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The Six Flags Magic Mountain (SFMM) Discussion Thread

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What's left at SFNO?


There's a

- Vekoma Hurricane (ex-Joker's Revenge at SFFT)

- Vekoma Boomerang

- Vekoma Kiddie Thing

and a L&T Systems Wild Mouse.



And mold.

We can give you a lot of moldy mold.


[EDIT] Oh, and the CCI woodie, which would be a nightmare to refurbish and transport.

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^^ Go to X2 first, then Tatsu, then Deja Vu/Terminator. Terminator's line never seems to get too long, so if you do those four coasters in that order you should get on each of them with little to no wait.

Agreed. On a Saturday you do not, I repeat DO NOT want to save X2 for any other time. There will never be a shorter line than first thing in the morning.



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^ I rode Colossus in its opening year (1978). After my first ride, I said that someone was going to die on it because of the forces and roughness. Sure enough, six months later, someone did.


Ejector air like you've never felt. Roughest ride in the West...or anywhere. One big, mean bad boy.


Today? An overgrown kiddie coaster. My First Woodie. Fail.



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Is there any word (rumored or official) if Colossus is on Six Flags' list for a "Texas Giant" style make-over? Given it's age, I'm wondering if corporate is going to see how things pan out at SFOT before putting their other iconic woodies under the knife. Timberliners?


I too remember when it was a great ride. Didn't get to ride when it was running PTC's However, even with the current Morgan trains the ride was much better without the mid-course block brake (which I was told was added to facilitate running 3 trains on each side).


SIDENOTE: Revolution also kicked a** before the OTSR's.

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^Dude, seriously, let it go.


You want to confirm or deny that there was a rumor that they were getting a drop tower?! WHAT?!!?


If you 'heard' there was a rumor, then guess what, you confirmed there was a rumor.


I never heard it, but then again, I'm not a 15 year old SFGAd fan boy, so who knows.

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Why SFMM? Simple, they recently invested $10mil on X to “upgrade” it, something that wouldn’t be done at a seasonal park. Once again, SFMM is NOT a seasonal park, it is open year round and SF would get the best return from the ride. In a recent interview with Theme Park Review, Mark Shapiro, Six Flags CEO, was quoted as saying “Will Six Flags Magic Mountain gain back the coaster capital status? In due time, absolutely.” Currently Magic Mountain has 16 coasters, and is tied for second place for most coasters in a single park (Cedar Point has 17, the most and Canada’s Wonderland has 16 as well). While Shapiro has said that in 2009, SFMM would be getting a coaster, he has said that it will NOT be a Tony Hawk or Dark Knight style coaster. It is widely believed that it will be a family ride. In the recent ACE News it was reported that Shapiro likes coasters with “big drops” (page 14) and that the new coaster will be more his style. Honestly, a Dive Coaster would fit into this as the main point of the Dive design is the drop. It is also widely rumored that SFMM will be getting some sort of Drop tower for 2009. A Dive coaster fits both of these purposes, it is a coaster and a Drop Tower in one.

I'll stop reading into stuff, I guess.

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^^ While I can't list anyone specifically, not all kids post stuff worthy of bashing. And there are adults on here who do post crap. So it goes both ways.


Hint: When you post something of questionable nature, include your source. And what is "Thomaskelly427.com" anyway? I've been around the theme park website world for over ten years and have never heard of it. And what is their claim to fame?




EDIT: I need to type faster.

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