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Theme Park Review's 2007 Group Trips!

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That's great, thanks. I wasn't sure just how separate the groups would be, but if we're literally going to be in the same train cars that kinda clarifies that one! I totally get that having the smaller groups makes life easier as far as headcounts and the like go, and I actually kinda like the idea of one group being able to leave early if they're all done and so on.



Basically instead of sitting on a bus, you'll be on a train. You don't need to worry about which one, where it's going, when to get off, you just need to follow our instructions when we tell you what time and where to meet!

Has answered my other concern, thanks for that. As much as you say I'm self-sufficient, when it comes to organising myself to get to places, especially in foreign countries, I'm not so great, with or without a "captain"! Hell, I even missed like two trains to try and meet Robb before we went to Blackpool in March or whenever! Useless.


So, no Hong Kong. Totally sucks that you aren't willing to give up your jobs and stuff just to do that as an add-on. I'll wait for China then!


Packing light isn't too much of a problem for me, I could certainly manage with less than I had on the UK trip, but carrying baggage is, I have zero upper body strength. I'll be getting to the gym at some point before next year...!! Worst comes to the worst I'll make a Primark trip shortly beforehand and throw stuff away as I go along.


And why the hell would sleeping in a coffin-like 6' by 3' box freak you out?! Looks like fun!! You even have a little control panel with heating and stuff... Awww.


Thanks Elissa!

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Here's an idea...


Lou and Bob...I'll bring a big duffle bag, and you two can take turns sleeping in it...With Ryan making sure you don't come out!


As for the midwest trip, mostly it will be one hotel a night, there will be a break towards the middle of the trip when we stay in Sandusky for 3 nights.

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What's so special about Sandusky...oh yeah I know - that's where the David Spade / Chris Farley film Tommy Boy was set, David Spade rules (Rabid One is seeing him in Vegas, I'm so jealous).


Any chance we are staying onsite at CP (just curious)?


I loved it when they always upgraded me at Hotel Breakers

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Packing light isn't too much of a problem for me, I could certainly manage with less than I had on the UK trip, but carrying baggage is, I have zero upper body strength. I'll be getting to the gym at some point before next year...!! Worst comes to the worst I'll make a Primark trip shortly beforehand and throw stuff away as I go along.


Lou, you might want to consider getting a hefty backpackers backpack...the ones you see college students travelling all over Europe with I bought one right after I got back from Spain, and it is fantastic! They have large waist straps that shift all the weight onto your lower back and away from your shoulders. Fully loaded, my pack weighs about 25-30 pounds and it feels like nothing when I have it on! The pack I took to Spain was a regular large backpack, and after walking a few blocks in it, I would get really tired...this one, I could walk all day in it and have no issue at all!

Also consider that you don't *have* to take a clean outfit for every day. You can always wash out clothes in the hotels at night if you feel so inclined. Drying should not be as issue so long as you wash on the first day of a multi-day stay in the same hotel.



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I was going to say the same thing about washing stuff at the hotel. I took loads of clothes to Japan but only wore 3 or 4 different T shirts, just washem them in the sink each night.

I also left quite a bit of stuff there. If you have cheap clothes you can just discard them to make room for souvbinirs.


Also, Lou, If you really did want to go in a Capsule hotel, I was planning on arrivig a day early and doing that, I think it would be a great experiance and at least that way you woul;d know you had a nice hotel room to go to the next night if you didnt sleep too well in the coffin.

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Since we'll be in Sandusky a few nights, does that mean we'll be doing Cedar Point for multiple days? Or more one full day with some ERT the next day?


Doesn't seem like our clothes will have enough time to dry trying to wash them at night in the hotel, except for Sandusky. What's that fabric spray to remove the smell??!??


Will our valuables be safe on the bus while we are in a park? Will we have access to the bus while at the park? (Say we bring a cooler for beverages we want to get access to.)

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Since we'll be in Sandusky a few nights, does that mean we'll be doing Cedar Point for multiple days? Or more one full day with some ERT the next day?


Elissa mentioned a while ago that we'll be spending two days at Cedar Point, but I guess we'll find out more come Saturday. Patience, grasshopper.


What's that fabric spray to remove the smell??!??



Will our valuables be safe on the bus while we are in a park?

Only if Barry isn't on the trip.


Will we have access to the bus while at the park? (Say we bring a cooler for beverages we want to get access to.)

I'd recommend designing a Batman-like belt to hold all your drinks while in the park.



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Since we'll be in Sandusky a few nights, does that mean we'll be doing Cedar Point for multiple days? Or more one full day with some ERT the next day?

We will be at Cedar Point for more than one day, yes.


Doesn't seem like our clothes will have enough time to dry trying to wash them at night in the hotel, except for Sandusky. What's that fabric spray to remove the smell??!??

Yeah, personally, I would try to pack conservatively and assume there really won't be much time to do laundry. We'll help you out with this too. If Elissa and I can pack for Japan for 2 weeks doing "carry on" only, it can be done!


Will we have access to the bus while at the park? (Say we bring a cooler for beverages we want to get access to.)

It would not be reccomended to leave anything on the bus you might need to get during the day as the bus drivers are sometimes required to have a "resting period" and will need to go back to the hotel.


There also probably would not be room for a cooler on the bus.


More information this weekend!



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Yay, Bob's on my side! Elissa, the duffel bag idea sounds great! I love how you guys are so willing to compromise and find ways of making these trips once-in-a-lifetime, even sacrificing an item of your own luggage for me to spend the night in. I love you guys.


As for the luggage, like I say, I know it's a bit premature, but thanks for the tips Julie (and Dave!)! I've always carried around mid-sized backpacks but have never really bothered with a real travellers' one, simply because I've never had to carry luggage far before! *shrug* But as Robb says, if he and Elissa can do it carry-on only, this really shouldn't be a problem. Thanks guys!

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Doesn't seem like our clothes will have enough time to dry trying to wash them at night in the hotel, except for Sandusky. What's that fabric spray to remove the smell??!??


Yikes, what are you planning on doing where you're wet all day?


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^^ The vast majority of them are male only Kyle, but there ARE female versions now, although I gather they're few and far between. Thanks for the "grow a penis" suggestion though, I only wish I could!


^ Beeyotch.

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I've seen pictures of those breasticles, She'd have to do some serious duct taping.


I'd put more stock in her growing a penis, I think she's totally capable of it.



I feel like this conversation has gone into a realm that I would normally reserve for the GAP.

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