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Everything posted by mikeykaise

  1. Wow! Cedar Fair is buying Schlitterbahn! Coaster 101 has posted the news today ( https://www.coaster101.com/2019/06/13/cedar-fair-signs-agreement-to-acquire-schlitterbahn-water-parks): Cedar Fair Entertainment Company announced today that it has signed a definitive agreement to acquire two iconic water parks and one resort in Texas – Schlitterbahn Waterpark and Resort New Braunfels and Schlitterbahn Waterpark Galveston for a cash purchase price of $261 million, subject to certain working capital adjustments related to the timing of the closing. Additionally, Cedar Fair has the right to acquire a property located in Kansas City, Kansas, for a cash purchase price of $6 million. “We are very excited about the opportunity to bring these two award-winning Texas water parks into the Cedar Fair family,” said Richard Zimmerman, Cedar Fair’s president and CEO. “These properties represent new markets for us with attractive demographics in the growing Central Texas region, and they align with our strategy to identify compelling opportunities to accelerate our growth and profitability. The investments we have made over the past five years to strengthen our back-of-house and customer-facing systems will support a smooth integration of these properties by ensuring a premium guest experience, strong team collaboration and superior execution.” Zimmerman continued, “Schlitterbahn employees are known throughout the industry for their innovation and dedication to the quality of the guest experience. Because of their work, the water park located in New Braunfels has been recognized as the ‘Best Water Park in the World’ for 21 straight years, and Galveston has received recognition as the ‘Best Indoor Water Park in the World’ for a decade. We look forward to adding these parks to Cedar Fair’s industry-leading portfolio of regional entertainment resorts.” In 2018, Cedar Fair entertained 25.9 million guests, reported $1.35 billion in annual net revenues. The two Texas water parks and the resort entertained 1.2 million guests in 2018 and generated annual revenues of approximately $68 million. Following this transaction, Cedar Fair’s portfolio will consist of 15 parks, resort accommodations totaling more than 2,000 rooms across six parks, more than 600 luxury RV sites across four parks, and two marinas.
  2. I love Kentucky Kingdom and really the slow ops is the only real thing that kills it. I went to the water park and they had one lifeguard at the top of a complex managing 3 slides. I felt so sorry for the woman. The River Rapids ride only had 2 ops working on it, the Tin Lizzies had one college age girl working it and she was running from the entrance to the exit and then pulling the cars up.
  3. Kentucky Flyer won't que too much, the ride itself is only like 30-50 secs out and back so it's a pretty quick return to the station and they have 2 trains so there may be a short line but it doesn't take long to get on the trains.
  4. If you don't want the magic ruined don't click the link below... I'm in IT so the techy stuff is catches my attention but just thought I'd share this... it's pretty cool and pretty efficient:
  5. if you're not doing the water park, I would kind of spend the first hour riding some of the flat rides because at 11 when the water park opens the dry side empties out quickly and typically the waits are a whole lot better until the water park closes and then wait times will go back up again.
  6. Wildebeast can be a little intense because you get a little airtime when the rafts pop over top of the hill and you are actually airborne. Mammoth's drops aren't too bad but you do get a lot of spins and it can be hard to see because you're constantly being bombarded with water but both are very awesome rides!
  7. I know they aren't saying anything technical but I'm curious how many pods there are in total. I'd love to do a behind the scenes tour of this.
  8. I love the double station fly through on this coaster.
  9. During State Fair you'll have to pay for parking and admission to the State Fair as well as a separate admission to KK.
  10. I'm sure eventually it will happen but any word if DisneyLand will be getting Tronned?
  11. The other thing that helped is it had down poured a couple of times during the media event which made the ride even better.
  12. I was the same way, 35mph family coaster no big thrill for coaster people there but then as soon as I dropped I was like wow! Are you kidding me right now... lol
  13. GREAT SCOTT! 50 Megawatts of energy! Do you know what this means Marty????
  14. It's a quick ride but I think everyone will be happy. 3 rides just wasn't enough for me.
  15. Kentucky Flyer at Kentucky Kingdom covering the Media day event.
  16. It definitely hauls butt, it's only about a min from the time the train errr plane leaves the station and hits the brake run. The signs along the que says 35 mph but I heard someone say something about being closer to 50.
