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Skyline Park

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The park's owner seems quite confident.


New rides in 2017 and 2018.

One of them will be as tall as the park is allowed to build, which is 150 m.


"That one will be quite an eyecatcher."



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But didn't they say it will feature airtime moments? Because I don't know where they want to put the up-stop wheels on the track

Might I ask where you heard this, I know they said thrill ride and we have the control on the speed.

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Another interesting thing is how there are so many interpretations of what the train and final track will look like. See the pictures below for the main interpretations of the final design. I do wish the park would give us some more information.


Two abreast seating, in a train.


Single car? Note the normal track compared to the mono rail being used now.


Mono track, with nobbles, and shows the banking in the track. Looks like only single cars too, with only two passengers, like final picture.


The show car.

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But didn't they say it will feature airtime moments? Because I don't know where they want to put the up-stop wheels on the track

Might I ask where you heard this, I know they said thrill ride and we have the control on the speed.



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^^ Good find gives me more an idea of this ride.


^Thanks. Funny that they say the feeling of airtime and not just airtime. Also maybe that I look at it in a different light now, but 100 Traction is also said, that at least means the trains are fully locked on the track not just placed, might have been an early tip.

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