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Everything posted by mikeykaise

  1. Since I don't have any roller coaster memorabilia or prizes, and this will be my first TPR associated event and hopefully not the last I have come up with an idea for a prize..... The first person who makes a $100 donation to my donation page can decide on a good TPR Initiation that I can do at Kings Island and I will have one of the other TPR members take a picture or have my wife take a picture and I will post it here at TPR for all to see, the only guidelines of course would be nothing that would get me kicked out of the park or get me arrested since I'm too pretty and soft to go to the Big House. *GULP* Ok, I'm at everyone's mercy! Please be gentle
  2. My wife asked me to say thank you very much for the donation! This group is awesome with this and its awesome to see that one of our teams has raised over $1000 already.
  3. that is awesome, just reading through their information I got the impression that it was its own thing and they did several different amusement parks. I always thought that Disney as part of the Make A Wish Foundation put them up in their own resort hotels on the grounds of WDW. Thank you for clearing that up I guess old dogs can learn new tricks.
  4. Hi again..... Well since work shot me down about sending out an email through work email to my office since its not corporate supported I've made flyers and I'm hanging them up everywhere that I can think of so hopefully this will get some good feedback: I normally wouldn't do this but there is a place in Florida that families with children fighting life threatening illnesses can go and they provide them a vacation and help them to realize that dreams can and do come true. It is an organization kind of like Make - A - Wish. I am participating in "Coasting for Kids" where I will be raising flat rate donations before June and when I go I will be riding the same coaster for hours and hours so that children in this kind of situation can have a wonderful vacation. I would very much like to raise $150 - $200 dollars at least in my individual donations plus what my other team members raise. Donations can be made to me or to my team donation page: https://www.firstgiving.com/fundraiser/rollercoasterridermikey/KingsIsland1 (this is a one-time only donation and no one will call or email you) Here is the important information about the wonderful work they do: GKTW is a magical resort where kids who face life-threatening illnesses can be kids. Since its founding in 1986, Give Kids The World has welcomed over 97,000 families from all 50 states and over 68 countries. Last year alone GKTW hosted more than 6,500 families. IF INTERESTED PLEASE EMAIL ME OR CALL ME Thank you, Mike Kaiser
  5. Hi, I unfortunately don't have any pics of me being on a coaster yet but hopefully that'll change in the future. I have always loved coasters and have always wanted to join a club so here I am. I haven't had a chance to do a tour or trip report or anything like that so when I saw this event I knew this would be an awesome chance to not only enjoy one of the things I'm passionate about but also to get my feet wet so to speak with TPR, make some friends, and raise some good money for a very good charity in the process. My team page is: https://www.firstgiving.com/fundraiser/rollercoasterridermikey/KingsIsland1 I just have to say that this is definitely an interesting group of people and I will definitely be able to fit in and oh I suppose a pic of my ugly mug would be good. I'll post a different one than the one I posted earlier in the user picture thread: time for a silly pic
  6. this is me and my wife at her brothers wedding.
  7. Hi All, I love this website and I'm happy to be here. I hope I don't seem dense or mildly dumb asking this but I see all the references to Donkeys and I've been trying to figure out the context but I'm at a lost. How are the donkeys and coasters tied in together? Mike "lost in newcomer nirvanna land" Kaiser
  8. this is a wonderful and fun event, I can't wait. My wife and I are signed up for the Kings Island TPR team.... GO TEAM TPR!!!! http://www.firstgiving.com/fundraiser/rollercoasterridermikey/KingsIsland1
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