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Everything posted by mikeykaise

  1. There was a campground at some point around 1999 2000ish.. my Dad died in 2001 and one of our last get togethers was at a campground right by KI.... they must have put Great Wolf over top of it. I met him and some other family members there and we rode the tram to the park.
  2. Doesn't Kings Island already have a campground next to it, or am I mistaking a KOA campground for a KI campground?
  3. This isn't quite accurate.... pretty much everything here in Kentucky is open.... bars and restaurants are running at reduced capacity, some movie theaters are open, KK was open for awhile.
  4. I grew up on the stuff even after moving to Indiana from Cincy.... one of my best memories was getting home from school and smelling the smell of it after it's been simmering all day on the stove. Cincy Chili Conies with cheese, mustard, and onions is the bomb.
  5. What I think I like best is being able to see all of the Unread content across all the threads as opposed to seeing your activity on the old forum an d only seeing threads you actually commented on or followed. This lets you see all the awesomely gooiness of TPR.
  6. I love the new forum and will take some getting used to.... and the best part.... we still keep our donkey titles!!!
  7. "Lightning strikes twice" means that they'll open it next year and the up/down will start again and not talking about the rides themselves.
  8. Well considering at one point they had to have water spraying on the magnetic fins on the launch just to try to get it to run helps points it that way, something needs to be done, why have a ride that's constantly up and down, if it was me I wouldn't want to try to keep wasting my money, I'd want to fix it or remove it.
  9. ^ You know they would have, failure to provide adequate security measures or some nonsense like that on the park's side of things.
  10. So does this mean that KK needs to rename this Raging Eunuch River Ride?
  11. The bleachers are leftovers from the Drag Racing attraction that used to be where Eye of the Storm is now. There were like 4 different strips or lanes if I remember correctly and you could race against people in a drag race complete with staging lights. It was pretty cool honestly if you like drag racing.
  12. ^ I agree with this to a certain extent, I'm glad it's so much closer to my house (like just 10 mins) but with as slow as the ques can be, and all the obnoxious teens dropped off to run wild. I'd rather go to Holiday World, that's a much better day out for the family.
  13. ^ lmao, gotta love Yahoo, but at least they got the ride's name right!
  14. They're starting to do the same here in Kentucky now. Restaurants and Bars cannot serve after 10pm and has to be closed by 11pm now.
  15. ^ I agree, when I hear Fast and Furious ride it makes you expect something fast and fun like a roller coaster not a ride through drive in.
  16. Looks like fun, the best cave in southern Indiana is Squire Boone Caverns. It's been a long time since I've been there but if I remember right they have a pioneer village as well as a really nice cave.
  17. ^ Agreed, the Beast will always be #1 no matter how much they trim it out or take away the wood setting.
  18. what I thought was funny was the people got off themselves and apparently were told by Disney staff that they weren't supposed to get off, what were they to do, go swimming? lol
  19. I'm just saying in general outside of the pool and there was 0 social distancing in the wave pool.
  20. ^ Wave3 showed a live shot of the wave pool one night and I saw how packed and close people were and you could tell they weren't wearing masks and I was like oh hell no, I'm not going anywhere near there.
  21. There were a few animatronic animals throughout the cave not a lot, and then the train ending with the bright light and the horn sounding.
  22. The last time I wast at Indiana Beach I was a kid and my family stayed in a cabin and that was back when Lost Coaster was still a dark ride and the curved drop over water was more towards the end. I probably rode that thing like 20 or 30 times that week we were there. I loved that thing and haven't rode it since the change.
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