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Everything posted by thrillgeek

  1. One other thing I noticed is when you click on a profile (Or changing your own for that matter) it no longer shows your real name. Is there a reason for this change? I'm sure its for privacy or something but I'm just curious because I liked being able to add people more easily to Facebook and stuff like that by knowing there name if they had it available.
  2. Those all look really cool! I wouldnt mind having one of them. Thanks for sharing.
  3. I've tried cigarets before and I cant stand them. Especially since this last year two family members past away because of lung cancer. Cigars are the same way for me. The smell of the smoke is ok to me but the taste just kills me.
  4. I worked all day in the Pharmacy today at CVS when normally I'm a cashier at the front. I hate it when they cut hours from other parts of the store than the other employees have to suffer.
  5. ^Wow..... I take back what I said about the black. I'm not sure what I was trying to say.
  6. I'm kind of mixed on this one. I mean sure it was invasion of privacy and all but I think she might have over reacted just a bit. Yes the guy obviously did it on purpose but its not like it was repeated. In any case the guy has no right to do such things especially at a theme park directed toward family's. Save that kind of behavior when you're at a club or something.
  7. Very entertaining video to say the least!! Thanks for sharing Robb. Oh and also thanks for posting it so quick to youtube and coastertube as well.
  8. It's taking a bit to get used to for me. I do like it though! Pros: Seems a bit faster I'm really liking the detail with each profile Whatever you did with the font is awesome Cons: I know it was mentioned before but all the black on the sides seems a bit off to me. Having lets say..... a roller coaster picture or something as a side boarder would of been cool to me. I know it cant be changed so dont even sweat it.
  9. ^Me and my friend were just discussing this outcome today!! Small world!!
  10. ^^You sure have alot of info to go through!! Take your time Elissa don't rush too much.
  11. Would LOVE to do the Australia trip but realistically the CP trip is the only one that could potentially work for me.
  12. That makes complete sense to me. You would probably have to contact someone who specializes in that kind of thing to find out for sure.
  13. So I'm assuming the painting is 100% done on Batman and the ride is open? I really like the props too. I have a random question but didnt want to make a new topic for it. Does SFMM ever run both sides of Superman or Collosus anymore? Either at the same time or different.
  14. ^That's usually what I do before I go somewhere. It gets me pumped up!
  15. http://www.youtube.com/user/thrillgeek
  16. I never said it was suppose to be designed for that purpose. I just said in my opinion from hearing what the GP have said its a cool feature.
  17. I change mine once in a while but right now it's my favorite band Hollywood Undead.
  18. ^ I like it. Got mine cut too. I hate when my hair is short though. I dont really like it long either so I cant really win. Got my spring/summer hair cut a bit early
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