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Everything posted by thrillseeker4552

  1. Yep. I imagine building on a mountaintop like that isn't cheap by any means. Plus this is a small park to begin with, so the short ride length is to be expected based on those two factors. The views from this will be spectacular though! I am curious to see if this will feature OTSRs or lap bars.
  2. Not to stray too far off topic, but this is 1000% true. Everyone gives RMC (and even Mack, Premier Rides, etc.) a pass but always craps on Intamin for being unreliable. Meanwhile Velocicoaster has been running absolutely flawlessly and had one of the smoothest and most reliable openings ever for such a hyped coaster. And that coaster has cycled a TON already and recently hit a million riders after just a couple months of operation. I would argue that most modern Intamin coasters built in the last 10-ish years are equally as reliable as any other new coaster, expect for maybe B&M rides. Hopefully the issues with these new generation single rails gets worked out. I guess it's a good thing RMC is just down the road from Silverwood.
  3. Yep. Six Flags Mexico sits around 8,000 feet. Glenwood Caverns is at about 7,100 feet. Literally all they had to say was "highest looping coaster in the country" and that sounds very marketable. Not sure what they're trying to go for with that drop record lol. Nonetheless this coaster seems totally awesome. I visit Utah often so hopefully a detour out to Glenwood is in the future someday. Good for them!
  4. Just wanted to pop in this thread and show some Hulk appreciation. Rode it 7 times yesterday (thanks to the single rider line) and I think it is now my all-time favorite B&M looper. The launch into the zero-g is my favorite inversion on any B&M, and it runs so smooth, it's intense, and the layout is very unique. Everyone raves about Kumba but I think Hulk is quite a bit better, and all of my rides yesterday were freakin' awesome. Hulk and Velocicoaster is one of the best one-two punches in the country, IMO.
  5. 8-wide was probably too wide (and would require the large track like Valravn/Yukon I assume), and perhaps 6 didn't have the capacity they wanted. I actually like 7-wide, it gives an exact center seat which is extremely rare on a coaster. The only others I can think of are those janky Zamperla Thunderbolt coasters. The reason I find the 7-wide surprising, however, is because it's a new custom train, which costs more money I would guess. Rather than just grabbing an existing train design from Emperor/Valkyria or Valravn/Yukon. Everything about this whole project is very unlike Six Flags and I love it.
  6. Lagoon has many historical rides. By your definition of 25+ years, that would qualify Roller Coaster, Colossus the Fire Dragon, Jet Star II, Puff, and many of the flat rides like Centennial Screamer, Rock-O-Plane, Flying Aces, etc. I would honestly recommend all of these rides if you get the chance, depending on your taste in coasters and your tolerance for spinning, etc. The seats on Jet Star 2 must hold a minimum of 2 people (no single riders), and it may hold 3 if possible, but usually only for 3 smaller kids. Fitting 3 adults is almost impossible. 2 adults and 1 child would also be a very tight squeeze. It all depends on the size of the guests but the seats may hold 2 or 3 people, just not a single rider.
  7. To be fair, the park already has two coasters that dive off the quarry wall. And I would personally rather they keep the wall "natural" rather than cover all the remaining bits in coaster in track. It's a very nice looking area/backdrop that has "enough" coasters on it, in my personal opinion. But I get where you're coming from and the name is definitely a bit ironic. Iron Rattler's dive off the wall is better than any drop on a B&M Dive.
  8. Glad I bought FL+ ahead of time for my visit at the end of August. I figured there is absolutely no way it will get cheaper, and it is basically required since I'm going on a Saturday and Sunday. They really should either 1) raise the prices or 2) sell fewer passes, if their FL+ waits are still 30-45 minutes. I can see why that would be very frustrating for some.
  9. Holy crap! What a pleasant surprise. I don't think anybody saw this coming. Also, a two-tone track color scheme? Six Flags building a large B&M? Is it the 2000s again? I am extremely curious to see what additions the other parks are getting, if at all, and if they are perhaps moving beyond their copy-paste business model finally.
  10. Any word on when they are going to make the official announcement? A month ago they were teasing like crazy, revealing something every day or two. Then they kinda dropped off the face of the earth?
  11. They also still advertise Full Throttle as the tallest and fastest looping coaster in the world, which is a record it never had in the first place. It's even more hilarious because Viper is *right* there (and there are others too, some that even predate Full Throttle). At this point parks can claim pretty much anything for their coasters and nobody cares except super enthusiasts. The media will probably get it wrong anyway. If it draws in people and helps boost the park's attendance, more power to them.
  12. Great video! I've officially conquered all the Floorless coasters in the country and Superman still reigns supreme in my opinion. The interaction with the cliff, glossy smooth ride, and unique layout puts it above the rest for me. I believe it is also the tallest and fastest one.
