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Everything posted by thrillseeker4552

  1. Hell has frozen over, everyone. Not only is Tatsu getting repainted but so is Xcelerator. I had a bet with myself about whether Tatsu or Xcelerator would get repainted first, I guess I never considered simultaneously. I wonder if this gray is a primer (probably) or a final track color. It looks shiny - I don't think it's just raw track where the pink was blasted away, but it could be. Photo credits to @Ryanthemepark on Twitter
  2. Despite not making sense, the coaster really did need a paint job and an upgrade in general so I am happy to see this. Tatsu is finally getting painted too (I never thought I'd see the day), so Nitro's day will come... eventually...
  3. You will have no issues getting on every coaster on a weekday in January (or really a weekend too) from a crowd perspective. Any roadblocks will be random rides closed here and there for maintenance, like ^^^ said, and potentially weather since any possible rain will shut down most rides because it's California and it's a weird phenomenon when water falls from the sky. Even with slow dispatches and potential closures, this is a great time to go to the park. Most rides *should* be open, just single-train ops on about everything except maybe Twisted Colossus if you're lucky.
  4. This definitely screams "small independent park", particularly one that is year-round since they said a late 2022 opening. One of the Fun Spots would be great but honestly any FEC getting a sizable ride like an Infinity Coaster is a great thing.
  5. Hmm, what? That would really surprise me. Where did you hear this? Like others have said, this "upgrade" probably isn't ideal but it's better than removing the ride all together. I am most surprised they didn't maintain the 7-car trains. The shorter trains is probably a big reason it isn't running as fast or intense. Now that we have seen Revolution and Mindbender make this upgrade, I bet Shockwave's turn isn't far off. Enjoy it in its raw form while you can!
  6. This looks great! I like the final wave turn over the pathway as an "extension" of Jersey Devil's layout. That will create some cool visuals from the ground. And yeah, I am not holding my breath for anything before a June or July opening. I'd love to be pessimistic and make fun of them because of their WCR construction timeline but, to be fair, they are much farther along with this already (with all foundations seeming to be poured and track/supports on site) than West Coast Racers ever was in the preceding October. And I imagine this coaster is much easier and faster to construct than the complicated mess of supports and obstacles that WCR involved. Also, 20 coasters is a huge milestone! And they beat Energylandia! lol (for now)
  7. Seems they pushed Manta's closure back a week too. Hopefully they repaint Kraken, too, during its closure.
  8. I never thought "wow Cheetah Hunt really needs a paint job" but new paint, of course, is always a good thing. After all the ride is 10 years old now. SEAS should send the painters up to SWO. All three of those B&Ms could really use some paint!
  9. One of my visits in late October 2019, it was in the upper 30s in the evening if I recall correctly and they were running everything. They will definitely run rides in the 40s unless there is severe precipitation or thunder. Lagoon's weather and operation policy is actually quite good and reliable. If the forecast is in the 40s and 50s you should be golden.
  10. I think green supports and solid yellow track would look great on Tatsu. I just hope it's not green and orange... yuck!
  11. The two cities that immediately come to mind are Houston and Phoenix. Both cities are in the top 5 for largest populations in the US. At least Houston had a theme park for several decades. People always point to the extreme heat in Phoenix but it's not like it doesn't also get hot in SoCal, Texas, or Florida. Despite the heat, people still recreate and go outside in the summer. Parks in both of these cities could be year-round too. Perhaps an indoor park in Phoenix would work best - like Adventuredome. Las Vegas' climate is pretty similar to Phoenix. Seattle, Miami, and Memphis are also contenders. At least Miami has a bunch of world class parks a few hours away. Seattle is very isolated with nothing substantial until Silverwood, I think I would place that 3rd behind Houston and Phoenix. Memphis would be a bonus.
  12. Great report. I really like CGA too, based on my 2018 and 2019 visits. It's a well-kept park and I really had no complaints at all, it's just that most of their ride lineup is pretty old and outdated excluding RB and GS. They desperately need that B&M Hyper. I hope it still comes one day.
  13. Nice report! BGW is one of the last major parks in the country I have yet to visit. I am heavily considering going sometime next Spring, like April or May. It seems like a wonderful park that has a lot of similarities to BGT but also a lot of differences. Also, I agree, there needs to be a B&M Hyper west of the Mississippi!
  14. Looks very nice. I'm happy that Six Flags is breeding new life into these Impulse coasters, especially after Wicked Twister's demise. Although the one at SFDK literally never operates ever so maybe "life" is a bit of a stretch.
  15. Especially after being closed for over a year. I am surprised about HangTime. When did it go down, June? Over 3 months now? Must be a pretty serious issue because obviously they'd open it if they could given the crowds the park is seeing this time of year.
  16. I will admit that I am also not too fond of Steel Vengeance's (and Twisted Timbers) trains. They do fit slightly differently than the standard 1st gen RMC trains. The Gerstlauer ones are much more comfortable than both! Iron Rattler and NTG have some of my favorite trains out there. Obviously nobody is replacing trains though. But it is interesting to think that if the NTG accident never happened, if RMC still would've put their trains on the IBox rides or if we'd still be seeing the Gerstlauer ones to this day.
  17. This is very true. I had no idea how large the park was until I visited for the first time. Getting from one corner of the park to the other is quite the trek. Luckily the weather should be getting *slightly* more tolerable in the coming months, but I would love to finally get on the sky ride and I think lots of people would appreciate it being open.
  18. I was thinking the same thing. Very odd to literally announce this coaster in pieces, with weeks of silence in between. I'm all for building hype but... still strange.
  19. Jeffrey Siebert posted on Instagram that the park has purchased a third train for Iron Rattler. I presume this is for maintenance reasons, so two trains can operate year round. Knott's made a similar move in 2017-2018 when they purchased a third train for Silver Bullet even though it can only run two. Great move! Also, this means Six Flags made a purchase from Gerstlauer. Never say never...
  20. That must be a very recent development. I had some family members go on Sunday and they rode both sides of Superman a few times each.
  21. Velocicoaster really is perfect. I cannot find a single flaw with the ride. The layout, the trains, the restraints, the capacity, the theming - it all checks out wonderfully. Glad you managed a second ride!
  22. Steel Vengeance, a couple weeks ago. I don't worship it like most other enthusiasts but it is still an excellent ride with a spectacular first half.
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