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The Six Flags Magic Mountain (SFMM) Discussion Thread

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^^To follow the same logic, what is the appeal of a coaster that goes up and down and has airtime when there are 18 other coasters that go up and down and have airtime? SFMM would be hard-pressed to add something that is ABSOLUTELY UTTERLY different from anything else that you can find at the park. They already have:





Except the park really doesn't have a coaster with the sole purpose of giving you tons of airtime. Yeah, sure, there are moments. My point is that a Dive Machine is a one trick pony. And it's doing a trick that's already covered (and then some) by the aforementioned coasters. Sure, they added some inversions. But like I said, the park already has plenty of them. Just looking for a little diversity, that's all.

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^^^That's not a fair analysis of the park's lineup. You over generalized everything. Becase Superman is still there doesn't mean another type of launch coaster can be added and still be diverse (Impulse, Rocket, Blitz) However a Dive Machine specializes in that ONE thing, and there are at the moment THREE rides that do the ONE thing that a Diving machine does. And to add to that, you get more than just a drop on X and Deja Vu. Yes, adding one will have marketability value, but I suspect taht if one is added, the reride value will deminish after time.


You're right and I agree with you. It was just my opinion that it's unfair to disregard one type of ride just because it's elements can be found elsewhere in the park.

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Although I would prefer a giant Intamin in 2012, I think the logic behind a Dive Machine would have very little to do with coasters the park already has, and more to do with "bang for the buck". As B&M/Intamin goes, the Dive coaster is probably the tallest SFMM can go for the cheapest price. Remember SFMM is nortorious for "est" and "unique to the area" coasters, especially in a competitive year around the so-cal area. An "est" Intamin is going to cost BIG bucks. The Dive coaster gives you the height and speed for much cheaper because they don't do that much after the initial drop.


It really comes down to how much the company will budget for 2012, and at least so far, they still seem to be fairly conservative.


Besides, if the rumors are true about Knotts 2012, we may end up with the best of both worlds anyway...

Edited by John Knotts
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Except the park really doesn't have a coaster with the sole purpose of giving you tons of airtime. Yeah, sure, there are moments. My point is that a Dive Machine is a one trick pony. And it's doing a trick that's already covered (and then some) by the aforementioned coasters. Sure, they added some inversions. But like I said, the park already has plenty of them. Just looking for a little diversity, that's all.


One-trick ponies (especially tricks like Dive Machines) are big guest hits. Especially a dive machine that *gasp* goes upside-down. So, I can definitely see SFMM getting a Dive Machine for the sole purpose that it will be a hit for the general public. I, too, would like to see SFMM install something that is completely different from anything they have at the park. But it will be what it will be.

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The best thing for the park right now would be to build something after 2012. The reason is that you already have 2011 being a huge year for the SoCal market with SFMM already putting capital into the Superman upgrade and the Green Lantern attraction. Building another coaster in 2012 for SFMM would be a huge mistake because they could easily market the 2011 stuff into the next year without being buried by the other parks. Let's face it, Disney is going to own SoCal with Carsland in 2012. Spending money that they dont have to compete during such a time would be stupid, IMO. Unless it was something that was so mindboggling people would have to go, they should instead focus on park-wide improvements to see if those new rides paid off. Thus, if the initial investment suceeded, building another huge coaster in 2013 or even 2014 would be the more logical way of doing it.

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^ All that makes perfect sense, but I think back to 2000-2001, when SF came right back after Goliath with not one, but three coasters.


You gotta assume Cedar Point will be building "something" in 2012 as well. I don't see SFMM giving up the title after one year. That, combined with what the other so-cal parks are doing, and what makes "sense" is going right out the window IMHO.

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Well since the rumored cats out of the bag lol Maybe SFMM has talked B&M into doing something they haven't been to fond of doing like building a coaster with a 250+ or 300 foot vertical drop. Maybe even billing it as a GigaDive lol Also whos to say it would have to have inversions maybe it will be a Dive machine with a more hyperish layout.


Just think huge vertical drop into trench/tunnel ,some airtime hops, MCBR second vertical drop into some more airtime hills with some twist and turns splash finish it off. If they go with the 6 across model I could easily see that happening. Even if it was your standard 8 to 10 across with inversions it would still have the only inversion on the planet the park is lacking which is an Immelman.


Also if it is indeed going in that spot by Deju Vu there is some nice terrain there you know up there with Roaring Rapids , and Ninja's first drop turn around I could easily see them using that hill to get the biggest drop possible also it's much cheaper to dig a tunnel for a 6 across train to fit through then a 10 across, so with that said using the hill and digging a ditch or tunnel they could easily create one huge a$$ vertical drop. Dealing with the GP all they would have to market is First on the westcoast, biggest vertical drop on the planet and it's sold, the GP would care less about X, Deja, and Superman all having pretty much face first vertical drops this would be new and we all know how the GP loves Flashy new things lol


Carsland is in a leauge of it's own Knotts nor SFMM is trying to compete with that nor could they, the compition is going to be knotts and SFMM which attraction is going to grab the most attention Knotts huge hypercoaster or SFMM huge vertical dropping coaster. Imo netheir is going to lose customers to the other but they both want to be in the headlines along with Disney and Uni for 2012.

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Not to get off topic but as for the Green Lantern have we seen any noticeable clearing or anything in that area? I'll be heading out towards the end of November for my birthday but wanted to know if there was any clearing or when construction would begin.


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^^ I hope SFMM doesn't get a -------------. They have enough lines as it is...


^ Clearing the land for The Green Lantern shouldn't take very long. The area where it's going is fairly small. Setting up the ride itself shouldn't take long either.


I am interested in where the roller skater is actually going. If it is in fact going in somewhere near the soon-to-be-dismantled Sierra Falls, the rumored "Little Flash" name wouldn't make sense, being in a Looney Tunes themed area. And now I'm seeing rumors that Six Flags is considering dropping the Thomas the Tank Engine, Tony Hawk, and Wiggles brands. Of the three, SFMM of course only has Thomas, but at some point a possible retheme of Thomas Town into something Looney Tunes could happen. Honestly, I won't miss Thomas Town. To me, it really didn't work.



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Well something as small and uncomplicated as Green latern they could start a month before it's suppose to open and have it completely ready. Insane Grona Lund was buit in like what 2 weeks. Plus the area it's going in is already pretty much clear and flat it only takes four footers I think it will,be the last thing constructed of the 2011 package the focuse seams to be on Supes then maybe little Flash. I don't think they will start construction on it any time soon, heck little flash maybe constructed before Green Lantern will . Especially with SFMM having to remove a ride and it's in a heavily populated area of the park I would think they want little Flash complete ASAP

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I'm sure SFMM would find a way to do it, but is that Kids coaster area big enough for a Dive Machine station, i can imagine, something like that they wouldn't want to hide and show off some of it to begin. The GP could easily get confused and be like "LIERS!"

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