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The Six Flags Magic Mountain (SFMM) Discussion Thread

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^Even if it does close, it will probably close during a period of Saturday/Sunday only operation, meaning it will probably only be down between 6-10 days total for construction.


Even if they shut it down for a whole month. Which add's up to 8 days at most, that wouldn't be to horrible.

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well lets consider.


Starting this week untill Fright Fest, weekend only operation, then after fright fest its weekend only. And most of the post-christmas time is also weekend only So that gives time for groundwork without S:EFK operating. Also based on the design it looks like the lift motor and track could be installed rather quickly once the cranes are on site. Most of the brakes and stuff i would think could be installed with the ride operational. But its california so who the hell knows.

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I honestly would not be surprised if Superman is down from after the normal Winter Break period until Lex Luthor is ready to open. I don't know how construction is going to be done on this, but it would probably be easier to do while the ride is not operating, and if the tower is one of those things that is more stable once complete (I don't think it would be, but you never know), they couldn't run the ride while it was being assembled anyway. I'm also guessing that if they are going to reverse a car on Superman, they will do so during this period. Of course, the park is on weekend only operation during this period, and I don't think a lot of construction work takes place on weekends (although this may be different at an amusement park) so I could be far off and the ride could end up not closing at all. We'll really just have to wait and see.

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When they were panicking trying to finish Green Lantern and the surrounding area, they worked seven days a week. They started construction so late on it, I hope they don't have delays or procrastinate like they did last season.

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Elisa - Yes I have And yes I still have my foot lodged so firmly in my mouth that its a good thing I can still type. I just thought that if it could have been done, it would have... oh, sometime in the last 15 years. I'm actually a little peeved at Six Flags considering the park hasn't done this BEFORE now since they could have. Feel like they've been holding out on us. Still shocked there's not some kind of coaster installation as well though, even if it were a mini.

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Any news yet on Fright Fest this year? I looked at the park hours and SFMM will actually be closing at midnight on Fridays and Saturdays (10pm on Sundays) in October for Fright Fest. They didn't even close that late during the busy summer time (July and August).


There are coupons floating around that advertise this year as the "Biggest Fright Fest Ever!" with 13 mazes and scare zones, including 2 new mazes. This is the list from last year. I'm only counting 10 mazes/scarezones which technically means there should be 2 new mazes and 1 new scarezone.


1) Bite II - Former Eagles Flight building in Samarai Summit.

2) Willoughby's Haunted Mansion - The classic in Samarai Summit.

3) Lecter's Slaughterhouse - The games warehouse in DC Universe

4) Jokester's Hideout 3d - The clown maze by the old Flashback site

5) Warehouse 13 - Rethemeing of Log Jammer

6) Asylum - The chain link fence maze in the old Metro que by Log Jammer

7) Escape of the Zombies - Retheming of the Tidal Wave Que


8) Camp Gonnagetcha - Near Roaring Rapids

9) City Under Seige - DC Universe

10) Exile Hill - Samarai Summit


I wonder where the 2 new mazes will be. My guess is bringing back a maze in the Magic Moments Theater and maybe building 1 in the backstage area by Scream/Colossus and turning that pathway into another scare zone.

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Any news yet on Fright Fest this year? I looked at the park hours and SFMM will actually be closing at midnight on Fridays and Saturdays (10pm on Sundays) in October for Fright Fest. They didn't even close that late during the busy summer time (July and August).


I've heard some encouraging things about the event this year! Details coming soon! And yes, there will be new mazes!

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I think chain wide the Fright Fest budget has been increased substantially.


It almost seems as if this is a direction the popularity is heading. More and more people appear to enjoy this time of year as opposed to the regular season days. I know the first year Kennywood tried it we were there and it was pretty eerie with all the lights out except a few, and a very dense fog enveloping the park. Now if we could just get the parks hopping on the Christmas bandwagon and running the rides like they do in Japan!!

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Hello. new member here


looks like most of you have alot of inside info from me reading some of the older post.

I just again started to get back to my rollercoster fun. Does anyone know if the ride will have anything different during fright fest. I heard that in past yrs Magic had ride in the dark and blood falls log ride. Im just wondering if I will get a difference experience to make the rides even more fun.



Green lantern is a great ride, but im still going miss deja vu

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