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Everything posted by thrillgeek

  1. Great pics as always Hano. I remember seeing the video from this park/coaster. It looks so tame but so amazing at the same time!
  2. I thought I might have posted in this before but I guess not. Here's my really short list. 1. Six Flags Discovery Kingdom 2. Six Flags Magic Mountain 3. California's Great America 4. Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk 5. Universal Stuidos Florida 6. Islands If Adventure 7. Disneyland 8. Disney's California Adventure Not including water parks and a few small parks/county fairs. If all goes well I should be adding at least 3-5 to the list this year which is alot for me!
  3. I'm trying to add SIx Flags DIscovery Kingdom's opening day (March 6th) on the calender but the whole topic seems to be locked. Is there a new way to do this that I just didnt see?
  4. Love the pics Larry. Even with all the negative stuff in the pics it still makes me even more excited to go to Vegas for the first time! Also has there ever been an official TPR event in Vegas? If not there should be! That would be so much fun.
  5. Just a random Vegas post. I'm officially going to Vegas for my 21st B-day for 3 days starting April 11th!!!. My plan is to hit the Desperado, Speed, and that Togo coaster at the New york New York hotel. Oh and Canyon Blaster as well.
  6. I've never been to Knotts and I'm so excited to finally go durring WCB but what's so bad about PP? It seems like an awesome ride!
  7. I haven't been able to use my laptop for a week because of a virus. Some how it seemed to magically fix itself today!!! Crossing my fingers it doesn't come back.
  8. Hmmmm.... I wonder if i can post from my PS3. Haha success!!!
  9. I listened to this a while ago. You're a little late Robb. I loved it for the most part except for the fact that the audio was cracking half the show. It was really annoying.
  10. Thank you!!! ANother HU follower! haha. Hey if you like HU u should support Deuce's solo music. http://deucewizkid.ning.com/
  11. Great news! Yet another thing to look forward to. I'm jumping for joy!
  12. ^Why is that though?? Is it simply because Superman uses LSM's compared to say...... LIMs?
  13. ^Good luck getting an answer. He's said many times before he wont give numbers.
  14. I couldnt agree more and I wasnt even involved in any of it! I'm sure glad only that small section was damaged.
  15. ^Facebook is becoming like myspace in many ways because of dumb stuff like that. Kids these days.
  16. You beat me to it!! I was just about to post the update for the pics. Actually I still will. Here ya go! http://www.westcoaster.net/updates.php?updateCD=021810
  17. ^^That's really weird. Why not just do it online Elissa? I just did that with my SFDK pass. Of course mine was just a brand new pass and not a renewal pass.
  18. Just printed my season pass voucher for SFDK!! I can already smell the funnel cakes on opening day!!!
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