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The Six Flags Magic Mountain (SFMM) Discussion Thread

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On my trip there, once my dad and I found out that we could reach samurai summit by going the route that starts by Tatsu, we did that every time during the day instead of going up the hill by Riddler's Revenge. Its so much easier and it saves alot of energy. But once you get in line for superman it sure is rewarding because that que line felt like it was almost 65 degrees. We didn't care how long the line was because it was so comfortable inside supermans line. As for the water. My dad and I never drank tap water because southern california water makes us sick because we're used to seattle water which is supposed to be the cleanest in the country so we just bought a bunch of bottles and chugged them in lines. It would be nice though when you get pop from a fountain if they would put on lids so they wouldn't spill so easily and they could be able to top them off. Despite all of these things I think the park could improve on it was easily the best trip of my life . X2 was incredible. Goliath's first drop and helix never got old. Deja Vu's first drop never gets old. The momentum of Scream never got old. Tatsu was an amazing ride. The pretzel loop was unbelievable. Riddler's Revenge is a great ride. Terminator is one of the top 2 wooden coasters on the west coast. Great park, and can't wait to go again. Kudos to Six Flags.

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^ Water coming out of a soda fountain (like 95% of the places at themeparks have) is filtered, so therefore completely safe. They usually don't give out water right from a faucet from the dish-washing sink for example...


And also, if they added lids and straws, they'd just be adding to the pile of trash going out each and every day.


-James Dillaman

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Just got home from spending the morning up at the park. From around 10:30-2:30. Extremely light crowds while we were there, we mainly left early due to the mad heat. First we made a break to the right and rode the Log Flume and Seirra Falls before 2 quick Rides on Goliath. Running great and always good fun. Unlike the next ride Colossus, which got my right leg pretty good. I think I will be passing on Colossus until new trains or some sort of track work is done. Walked over to Terminator, along the way rode GoldRusher and Jet Stream to cool off a bit more. Terminator was a 2 train wait and no one was making anyone watch the preshow. Michael is the name of the amazing Ride Op. from Termination Day ERT, and he was there being hilariously entertaining even in the heat. That guy deserves something for being the most enthusiastic Ride Op I've seen. A long lunch was had, then we hoped in line for X2, which was about a 25 minute wait. All in all it was a good quick day. Things were looking good at the park, and the staff were as happy as could be.

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^ Actually, the two Giant Dippers (San Diego and Santa Cruz) are great rides, too. They could use better trains, though.


During my last visit, I noticed that the cubbies in Goliath's station were gone. Good...that's a start. If they want people to use the enclosed, secure spaces that charge a dollar, then removing the station cubbies is a must. I've said that many times. That'll speed up train dispatches.



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^^Yeah, Goliath used to have cubbies. If I remember correctly, they didn't have cubbies on Scream last time I was there, too. But that one I'm not sure about.


I'm with EBL on removing the cubbies. The best way to enforce the lockable $1 cubbies is to remove anything in the stations that would make guests think they can store in the stations. When I rode Riddler back in May, they only let you put drinks in the station. Nothing else.

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I was at the park last Wednesday and noticed the $1 box thing being pushed hard. I like it. $1 isn't that bad at all! Sure seemed to help out on faster load times.


They aren't letting you put anything on the side like they used to, When i rode batman and scream they made me hold my sandals.

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I'm going to agree that the lockbox is a great alternative to leaving things behind in the station but [in fear of enciting another "14 pages of lockurs" riot] I think its unfair to say they'll speed up dispatch times. It helps, but there are better, more effective ways to do so without being a burden on the guest. Had the park made theft the main arguement for the lockboxes, I'd have no beef with it, [though they should be offered free of charge], esp. since so many other chains have similar, or even better ride operations than Six Flags despite more flexible policies. However for the sake of the arguement at hand I'm going to say that for consistancy, take out the station cubbies.

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I've said it before, a mere dollar is nothing compared to the time and trouble you'd have to go through if you lose something of value. For me, being an Xtreme passholder, a few bucks spent in the park only helps 'em out.


Funny thing...I remember the Alamo, but can't recall whether Scream! had cubbies or not. Most people just put their stuff on the side. The last time I was out there, people were still doing that and no one on the crew cared.


Moving on...


About Tremors and Timber Terror at Silverwood, I've heard good things about both, but, yeah, they aren't on the West Coast. It's kind of sad how few woodies we have out here. Hard to believe that we once had one of the greatest ones ever, the Long Beach Cyclone Racer. Oh, if only Intamin or GCII would ressurect that one.



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^Which is exactly why I feel the lockers should be there. Spending $1 to keep your phone safe beats the $200 you'd have to pay for buying a new one if said phone is stolen.


I always felt Idaho fell into the "midwest" section of the United States. Besides, when most people say "West coast" more often than not they're only referring to San Diego to San Francisco.

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  EBL said:
^ Actually, the two Giant Dippers (San Diego and Santa Cruz) are great rides, too. They could use better trains, though.





I actually didn't mind Roar, but it certainly wasn't 2nd or 1st best woodie on the West Coast. If it was up to me though, it would go like this.


1 - Terminator Salvation (duh)

2 - Giant Dipper - Santa Cruz Beach

3 - Colossus (MM)

4 - Giant Dipper (San Diego)

5 - Roar

6 - Grizzly

7 - Ghostrider


I was really surprised how awesome the Giant Dipper at SCBB was, I do know 1 person that really does not like that ride though. I was also suprised at how good Grizzly at CGA was. The only reason it's reasonably low on the list though is mainly because there are so many woodies on the WC which are just better, but yeah, I really enjoyed Grizzly.

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Since we're still talking about the best West Coast wooden coasters...

I'll put in another vote for SCBB Giant Dipper. It couldn't (realistically) be better.

I put Roar at a solid 8/10, as it doesn't have enough airtime for my taste.


^I didn't "enjoy" Grizzly, but I too was surprised by how "good" it was...not actually good, mind you, but only "average bad", not "extremely bad" as it seems to be in many people's minds.

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They didn't have cubbies on Scream! or Goliath when I went. The only rides with cubbies on them were Deja Vu, Tatsu and I guess you could say superman because they only had one train running so they had you put stuff on your exit path. The problems we had with the 1 dollar lockers is that we had a time limit on them. So we couldn't go ride for 2 hours and keep our stuff in one spot.

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^ While I hate to chime in on the forbidden topic, I have always found it beneficial to shell out for the $9 lock-ers at the front of the park. Your code works all day, you can grab stuff from it whenever you want and not worry about the price changing. I carry very little on me when I am exploring the park, pretty much just some cash in my pocket and *maybe* my cell phone. I don't REALLY need to take calls when I'm out having fun, and I still know how to operate without it.



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Ah yes bringing the cell phone on the ride. I almost lost mine on Riddlers Revenge going through the bunny hill between the two corkscrews. I learned the best way to keep it safe is either to keep it between your leg and the restraint, or if you have big pockets, slide the pocket so that you can sit on your phone. My dad lost his glasses on Tatsu because he didn't feel comfortable putting them in the cubbies. Well its a good thing he had insurance for them.

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Ouch! I lost my season pass the second day of my trip which was bad because I could've gone the third day I was there but we couldn't and then when we cleaned out the rental car there it was. I was so furious! Not much we can do about that now though. Still was a great trip.

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