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Everything posted by thrillgeek

  1. I really wish Metro would open again. I didnt get to ride it in 2004. What year did SFMM have dolphins??
  2. I recently got introduced to this rap group called Twiztid. I love all kinds of music and this is no exception. This is really sick!!! Warning:Explicit lyrics
  3. I realize every job will have this but I'm tired of lazy workers. I mean I thought I was lazy till I started working at CVS. Even the managers half ass everything they do and it drives me crazy. Customers always complain that we dont carry a product and want it ordered. The manager says ok he will do it but months later whatever the product is it never comes in. The other employees are worse about being lazy. I'm there checking people out today when I notice there are at least 5 or 6 people in my line. I call for the next available checker and this older man who works with me comes over. The line wasn't long enough for him apparently because he took one look and turned around. He's really rude and when he does check he walks up to the front at a snails pace! All the customers complain and yet the managers dont say a word to him! It drives me crazy. I know I'm not great but I do work hard and try to be fast.
  4. Chicken sandwich with spicy mustard sauce.
  5. I cant believe I havent subscribed to you on youtube yet! I just did so I wont miss anymore awesome vids and vlogs. I'm looking forward to the next one!
  6. I havent gone since 2008 but if its like it was back than you shouldnt have a problem. It seems more people tend to visit SFDK than CGA.
  7. Holy cow those builings look amazing! Thanks for sharing Joey. I can't wait to visit in April.
  8. It's not a big deal but I just notice all the facebook and twitter icons are now gone from the profiles.
  9. Giant bowl of apple jacks to get me energized for work.
  10. Robb Alvey>Disney. You're doing an amazing job with all this Robb. No complaints here even if I cant use half the discounts. I still support the site 100% and will join club TPR anyway.
  11. My dad just cooked up some asperges with melted cheese and spicy/sweet mustard on top.
  12. ^^Yeah same with me. I'm looking forward to that almost as much as the event as a whole.
  13. I really doubt Robb would do that to us. I mean his goal is to get as many people to join as possible.
  14. Just finished some generic chocolate cereal.
  15. Well if you are getting a new pass I'm not sure but if you are re-newing your pass you could do it online and get it sent to you through the mail in time for the trip. www.sixflags.com has all the answers.
  16. I just got done eating chicken and gumbo soup for lunch. It was amazing after a long 4 hours at work.
  17. Very funny Elissa. Actually it looks pretty rough from the vids I've seen. Poor KT.
  18. ^Looks like an interesting place. Sure beats high school food right? I love soups and salads. I could go to Olive Garden and eat nothing but Soup and Salad.
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