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Everything posted by mikeykaise

  1. It's a shame they are not doing the turntable for loading like the one in Europe, that'd help move the line faster.
  2. Is that where the cabin was and the area where they launch the fireworks from?
  3. Aren't or weren't they going to build a Garfield Amusement park at the old park that was located outside of Indy?
  4. we went here for a week on vacation when I was young and that was back when Superstition Mountain was still a dark ride, it was such a fun week.... I lost count of how many times I rode that thing. This breaks my heart because I haven't had a chance to share this with my sons.
  5. I've not had a chance to ride it, either it's been down or the line has always been down to the bottom of the stairs.
  6. Oh, I have no issue with it, just surprised me to hear that there was a charge for it now but glad to see the money is going to Give Kids The World, I miss their coaster-thons at Kings Island.
  7. Wait, what, they're charging for it now? I went two years ago and would have gone last year but had to go through stupid Divorce classes on the same weekend, but the first year they didn't charge for it.
  8. ^ I agree, I was like damn it, I had it completely wrong after I saw the ending, I thought I had it spot on.
  9. Elissa that was awesome and as a die hard SW fan I was cracking up at your comments like non-Death Star ship thingy and the other ones.... I definitely need to get down there now and glad to hear that newbies to Star Wars can ride it and not be lost and be able to enjoy it.
  10. If that's true, that's a shame because I never got a chance to ride those but not surprising since they're in a weird spot honestly.
  11. My gf and I and her kids went and seen Knives Out, awesome movie and highly recommend it. I thought I had it figured out by the end but I was completely wrong. I was sitting there for like 10 mins after going over it in my mind like what the heck.... one of the best movies of the year.
  12. Crap, sorry for the double post. Yes, they're no longer offering that, I called and asked them before I went down this summer.
  13. Yes, they're no longer offering that, I called and asked them before I went down this summer.
  14. I bet if the city and park were to put their heads together and come up with something and promote it nationally and promote the hell out of it they could create a huge big time affair.
  15. You gotta love KK poking fun at KI for announcing they're closing Vortex with this tweet. I didn't put it together until now.
  16. Ed has made bashing remarks towards T3 too and laughs at them. Ed is a very cool guy.
  17. It's definitely going to leave a big gap in that area from Windseeker over to Mystic Timbers and The Beast.
  18. Disney never seems to amaze me, parts of Epcot were created back before today's technology and so it's gotta be tough to hit the reset button and come up with ideas for a whole new set of technology that the future maybe like.
  19. Kentucky Rambler @ Beech Bend Park, I don't think my butt stayed in the seat at all, a very fun ride.
  20. The Storm Chaser area is an area that they really need to work on, that whole corner area from between Thunder Run and Mile High Falls back to Storm Chaser is pretty empty and is a long walk to get back in that area for two rides and then Eye of the Storm is just kinda out there on it's own not even tied to either one of those areas. They really need to redo that whole back area and make it one cohesive area and make it to feel like its actually part of the park.
  21. They run deluge so slow that I never really want to climb the stairs to ride it, it's a shame they don't redo it to where you load at the ground and they have a moving conveyor belt like Wildabeast.
  22. Looks interesting but was hoping for something other than another water coaster, I thought for sure that they might actually be doing something with the big hole left behind by the removal of Pilgrims Plunge.
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