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Theme Park Review's 2007 Group Trips!

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cool, at themepark.nl there will be also an Spain trip in 2007, (USPA rock's) but one note for you guys, why are you going in the end of june to Spain? it is the middle of the vacancie's so it wil be very crowded overthere, most of them are also going to the 'party places' like salou.

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  • 4 weeks later...

It really depends on what is going on with people on the trip.


As of right now we actually only have 2 spots open, but it changes all the time, it will change even more when the larger payments start being due.


If we have space or a drop, someone can add till about 3 weeks before the trip! But I wouldn't count on that happening.


So to make a long story short, you can add as long as there is a space open (you'll have to pay the entire amount due until that point immediately) up until about 3 weeks before the trip.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I saw some conflicting info: On the first page, it says "people just can't 'join' the trip"; however, on the chat transcript, it says "welcome to join for a day, as long as you realize you don't get exclusive ERT, group meals, etc.". Which is it? I might be able to join you guys at CP for the day.


(Though, that would depend on which day, and I didn't see any official dates in the flyer.)


Apologies if it's been mentioned 17 times beforehand.

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Hi, happy new year, I hope it will be 3 great trips for you all.


I'm just posting to let you know I'm still waiting and hoping for a spot on the Japan trip - or if I don't get on, getting my spot on the US trip.


So no fallouts as of yet? Probably when the next payment is due I suppose. I erm hope anyway, hehe.

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Is it possible I can get my name on the waiting list, and if anyone drops out when the may payment comes around, I can pay in full then?


Reason being is there is no way I would be able to make the february payment of the 1 grand, plus that $200 deposit, but I may be able to make the May payment deadline with the full cost of the trip.

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  • 2 weeks later...

^Actually Andy, we are going to send out an annoucement about this soon. With all the upcoming deadlines we've had quite a few drops in some of the trips so yes, we have room in the Midwest Trip!


If you or anyone else is interested please email me!


We've got a lot of great stuff confirmed and more planned!

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