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Everything posted by thrillgeek

  1. I hate traffic. A couple days ago I got into a minor fender bender on the highway because someone slammed on his brakes and stopped so quick. I on the other hand wasn't so quick and hit his bumper. Not a single dent on his car while mine needs a new radiator because it's a plastic piece of crap!! On the same day I also lossed my debit card. I seriesly wanted to die at some point durring that day. Luckily I do have a cruise to look forward to in less than 2 weeks.
  2. That's really cool that they would have something like that be portable. I wonder if the Disney parks know about it?!?!
  3. You know man I love your spirit and all but I kinda think that goal is a bit too high. More power to you if you can make it though!
  4. My AT&T iPhone contract ends in June. Should I wait till the end of the year for the new iPhone or just settle for the iPhone 4s? I'm also planning on switching to verizon as well.
  5. Nothing what so ever is wrong with the commercial. As far as a new waterside is concerned how long would that take to built compared to say a small coaster? Could it possibly ready by summer even with no formal announcement from the park? I'd love for something new to be there by the time coasting for kids comes around.
  6. Oh great title fairy I hope all is well in your world. Since I no longer am able to play the game of Rock Band I'd like to request a different title if I could. I'd like it to now say type 1 diabetes since 2002. Please and thank you.
  7. I'm so close to reaching my goal from donations!! Thanks to all who have donated. On a side note as you can see my coasting for kids banner accidentally got erased when I was changing my signature. I tried to post the link and see if it will give me the official banner back but it won't. Can a moderator or someone that knows help me get it back? Please and thank you!
  8. Yes the A's lost the first game of the season to the Mariners. I call it first game jitters. I mean they were in freaking Japan for crying out loud. They had one of the best cactus league records this spring and I think this first game might have been a fluke. On a side note.... My SF Giants are going to make the playoffs because they will stay healthy and because of the extra wild card system.
  9. I've always loved the amazing race ever since the 1st season. In past seasons I've been into survivor but this season not so much.
  10. I'm browsing TPR using my girl friends iPad I bought her. Really makes me want one for myself.
  11. Started my 2012 coaster season with the Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk and the Giant Dipper.
  12. I'm really looking forward to seeing the construction progress. There's just something about watching a coaster be built that really amazes me!
  13. Just helped a couple members out. It's real easy. Everyone should be doing this! http://www.firstgiving.com/fundraiser/chrisayala/CaliforniasGreatAmerica http://www.firstgiving.com/fundraiser/tamicapote/CaliforniasGreatAmerica
  14. I'm all signed up for CGA! I haven't been since 2008 so going back for such a great cause is really cool. I'm really glad you guys have this event. https://www.firstgiving.com/fundraiser/adammiller89/CaliforniasGreatAmerica3
  15. Well 1st off since it will be Spring Break expect big lines. Hopefully all the multi train coasters (Medusa, Roar, and Kong) will have all trains going. I kind of doubt they will be running multiple trains by than though. So I would suggest hitting Roar and Kong 1st while lines are short. Even with a line Medusa's line goes quick. Also as far as shows go the Shouka Show and the Sea Lion show is a must see. Dolphin show is also really well done. Hope this helps. Oh also if you dont want to spend money in the park there's a carl's JR next door and a Olive Garden a little ways up the highway.
  16. I'm a little confused. When you go to register it gives you quantity amount for who else is going with you. So can I sign myself and my GF up on one registration page and pay the $50? Is that how it would work or would she have to register separate?
  17. Finally got around to reading this EPIC trip report. All I got to say is it sure lived up to it's hype! I laughed my stomach silly Thanks for posting.
  18. Sorry I was actually talking about on the ship. I got an international data plan and a discounted min plan while off the ship but I was wondering if there was something I could do while on the ship? I'm guessing probably not because they can charge there own amounts.
  19. My guess is that if you are coming down to the deadline and need a few more dollars, and you post about it here, that it won't be a problem. That's kind of what I was thinking. You guys are an awesome group of people!
  20. Searched up and down this thread and found nothing. I'm taking a cruise next month with my family on the Mariner of the seas. I'd like to use my Iphone 4 occasionally for calls and maybe check-ins on apps like foursquare and such. Any suggestions on what I can do to be able to do this without paying too much extra? It's kind of an odd question I know.
  21. My GF and I had a question. What if you don't end up making the $75 minimum donation amount? Do you lose all that money and can't end up going or what?
  22. I'm really excited to here the details of the event. I've waited long enough.
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