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Everything posted by mikeykaise

  1. I didn't catch that at the time though I did find it odd why the park would be handing out 2018 maps, blame it on a lack of coffee, my bad people, sorry. My previous post has been corrected. Ed Hart or one of the tour guides did say that 2018 was going to be a Water Park year since they've focused on the dry side for the last couple of years so I'm thinking the 2018 plans will revolve around the slide complex that is going to be removed at the end of this year. The pictures of Storm Chaser on any website does not do it justice to how much room is available inside of Storm Chaser's layout or just how much ground Storm Chase covers but when we went in those same gates during Keys to the Kingdom there was a huge open layout and you can't see it but if you turn slightly right when entering the gates it is completely open all the way back to the 3rd hill where it turns to the left, they could easily put several flat rides inside of the Storm Chaser layout if they wanted to. If you sliced up a football field you could fit the whole football field inside of Storm Chaser and still have room left over.
  2. I think they might be planning on connecting Storm Chaser to Eye of the Storm because when we were at Keys to the Kingdom when we left Storm Chaser we went out a gate and crossed over the Drag Strip and then walked along side of it to Eye of the Storm. The area and distance between the two rides is a pretty big area so they could do a lot in that area.
  3. It will be, if they don't make an announcement before Thunder and the 2 weeks of festivities leading up to the Derby, they said they wait until after the Derby.
  4. As much as we'd all like a 200+ roller coaster I don't think it will ever happen because the FAA would have something to say about that since KK sits right in the middle of 2 runway approaches. Ed said that the most restrictive height limits are at the East and West edges of the park with the middle having the least amount of restrictions. They have to watch what they do build because he said that when they bring in cranes it'll show up on radars and cause the FAA to have panic attacks and start asking all kinds of questions. I know when they were building the new body slide the airport traffic was stopped while the cranes where onsite so I think a Giga coaster would end up causing all kinds of problems for KK. It'd be nice though.
  5. That is one of the things they mentioned on the Keys to the Kingdom tour, a local corporation rents out the park on Thunder so that is more than likely what was happening. Ed says one reason why they don't stay open later is so that they can keep the prices down and that is why season passes go for 59.99 because several of us asked about it and his response is would you rather have lower prices or would you rather the park be open later was his basic response.
  6. We had one of those when I was growing up. The step-mom took it when my Dad divorced her, man I loved that thing!
  7. I could spend hours and hours in that arcade, it has all my favorites.
  8. I present Exhibit A "Adventure Express" a great coaster but an ending that makes you laugh and go "WTF was that?"
  9. I was questioning it myself, it's a possibility but I'm just not seeing it based on what's built so far.
  10. I'm not sure how accurate this is but while watching videos on youtube, I came across this one and supposedly this is what the new ride is. Just thought I'd share:
  11. ^ ^ Robb, you are so hilarious to watch and listen to while you're on a coaster, I love it!
  12. Here's one of Eye of the Storm that I submitted through the Park Index link for Kentucky Kingdom, it was hard to get it all in. I can get a better one when the park opens.
  13. I agree Chuck, some parks are getting rid of log flumes which is a shame, it's nice to see a new one being built.
  14. I really can't say one way or another, there's 4 times a year I hunker down at home: Black Friday, Christmas Eve, Thunder Weekend, and Derby weekend including Friday.
  15. I was just talking to a coworker about Kings Island and it made me remember one of my favorite attractions as a kid but I can't remember what the name was. It was right next to Racer about where Flight Commander used to be. I remember you walked into a dome tent structure and there were 2 or 3 hand railings and you would stand there watching a 180 degree movie screen and while watching the movie it would feel like you were moving and turning left and right even though you were standing still. Anyone remember what the name of that was? I absolutely loved that thing.
  16. I love the drop, just wish they would have done a tunnel kind of like The Legend but I understand why they didn't.
  17. That is hard to call because that is Oaks and Derby weekend so it could be a mad house.
  18. I now know the new official name for whatever they're building "Meaner Streak".
  19. Pretty cool interview with Don: http://www.wlwt.com/article/sneak-peek-a-look-at-kings-island-s-newest-roller-coaster/9216500 Seeing the outside of the Shed, to me it doesn't look tall enough for some kind of drop track because it's all posts and trusses so I'm guessing not a drop track section... maybe a piece of track that barrel rolls 180 degrees?
  20. I see what you did there and that's great... Hopefully they will build another canopy to help prevent wasps nests at the end of the launch
  21. If you haven't done so yet, I would like Koaster Kid's FB page. June 21st they are doing a Koaster Kids Day at Kentucky Kingdom: Hi, everyone. We are so excited to announce that we have partnered with Kentucky Kingdom to do an awesome day of thrills and fun at Koaster Kids Day! Kentucky Kingdom is offering Koaster Kids fans discounted tickets at only $20 each, which includes admission to the amusement park, and the water park, and free drinks all day! Regular gate price is $49.95, which doesn't include drinks! We are also going to be getting some ERT (Exclusive Ride Time) on either Storm Chaser or Lightning Run for only our group before the park opens! We will also be selling half-price Koaster Kids t-shirts for that day. So, who's coming? We'd love to get a huge turnout to thank Kentucky Kingdom and show other parks the power of Koaster Kids!! A way to order tickets is coming soon. Here's the link to their FB page: https://www.facebook.com/koasterkids/?fref=ts
  22. I almost forgot, I asked Saturday about a Halloween event possibility and what they said was that they wouldn't necessarily do a "scary" Halloween event that they've been talking about doing a Fall Festival Holiday type of event, so that will be something to look forward to along with the Beer Garden
  23. oh I know, still would like to see a roller coaster that goes 50 feet underground that would be one heck of a first drop. I figured that whole back area where we went in would be a good expansion area.
  24. The only bad thing about trying to put in a big coaster is since KK is right in the middle of two approaches to runways it can be difficult putting something too big unless you go underground to get around the height restriction, but I'm excited to hear what they are doing for 2018 & 2019.
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