  17. I'm suited up in my flight suit and I'm ready for my flight and I kicked the tires and lit the fires! waiting on my plane to be brought to me more waiting red train rest of red train oops, I forgot to get a pic of blue train, I'm sorry I'm not Robb Alvey so sue me ok? lol storage shed and station lift hill X marks the spot Umbrella blocking the X, curses!!! looking back at lift hill turn around and you're literally flying at this point hills lift hill again I was walking out of the park close to 6 pm and I saw LR being dispatched with riders, and it quickened my pace but I was shot down and needed a drink to put out these flames They were training this season's LR crew. They have the coolest job ever!!!!
  18. Friends, Coaster Geeks, and Donkeys lend me an ear…. Today I was recruited for a not so secret mission and out of a sense of duty I heartily reported for duty so with that here is the details from my test flight: Operation: Open Sesame Mission description: To test pilot the new Kentucky Flyer airplane and report on my findings of performance Results: OMG! I don’t even know where to begin! I’ve been watching the construction closely and I was like well that will be a nice little family coaster and same as I finally walked up to the beautiful coaster that was to be my plane for the day. My first ever ride was in the front seat for the rider cam per orders of General Robb Alvey. The climb up the hill of 48 ft is quick and there’s a little drop into a very short straight section and then whooooooossshhhh!!!!! I was blown away when I pushed the stick forward and the drop took my breath away and I knew that KK had a winner on their hands!!!!! This thing took off big time and it did not let up. The ride is only 50 secs but omg my butt was barely in the seat the whole time and I was flying left and right and the head choppers towards the end after the turn made me pull my hands down in fear I was going to lose them. I was thinking to myself this can’t be just 50 mph and a family coaster, it felt like we were going 70. The pops of airtime and negative g’s is unbelievably awesome!!!! My second ride was in the very last row and again as I was dropping I was thinking what the heck, this ain’t no family coaster, whereas the front pulls you non-stop and there’s no letup the backseat has a nice little delay before each pop of airtime hits you, and by the time I got into the exit and got into line for a 3rd ride in the middle this time I was almost senseless from the intensiveness and the giddiness I was feeling. The middle is a lot like the front: fast, no letup, and pulls you through the hills and bunny hops with constant pops of airtime! Overall impressions: Pros: Where the heck do I even begin???? This ride is awesome as a family ride with a 38” height minimum so families will be able to ride together and coaster geeks will be happy with all the pops of air and the pacing of the ride. I call this a win-win-win. KK is going to have a hit and I think when the reputation of this ride gets out it will be help draw crowds along with the other 5 roller coasters that they have. I made sure to thank the Gravity Coaster people and Kentucky Kingdom’s staff how good of a roller coaster they have. I told Mark from KK that they have another hit on their hands! Cons: I really don’t have any complaints but I guess if I had to pick something I would say that the entrance to the line is in a bad spot and might be hard to spot. The Que entrance is right in between the Craft Beer Garden pavilion and the Calypso water slides. The front part of the ride is somewhat easy to photograph and film but from the drop hill back to the turn will be hard to photograph and film with the way it goes along the water park. My overall rating: 5 out of 5! Time to kick the tires and light the fires because I feel the need, need for speed and enough of the cheesy movies lines and onto the pictures: I have arrived for a mission that I've been recruited for. oops no sign but I know for a fact that this is Kentucky Kingdom. The line to pick up my assigned plane wait! what! Lightning is being tested?? Could Lightning Run possibly be opening for us pilots too? Looks like they are working on the main wave pool new cabanas being built. Nom! Nom! Nom! this would put my body into shock! yummmmmm! The white macaroni and cheese was so good!!! free beer samples for the win!!!!! I will be buying a pilsner this summer somewhere in the park!!! The ribbon is cut and the engines are being warmed up for the pilots! but first Louie!
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