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The Six Flags Magic Mountain (SFMM) Discussion Thread

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^ Though I didn't say it, I figured cost was definitely a factor. Security would have to patrol the structure as well to make sure no one is doing anything that they shouldn't be doing in there.


Funny thing, thinking back---at one time, parking at SFMM was not only where it is now, but also included the area where Hurricane Harbor is as well as the grassy areas near the front gate. Also, Colossus and Scream! cover what was once a dozen or so acres of parking. The parking lot was actually bigger than the park itself!



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Hi Guys,


I have a question on the Season Pass currently available. I'm up in San Francisco for work this week, (I'm a Brit from London) and I was thinking of going to Discovery Kingdom and planned to buy a 2010 season pass.


However, decided a few weeks ago to head down to Magic Mountain instead and visit this Friday and maybe Sat.


Just looking at the MM site, they are still listing a 2009 season pass unlike Discovery Kingdom. Do I assume that if I buy this, it will only be valid until Christmas, or is the pass a rolling calendar year? I'm over on the East coast next year and planned to use the pass again then.





PS, if anyone is at MM on Fri, let me know, I'd love to join you and not be a loner!

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I could totally do Friday, but I'm working a job that has me working a swing shift, so I'd hav to leave by 3pm...anyone for a meet-up on Friday?


Thanks, I'm aiming to get there for opening to hit as much as I can before the crowds, so would be great to meet up for some time.


Discovered the Season Pass at MM is only valid until Dec, so I'll buy a single entry online and pick up a Season Pass next spring.

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Seems Hollywood still loves to use SFMM as a set. Although after Zombieland I wonder what movie has SFMM in it?


A series of explosions alarmed some residents on the West side Tuesday morning, but it was just another soon-to-be-blockbuster film in progress.


According to Six Flags Magic Mountain spokesperson Sue Carpenter, the park was rented for the day by a film company who did some special effects explosions shortly after midnight.




Since Zombieland is slightly SFMM related, what did you guys think of it?


Personnally I thought it was okay. Special effects were neat and it had some good laughs...especially the one that involved Bill Murray.

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So I wanted to compare Terminator and Trermors at Silverwood to see which coaster was the best wooden roller coaster in the west. I've been on Tremors many times but I didn't really remember it too well. Well today I had that opportunity . . . multiple times. Aftershock was closed becasue the park lowered ticket prices and the lowered cost would not allow them to break even if they were to have a paid staff running Aftershock. Anyways, I got to ride Tremors plenty of times, and after riding it about 4 times I had one thing to say... OUCH!!! The ride has become so rough and unpleasent to ride. I will say that it is more intense than Terminator, but the roughness ruins the ride. So my final verdict on best wooden roller coaster in the west is . . . TERMINATOR SALVATION IS THE BEST IN THE WEST!!!!! Man you guys that have that park as your home park are so lucky. I'm glad you guys get to expierience that on a regular basis.

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^ Isn't Tremors a CCI? If so, many of them don't hold up over the long haul, especially if they're on the intense side. Terminator is a GCII, and we're seeing that newer GCIIs maintain their smoothness. Having Millennium Flyer trains contributes to that. Perhaps if Silverwood puts a set of the new Timberliners on Tremors at some point, it might help.


Just a note, I have not been to Silverwood, so obviously I haven't ridden Tremors to compare.


But I do hope that Terminator keeps on being as rideable as it is.



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When I rode terminator I rode it without the effects and it seemed to be a better overall ride. The first drop of Tremors is very hard to beat. Timber Terror is also a CCI ride and it wasn't bad at all, and Timber Terror is 6 or 7 years older than Tremors so thats kind of interesting. The layout of Tremors may have a lot to do with its roughness. After you go out of the first tunnel you go over a bunny hill, you land really hard at the bottom of the second tunnel. The "helix" jarred me quite a bit as well. Both Terminator and Tremors keep their speed very well throughout the whole ride, but I will say that once you leave the chain lift on Terminator, it feels like you hardly slow down at all until the breaking point. Tremors has a great first drop and once you're through the helix, you aren't too excited to finish the ride up. You're more interested in finding out if they sell advil in Silverwood.

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