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Valleyfair (VF) Discussion Thread

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  Foltzy said:
Hey guys

I was able to swing a trip to Valleyfair tomorrow. Quick question about lines for the coasters. I’ll be there at opening so which ones would you guys recommend getting on first for the shortest wait. Also is fast lane a necessity or should I be able to manage without it.

Since tomorrow is Saturday, it might be moderately busy, but you shouldn't need Fast Lane unless your time is limited or you want lots of rerides. I'd recommend riding Mad Mouse first since that usually has the longest wait due to low capacity, would also recommend riding Renegade, Xtreme Swing, High Roller, and North Star early on, everything else shouldn't be too busy.

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I was at the park a few days ago, and the river flooding seems to just not want to go down. I was expecting the water levels to have gone down by now considering all of the sunny days we’ve been having, but it’s still really high. Wonder how long it’ll take?

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I haven’t been at the park for a few days but the flooding wasn’t nearly as bad as it had been earlier. A week or so ago some of Renegade’s footers were underwater, and a few days ago it looked like the employee parking lot was only partially flooded. Hopefully it’ll be back to normal in the next week or so.

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Back at the park today and the floodwaters have risen again after recent storms, the employee lot is once again completely flooded and it’s getting closer to Renegade.


Also noticed that Renegade has two new flags installed at the top of the lift.


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The recent flooding makes a guy wonder if it has delayed the water parking lot/entrance project at all..


I always wondered if there was a new entrance back there, would it flow right into the waterpark. Or would it just connect to the pathway and go by Thunder Canyon and Renegade, and you'd have to use the current entrance at to enter the water park. The old slides and some water treatment equipment sort of block off a direct entrance into the water park, so some of that equipment would have to be moved.


Every year it floods is an example of why this project needs to be completed to protect that area of the park (I know the rides back there were designed to handle flooding, but still).

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Probably the ideal would be to have the dry path go all the way back to the parking lot, but have an immediate gate into the waterpark right at the parking lot gate. That way guests could still walk from their cars to the waterpark in their swimming suits, but you could also close off and secure the waterpark before the main park closed. Otherwise you'd have people that used the waterpark gate and then went into the main park cut off when the waterpark closed, or else you'd have to let people wander through the area and probably post staff just to watch them.


Also something like a roller coaster would be easier to build in a wetland than something else since it just requires isolated footings, so a dry path going all the way back could also lead to that.

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Today was probably the busiest day I’ve seen at VF so far this year. The parking lot was full except for the far northeast corner, and a lot of rides had full queues or 45+ minute waits.


As of today, Steel Venom’s holding break has been off for almost a month now. I’m a bit worried it might be a permanent change.

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  Donomike05 said:
Quick question. Could a RMC raptor fit in the old spots of RipTide and Scrambler? If not, what about RipTide, Scrambler and bumber cars?
While using slightly generous measurements on Google maps it appears that an RMC Raptor would fit in that area although Valleyfair is using the old area of the scrambler for a show that does not seem temporary.


Also I think that Steel Venom is having more problems than just the holding brake not working. Yesterday when I went for about 4 hours I saw it stopped on the launch track on the 3rd or 4th pass through. I don't know if this usual but it seems to happening more often.

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  Coaster Bro said:

Also I think that Steel Venom is having more problems than just the holding brake not working. Yesterday when I went for about 4 hours I saw it stopped on the launch track on the 3rd or 4th pass through. I don't know if this usual but it seems to happening more often.


It does this sometimes, I don't think it's anything out of the ordinary. On the other hand, I've never seen the holding brake turned off for this length of time before though so something is definitely up. After riding it today I realized that I completely underestimated how much it added to the experience, so I hope they can fix it.

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I still think that a B&M Invert is a little ambitious for Valleyfair, at least based on what we've seen from CF lately. However, I think that a RMC Raptor is a more reasonable addition, in the near future, and I suspect that Dinos Alive land will be the perfect fit for it! It certainly would be an impressive entryway coaster for the park!

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Does anybody know if CedarFair has bought any Mack coasters? I recently came back from Silver Dollar City. I rode Time Traveler and it was fabulous. But more importantly, I loved how the coaster ran, the seats were unbelievably comfortable and looking at their website they have a lot of options that would fit very well with Valleyfair.


On another note; that post that bzurn posted about is curious. Screamscape is reporting it as a teaser for Hangtime at KBF. That doesn't make any sense because the coaster has been open for months. CGA maybe but it seems to me the wording fits in with Minnesota almost perfectly especially when they mention it getting very cold and very hot. And when it said across the Mississippi, that can only mean KBF, CGA or Valleyfair. I don't think WOF is west of the Mississippi. So.......who knows! Didn't our current GM come from Carowinds, a park that loves to tease well before any announcements?

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I mean...


As interesting as this is, where would they put a roller coaster? The dino's contract has until 2019 and then it will be gone, and I just can't think of any other reasonable locations that would be a good spot for crowds and a new coaster.


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