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Everything posted by thrillgeek

  1. Just be glad the park is still running. It could be like SFKK and FMP: (Hard Rock Park) parks that are no longer operating.
  2. I keep hearing people talk about this. What is this number thing all about? I didnt see anything about it anywhere. Sorry if it's right in front of my face somewhere but I checked and double checked.
  3. It's a baby!! Who's is it?? I don't know check it's collar!!
  4. I would think that would be a good idea. Although my plan is to just stick with my ATM card and get maybe one credit card in my life. No more than one so it doesn't cause me trouble like the rest of the world. Is the I-phone overrated? I sure think so.
  5. Word from my parents is we're taking a trip to Indiana in August. I think I might have convinced my mom and bro to go the Holiday World! I've looked all over and haven't seen any new news on the Timberliner trains for the Voyage. Should I assume they will be on the ride around May for the start of the season?
  6. ^Nothing "official" yet but from what was discussed before it should be about $45-$50 a year for U.S. members. A little more for over seas.
  7. I dont think one person has said no yet! This is awesome.
  8. So excited for this! Thanks so much to everyone for all their input to speed up the finalizing of this great club. Of course thank you Robb and Elissa for this great opportunity in the first place. My wallet has an empty spot waiting for the card already!
  9. I think I'll probably just do SFDK but maybe CGA too if I have enough cash. Discounts on Skycoaster and Go-Karts for Bay Area Bash attendees on this day. ^Is this for both parks?
  10. I like mochas and frappuccinos. Regular black coffee is pretty nasty to me. Oh and I like Starbucks but I think it's way overrated.
  11. I really like the idea though if this is what they are planning I hope they can get it to work.
  12. Coaster Expedition 13!!! I'll see how tight my budget is coming up and I'll decide if I want the DVD or the ipod version.
  13. An interesting twist on the rumored Superman "Bizarro" remake from screamscape. Bizarro / Superman - Rumor - (2/8/10) A reader was kind enough to point out a major flaw in the concept of transforming Superman: The Escape into having a backwards running “Bizarro” side. While I believe that the force of the launch could be handled in reverse, even with the addition of a new Over The Shoulder (OTS) restraint system if deemed necessary, the true problem lies with Superman’s emergency brake run behind the station. Most people have not experienced this system in action, and even fewer have witnessed it from the outside since the station is clear of all guests until the train returns to the loading station, but in the rare case that Superman’s LSM powered braking system fails to stop a car that is rushing backwards into the station, the car will pass through a hanging barrier and into a section of track lined with natural earth magnets that will stop it in it’s tracks very quickly. You can see this short section of outdoor track behind the station in this aerial photo of the ride posted to Joyrides. If a “Bizarro” car, running backwards, were to ever blast through into this emergency brake run, the riders would likely be thrown forward into their restraints (lap bars or even OTS if added) with such extreme force, that it would not only hurt, but also possibly cause serious injury.
  14. Totally epic spinning ride!!! I want one in my back yard! Any for sale? Great vid as always Robb. I think I might get the Coaster Expedition Volume 13
  15. I'm not a big fan of apple products so I tend to not notice the little things like that.
  16. ^Too early to be laughing so damn hard!!! I really cant decide who to root for. I dont really like the Saints but the Colts are worse.
  17. ^ Up way...... too early for work. Good news is I wont be late! Oh yeah and its Superbowl sunday and for the 1st time in a long time I really dont have an opinion on who I want to win. I cant make up my mind. Either team I guess will work for me.
  18. Has anyone seen/heard any news about the new Stratosphere ride being built? I'm curious to see some progress on this because I'm really looking forward to doing it this summer some time because I will finally be 21.
  19. Thrillgeek was my 1st and still one of only a few email address's I use. The thrill part because I like thrilling things that get my heart pumping and geek because well........ its what ive been called because of loving coasters/theme parks.
  20. ^I like it dude! What kind is it? I have a Samsung Exclaim but with no internet so I'm not using it at its full potential.
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