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The Six Flags Magic Mountain (SFMM) Discussion Thread

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Id reccomend definitley not getting Flashpass unless you deem necessary while in the park. On weekdays this time of year parks are normally dead.

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I don't think there's a new soundtrack... there wasnt on Tuesday at least.

^Edit: Also remember that a lot of kids are already in school. The place was empty Tuesday, Friday should be a bit more heavy, but not enough to warrant buying a flash pass.

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About the advertising...I understand bringing in revenue, and some advertising is reasonable and to be expected. But when the place starts looking like the trashy part of town with billboards and posters plastered all over and everywhere you look is yet another ad, it takes away from the experience.


I think most people go to theme parks to get away from their hum-drum daily routine.

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Brent, I heard it was the Aquabats and Everlast. What a weird combination. Is that true?



It was Everclear. I didn't see the Aquabats because I've never heard of them, but my girlfriend happens to love Everclear, so I was forced to watch that one.

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^ It was originally going to be Lit & Everclear. I was set to go because I like both bands. It was then changed after Lit canceled a bunch of shows this summer after their drummer, who was diagnosed with a brain tumor last year, became sicker. He ended up dying on Aug 13.


I never did make the concert to see Everclear.

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Hey everyone! I just came home right now from the Mountain. It was mostly empty throughout the day but closed at 6:00 due to a private party going on at the park...it looked like a huge party because there was a bigger crowd coming in than what Ive seen all day! It wasn't even as hot as I thought it would be, but really smokey the first half of the day because of the L.A fires. Eventually the smoke was gone by around 4:30 I was able to get free water from the Cyber Cafe just in case anyone was wondering .Oh yeah and by the way...all rides has 5-20 minute wait times! Enough talk and now on to the rides...started the day with Revolution-1 train running. Next was Tatsu..went on twice-2 trains running,left station open only. Went down the hill to Terminator..went on 3 times without seeing the preshows once-2 trains running. Rode Deja Vu only once even though the line was short. Riddler's was next which I went on twice. Batman was next..also rode twice. Scream! was a walk on of all the 3 times I went on it. Then I rode on Collossus only once in the front row for the first time and it was acually the smoothest ride I ever had on it! Rode Goliath 3 times..best crew as usual. Headed up Samari Summit and rode Ninja twice..HII-YAA!! After that, I rode Superman-The Escape 3 times. Headed back down the hill towards Viper and rode it 3 times (Wow...thats alot of 3's). And finally to end my day...4 times on X2! That final Raven turn is a killer . My legs were getting tossed around like a rag doll, but it was worth it. I ate at the Mooseburger Lounge before I left, just as a horde of peole were coming in for that priviate event mentioned earlier. I had a good day overall. Please mind this is my first TR...so please dont be harsh. Thanks! --Andy


p.s--has anyone else notices that the red Six Flags sign above the ticket booths now has Magic Montain & Hurricane Harbor under it where it used to have California before they removed it?[/b]

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I can't remember when the last one was---or if there ever was one. But I did get an e-mail about the one on September 11, and I just might show up there.


At one time, SFMM had special passholder days for new attractions, but the last one I remember was for Superman---The Escape.



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I have a question for season pass holders. One of my friends has a play pass, and we plan on using one of the free tickets that comes in the coupon book on Monday, the 31st. He says that he also has coupons in there for $10 admission and $25 admission. Can we use those coupons along with the free ticket on the same day, or no?

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I have a question for season pass holders. One of my friends has a play pass, and we plan on using one of the free tickets that comes in the coupon book on Monday, the 31st. He says that he also has coupons in there for $10 admission and $25 admission. Can we use those coupons along with the free ticket on the same day, or no?


Yes you should be able to use them on the same day.

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At one time, SFMM had special passholder days for new attractions, but the last one I remember was for Superman---The Escape.




That's probably because play passes are so cheap and almost everyone has one. Back then Season Pass holders most likely much lower in number. Imagine how many people would show up if that did that now with the Play Pass deal. They should do something for Extreme Pass holders. Since they limit the number of those being sold. Like how Sea World used to do Passport Previews but Fun Card members were not allowed to attend. At least for Journey To Atlantis here in SeaWorld San Diego.

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