  13. Looks amazing! Come to think of it... that coaster must be a pain in the a$$ to paint! Having to navigate all those crazy supports and track.
  14. Yep. Just booked Breakers and flights. I'm gonna shop around for the cheapest rental car but I've decided that's the best (and most reliable) option, despite being $$$$. Thank you all for the advice. I'm excited to finally come back and ride SV. Hopefully the park's operations and staffing are tolerable the last weekend in August. It's before Labor Day so I should expect most things to be open, right? lol
  15. ^Oh, that is good to know! Thank you. I guess it's a matter of cost vs. convenience, like most trip planning. I would already be staying at Breakers so it's not like this is a cheap/discount vacation to begin with. Guess I have some deciding to do. I probably wouldn't regret getting a rental car, but I could see myself regretting relying on Uber. I appreciate all the info everyone.
  16. Uber indeed is more affordable than renting a car, as I figured. I would just hate to have a difficult time finding an Uber from Sandusky back to CLE and potentially miss a flight. Does scheduling in advance guarantee a ride? I'm very new to using Uber.
  17. Interesting. Thanks (all) for the info. I guess the reason I am hesitant about renting a car is because it will end up sitting in a parking lot for 2 days while I stay onsite. That just seems like throwing away money when I can just pay for a single ride to and from the airport. But that makes sense that getting back to CLE from CP is more difficult than the other way around. I guess renting a car has its advantages too, like being in control of your schedule and when you leave. I'll have to do some browsing. Perhaps I will wait until next summer when I can take a whole week off and lump it with other parks to make renting a car more worthwhile. Thanks guys.
  18. Has anyone ever Uber'd to Cedar Point from Cleveland airport (and back)? Is there a better/cheaper shuttle service that exists? Thinking about finally taking a solo trip to the park over a weekend in late August, I haven't been in 4 years. I plan on staying on-site at Breakers. Just wondering the best way to get to the park and back from the airport. Unless any rental car places will rent a car to a 22-year old for a decent price?
  19. Kumba this afternoon! Pushing 30 years old and running like a dream.
  20. Like others, my initial hunch was Cedar Point. But given that it is currently mid-July and no ground has been cleared or teasing happening anywhere, I don't think it's going to any CF park. Their "typical" schedule (I use quotes because I guess nothing is typical nowadays) is break ground and sometimes even place foundations over the summer, announce in the late summer, construct throughout fall and winter, and open in the spring. I now have a feeling this will be some random off-the-wall park, kinda like Fun Spot Atlanta's huge RMC that came out of nowhere.
  21. Say what you want about Cedar Point, but they really do try to hustle and fix issues like this as quickly as possible. Good for them.
  22. I would've bet money that this would be themed to the Joker, given its location and how Magic Mountain has yet to install a Joker ride. I guess the obvious options for yellow track are Wonder Woman or Flash - both of which they have flat rides themed after already (which can easily be rethemed I suppose, like Over Texas did with Harley Quinn). I guess this "officially" confirms it is happening! Yay! I am always skeptical with leaked plans, rumors, etc. but seeing the amount of ground clearing going on and track on site is about as confirmed as you can get without an announcement. Hopefully the park announces it soon. I wonder if they will return to a chain-wide video in August/Sept. or do their own announcement like SFFT plans on doing.
  23. ^GhostRider has three trains (silver, bronze, gold), but only ever runs 2 at a time. Single train ops is a little rare. Usually only on absolutely dead days, like weekdays in February or something, where 2 trains isn't even worth it. But there are exceptions to this - I have seen people report single train ops on busy days. I really love Knott's and am proud to call it my true home park having grown up in the area, but the capacity of the rides really doesn't support the attendance the park gets - especially Xcelerator, which I think is the worse line in the park when it's long. Silver Bullet is the only high capacity coaster in the park (Calico Mine Ride also eats people). Everything else ranges from mediocre to atrocious.
  24. They actually added the MCBR back sometime in 2018 or 2019. It doesn't grab the train, so you roll right through it and the ride hasn't changed. But the brake fins are there. Even on the original GhostRider, they almost never dispatched a train while the other was finishing the course - it still stacked. I think the decrease in train capacity from 28 to 24 riders actually makes quite the difference. If they removed the cubbies and mandated locker use, that would help significantly with the stacking. They can still dispatch a train before the train clears the final brake. It just can't drop off the lift until then (assuming the "new" MCBR is just a trim, though it looks like it can easily stop the train in the event of an E-stop). Ideally we would have three trains, no seat belts, and mandatory lockers. But that won't ever happen...
  25. Strange. My hunch is "routine maintenance" but that doesn't seem likely, given it's the middle of summer and the park just came out of a 14-month closure. Literally a zillion rides around the country have broken/derailed/got stuck/etc. the last couple weeks so I guess HangTime was feeling left out.
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