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The Six Flags Magic Mountain (SFMM) Discussion Thread

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^You might be one of the few people that actually likes Colossus! Like everybody else has said, it doesn't do anything. But I guess if you like a predictable, non-out-of-control ride then Colossus is as good as it gets.


It would be nice for it to get some love, it was supposedly a great ride back in the day.

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People might hate me for this comment, but I think Colossus is a lot better than Terminator.

There is no question that I like Colossus better than Terminator.

It's not overly rough (at least not to me), and there is a decent amount of mild airtime.

It's not especially memorable and nowhere near "OMFG Amazing", but I enjoyed it and would like to ride it again.


I don't mind smoothness and I enjoy tunnels, but Terminator didn't do much for me, either. The preshow did, though.

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People might hate me for this comment, but I think Colossus is a lot better than Terminator.


I'm a drops guy. Colossus ain't got any great drops; but the one good thing about the ride is that you can expect to go up and down. Terminator on the other hand, meh, some tunnels, smoother...faster... doesn't do anything for me to be honest.


Colossus and Terminator are really two completely different rides that are difficult to compare to each other. Colossus consists of four or five decent drops with a few small hills and slow turns in between them. Terminator consists of one good drop followed by a series of twists and turns that never really get more than twenty feet off the ground. Neither one is really that rough, although Colossus can be a bit shaky when it gets going fast.


I'm more of a twister guy, so I prefer Terminator over Colossus. If there wasn't a midcourse brake, I would probably like Colossus better than I do now because it would be uninterrupted, but I still don't think it would be better than Terminator. Even though I like Colossus less, it is still good enough that I'll ride it whenever I visit the park (unless it has a huge wait for some strange reason) and still think it is better than half the wooden coasters i've been on (5th place after Terminator, GhostRider, Giant Dipper (SCBB), and Roar).

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Anybody know where the light blue parking trams came from? I'd suspect one of the green ones was painted except for the cryptic message "Rainbow is in shop, please use tram" painted a couple times on them.


Also, there is now a Mrs Fields cookie & brownie eatery as the left-most unit in the Waterfront. Menu fairly limited but still looks good.

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Some friends are back in LA before from a surfing trip in Mexico and they needed something to do in LA before heading back to Sydney - I suggested Magic Mountain and they have taken up my suggestion, it will be interesting to see what they think given they have never been to a large amusement park. I think they will be blown away especially if they get to ride X2, though they have been surfing monster waves in Puerto Escondido so anything else may seem tame by comparison.


Maybe they will become theme park fanatics after this experience, you never know.

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I for one LOVE collosus. Probably because it was my first wooden rollercoaster and i have many memories on it. The drops give me that stomach feeling. The ride packs a punch for an oldie. Half of me says it would be awsome to see it improved to be more thrilling and crazy, but half of me says i wouldn't like it.

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Anyone catch the new SFMM commercial?


It's like being back in 2001/2002 again. All about EXTREME!!!!!! 16 COASTERS!!!!!


No Mr. Six, nothing else, just coasters. At least they figured out who their core audience is!


Oh, and some of the footage looks like it came off a 1996 VHS tape!!!!

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I was at the park today and got four rides in a row on Terminator without even getting out of the train. I rode on Train 2 in the very back row and noticed that the speakers had been removed and replaced with that patterned non-slip metal like on the running boards of the train. (I didn't get any pictures, though.) Train 1 still had all of its speakers.


Just noting it. Terminator audio is definitely NOT coming back.



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My friends just got back from the mountain, I wasn't sure what they would think because they have never been to a major amusement park and have never been interested that much - they were amazed. They said Deja Vu was down but they got to ride X2 and 10 of the other coasters.


I might be able to seduce them into coasters trips now.

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I for one LOVE collosus. Probably because it was my first wooden rollercoaster and i have many memories on it. The drops give me that stomach feeling. The ride packs a punch for an oldie.


I love Colossus as well. The very back seat on that first drop provides some very strong airtime, it pulls you out of your seat.


I'd be down for an I-Beam rehab.

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Since they stripped the audio from the trains I think it would be cool if they went and put speakers on the turn out of the station and up the lift hill. You're going slow enough that you'll still be able to hear the sound and it might actually work better... Who knows, just a daydream. I shall miss "Take the Tunnel" though.

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Please feel free to tell me if anything I'm posting is "old news."


I had a great day at the park today getting on almost all the rides I wanted too without waiting too long for any of them. Every ride seemed to be operating smoother than usual even X2 (which I rode in the back) rode very well and never got uncomfortable.


Here are some things I noticed on today's visit that may or may not have been there on my last visit to the park...724970838_IMG_8246(Small).JPG.4f6488b735754cc3e2b216961c9ddf88.JPG

Now entering the "Backlot" Home of the Backlot Stunt Coaster? What happened to Gotham?


Riddler's Revenge is missing a train in the storage area, but does that necessarily mean it's gone?


I read rumors about Riddler's Revenge possibly supporting Chang with an entire train. I'm not sure that because the train isn't there, than it is no longer at SFMM. Scream! and Goliath were both running two trains today, and neither of them had trains in their storage areas. Ninja had two trains in operation with one in storage and I believe (I can't see that far) an entire train sitting backstage past Scream!



Ninja train and other roller coaster cars/stuff



Last time I was here it was all about hair gell, now it's all about Axe. They even had a train in storage with an axe wrap all over it.


While most of the rides were doing excellent today, they can't all be perfect.



Deja Vu stopped in an "interesting" area



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I was at the park today as well. There were alot of school kids and more busses than i have seen in a while. Just got home after a 4 hr drive. Most rides going pretty smoth with the exeption of ridlers for me, we waited 20 minutes for 2 trains. The guys seemed to be taking their time and not really into it. All other rides great, got to re-ride terminator could have gone more but my friends wanted to leave. Overall good visit.

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It shouldn't be that crowded. You might get hit with a large group of school buses droping off school kids. But the park should be around moderate levels. Depending on the times you hit them X2, Tatsu, and Termy might be in between 40 min to an hour wait.

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Had a great time at the park. In 3 hours we rode Goliath, Scream, Colossus, Atom Smasher, Batman, Ninja, Superman, Gold Rusher (2x), Jet Stream, Terminator, Revolution and Log Jammer.


The only line I saw that looked long was Tatsu when we walked by about 1:00, the bottom queue was full, but even that isn't too bad. I'm sure X2 was long as well.


It's sure been nice enjoying the park these past few months before the Summer crowds descend. Not sure when we'll be back to the park since I'm sure we'll be doing SFHH more over the summer. And somehow I took like 144 pictures today. Not sure of what.


Nothing much to report in the park except that Studio 6 looks ready to open. My guess is it will be open tomorrow. They were stocking the shelves today from what it looked like. The building looks REALLY good as well.

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