das war aber zu heftig“, sagt Löwenthal. Mittlerweile wurde das Gerät eines bayerischen Herstellers entschärft. Achterbahnfans werden aber auf ihre Kosten kommen, verspricht Löwenthal. Dieses Projekt wird auch eine logistische Herausforderung, denn derzeit steht die Achterbahn in Mexiko. Im Mai 2014 beginnt Löwenthal mit dem Abbau. Etwa vier Wochen werde das dauern. Die zerlegte Bahn wird dann in 50 bis 60 Container verpackt und per Schiff nach Deutschland transportiert. Die Fracht kommt dann in Bremerhaven oder Hamburg an. Danach wird die Bahn in Löwenthals eigener Werkstatt in Norddeutschland generalüberholt, bevor sie nach Bad Wörishofen kommt. Dort soll sie dann östlich des bisherigen Bestands stehen, direkt an der B 18. All das dauert seine Zeit. „Wir rechnen deshalb mit der Eröffnung im Jahr 2016“, sagt der Parkbetreiber.


Quick translation: The ride is currently operating at a Mexican park. It will be be disassembled in the middle of 2014 and be shipped to Germany in 50 containers. It will then be fully renovated over the next year and the park hopes to have it operational by 2016.


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