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Everything posted by thrillgeek

  1. I didnt eat anything special for St. Patty's day. Usually my parents make green eggs and ham but nothing this year.
  2. The More I Bleed- Richy Nix Song coming out on Itunes on March 23rd!!!
  3. My mom got a new ipod touch so she might give me her old one to me!
  4. Mac and cheese with those chicken stuffed with veggies right when I got home from work! So good.
  5. Ok so I just wanted to rant about one of my biggest pet peeves..... bad drivers!!! So i don't claim to be the best driver in the world or anything but a few things people do while driving just piss me off. Here's a list of a few that I can think of. 1. Slow drivers in the fast lane and fast drivers in the slow lane 2. I hate it when people put on there breaks while going down hill. Especially when no one is even remotely close to them! 3. When someone changes lanes last minute! Especially if its to take an exit and they run me off the road. 4. People who don't know how to merge and they almost cause an accident or slow the traffic down 5. tail gators!!! 6. People who cut in front of me! Especially if they don't use their turn signal to let me know they want over. I've honked at quite a few douche bags for that. Ok my bad driver rant/list is over.
  6. ^I believe it said it wouldnt come for 10 days anyway so you wouldnt get it by Friday.
  7. Hey if any of you are traveling from the San Francisco CA area I have a question. Or if you know the answer thats great too. What's the best way to prepare for filling up at gas stations along I-5? My worst fear is traveling that way and running out of gas. I doubt I will have a problem but if anybody has any tips that would be much appreciated.
  8. Robb Alvey and all that are involved is a god! Just signed up and im so excited to get my welcome packet with goodies!!! I had no problems with paypal. It all seemed to go through perfect. Club TPR and WCB all in one week is like a dream come true! Edit: I cant get into the club TPR forum for some reason.
  9. He's right. I would give Robb $50 a year just for what we get with the site now. Extra's make it even more magical.
  10. ^It was already confirmed a few pages back but I'm too lazy to find the quote for ya. EDIT: Sorry that was from a few days ago. I'm not sure about yesterday but I saw the update from westcoaster too.
  11. This is my brother: "roller coasters are gay (;" EDIT: He is gay
  12. my dad made some surprisingly good split pea soup.
  13. ^I just finished a subway sandwich myself.
  14. Nope but it's whatever. Have you ever swung a golf club and accidently let go of it and it hit someone?
  15. Just had some multi grain cheesy cheddar pringles. They dont taste very multi grain healthy to me.
  16. Newest blog is up from Six Flags. They have info on the Texas Giant. Toward the end they also hint at more blogs gearing toward more 50th anniversary announcements! Check it out!
  17. Such an awesome list!! I don't have any plans to go to any of those events this year but next might be different! I'm not gay or even bi but..... I love you Robb Alvey Oh and Elissa too!!!
  18. ^At least take it out. Why let it sit there? Doesnt make any sence.
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