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Everything posted by thrillseeker4552

  1. I'm very excited to try Superman forwards (even with the bulky harnesses compared to the original lap bars). My first visit to SFMM was in the summer of 2010 when it had just closed for the renovation. Hopefully this means the park will try to keep both tracks running frequently, rather than only ever having one side open for budget cuts.
  2. I will say that among the 4 unopened SeaWorld coasters, I think SWSD needs theirs open the most. Emperor will likely be their best attraction and will also have a decent capacity.
  3. Maverick on Monday afternoon. Still my favorite coaster at Cedar Point and one of my favorites anywhere!
  4. Kraken last week. It's not the smoothest Floorless but I think it's the most intense! I love it.
  5. What a fantastic addition! I really hope that concept art proves true and the structure will have all that incredible theming around it!
  6. I came to this thread to ask the same question. With BGT and SWO officially announcing openings, SWSA announcing a new ride, and BGW saying news is coming soon - I imagine it won't be too long until we hear from San Diego. Hopefully.
  7. Very exciting to finally have opening dates (well, months)! I can wait - I don't mind. I just hated being left in the dark! Looking forward to getting here right around opening day.
  8. Yeah, at this point I will be shocked if it's not Wonder Woman. I am curious to see how this layout varies from Jersey Devil, since I'm sure there will be some adjustments on profiling like we saw with Stunt Pilot vs. WW/Railblazer. And of course the ending will change to fit in the area too.
  9. I don't think there is any park that I will refuse to visit again. Some parks are very far down my priority list to visit again until something major and significant comes along (such as Six Flags America), but that doesn't mean I would *refuse* a visit if presented the opportunity. Parks are constantly changing and evolving and always deserve another chance in my opinion.
  10. I was referring to the rate of acceleration. Sandy accelerates incredibly quickly for an LSM launch, from a dead stop. We already know Intamin's new LSMs can get 100+ mph - see Red Force in Spain. I'm not guaranteeing a retrofit is possible (I don't work for Intamin), but just making some inferences about modern LSM technology that in 2003 was out of question, hence why hydraulic launches were so popular at the time and are now pretty much phased out. And yeah, this particular incident did not involve the launch, but as we know all too well, Dragster's launch is anything but reliable and is of course not going to last forever. I think if Cedar Fair were to do something like this (big, big if), it would be because of the entire ride's slew of issues top to bottom over the last 18 years and not just because of this single isolated incident. This is all hypothetical anyway. I just know Cedar Fair is really cutting the crap with their high maintenance and unreliable attractions (see Volcano, Firehawk, Vortex, and their other recent ride removals, many of which were still very popular attractions), so it makes me wonder about the future of Dragster.
  11. I think we all saw this coming. It is very unfortunate that the accident even happened to begin with. I'm really hoping for the best for that woman and her family. I am just going to throw this out there. What do we think the possibility of a major overhaul is? It seems like Intamin's modern LSM technology can get the train to the same max speed in that length of track (I mean, have you seen Sandy's Blastin' Bronco's launch?), not to mention being significantly more reliable and honestly, probably safer as well given it has no moving parts. I wonder if the park is considering anything along these lines - such as replacing all the track but the tower with an entirely new system if that is even possible or plausible. I can't see them just removing the coaster entirely, because it is way too iconic and popular and significant, but I also don't know if they're willing to keep dealing with all the crap this coaster brings for much longer. I wonder when enough is enough.
  12. I don't have much else to add that hasn't already been said. However, like @swfan1988 said above, don't rush! I would say this is especially true when visiting multiple American parks on a single trip. This country is enormous and driving/flying between parks (especially the further west you go) can take away huge chunks of your day. Also, allow yourself flexibility for weather, potential ride closures, etc. Some parks may truly only need 0.5 days or 1 day, but if you're visiting a major park for the first time I would almost always recommend 2 full days if this is your single chance and you know you won't be back for a while.
  13. They haven’t hinted or teased an announcement at all yet. So unless they drop it out of nowhere, I guess today is not the day and that rumor was false.
  14. Wow. I hope she is OK. This is the type of thing that should never happen and nobody should ever have to worry about.
  15. While it is unfortunate this happened, it seems there is really nobody to blame but that guy. The ride looks to be operating as intended from those photos. I feel for the witnesses, families, and children who had to watch the guy fall. I'm also a little surprised this hasn't happened sooner, honestly. The amount of times I have ridden the Sky Ride and see people bouncing it, leaning out under the lap bar, and just generally not sitting properly is quite often. I really do hope he is OK, but come on man...
  16. That would be excellent news, but I am trying really hard not to get my hopes up. I feel like I've become immune to any "rumors" at this point! lol If so, you bet your a$$ I will be there the first day it opens.
  17. I'm sorry, ELEVEN?! Did I read that right? How is that even possible. Between the weather and constant breakdowns, most people get excited for one single ride! lol I will be at the park in two weeks, for the first time in 4 years. I am keeping my fingers crossed for tolerable weather and minimal ride closures. It will be the end of August but I am still expecting very heavy crowds. Will be there most of the day Saturday, all day Sunday, and half day Monday. Secured FL+ for Saturday and Sunday and I'll get the early entry for staying on site. Super excited, and I'm hoping that having 2.5 days at the park will allow some flexibility if there is bad weather to still ride everything. I'd be stoked to get 11 rides on Dragster!
  18. It is also exciting to see Cedar Fair work with S&S. I believe the last time was the Screamin' Swings at CP and VF back in the mid-2000s? Someone correct me if they're worked with them recently. A Six Flags park is adding a B&M Dive Coaster, and a Cedar Fair park is adding a Free Spin. The world really has turned backwards...
  19. The presentation is very nice! This will be the best looking (and best themed) Free Spin for sure! I will admit I am a little surprised they went with the small model (which is even *lower* capacity than the Six Flags ones, I think it can only run two or three cars), but it is exciting that the park is adding anything at all after being closed for essentially a year. Good for them.
  20. I believe somebody posted in the TPR Facebook group about it, saying there is an issue with the lift motor and/or cable. Hopefully it's up soon. Cedar Point is very diligent about fixing their rides ASAP but you also never know with rides like Millennium and Dragster.
  21. Very excited for the announcement tomorrow morning! (11am EST Facebook Live for those interested). We all know it's a Free Spin but I am curious how extensive the theming is, and if any other attractions/additions are coming along with it.
  22. The current rumor is 8/16, which is National Roller Coaster Day. Makes sense to do it that day if they are announcing their 20th coaster too. About a week to go!
  23. ^I completely agree about the family coaster. I would love to see them add a Vekoma family suspended, or a Gerstlauer launch/family coaster (like Firechaser) in that area. They could incorporate it with the nearby kid rides and it could even run out over the beach and interact with the pathways. Would be a perfect addition.
  24. Not too surprising (we all saw this coming, it's been rumored for years now), but it's a decent ride which makes the closure a little sucky, assuming it gets scrapped which I think it will be. Wicked Twister is very integral to the park's skyline. It will be super odd without it. Glad I am able to ride it one last time, I'm heading there the week before it closes.
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