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Everything posted by mikeykaise

  1. McDonalds, Subway, Taco Bell, as well as a few others that I don't know of, have coupons for online promo codes. Im not too sure on grocery stores or supermarkets since the only one in my town (Walmart, ugh) does not have them. Also, the park's website itself runs pretty good deals. If you have a coaster club membership you may get a deeper discount. I have yet to find a better discount than what we get when we show our tpr cards at guest services. If I remember right it drops the ticket price down to 28 dollars or so.
  2. I say bulldoze T3 and extend the Twins coaster over in that direction when *keeping fingers crossed* RMC gets ahold of it like some of the rumors are saying. They could really make one heck of a coaster by combining both sides and extending it. I know it'll never happen just saying.
  3. The little stage in Christmas next to the games building is where Santa Claus will do story time and meet with kids. I'm not sure how often the show times are but its really cool for the little ones.
  4. What an awesome ride, another great job by Sally, Voyage to the Iron Reef could have been this good instead of just meh if Sally had worked on it.
  5. I'm surprised there aren't more private events at the park the next two weeks with it being Mass Immigration Week 1 & 2... errr I mean Derby kick-off week.
  6. I'm surprised there aren't more private events at the park the next two weeks with it being Mass Immigration Week 1 & 2... errr I mean Derby kick-off week.
  7. Skycatcher is in a weird spot to me, looking at the map, even though its next to the picnic shelters its kind of sitting in the water park section away from the amusement park side for the most part.
  8. I don't think they'll be making an actual announcement, the tv spots are already saying 8 new rides, and in each one they will show one or two new rides that will be opening up.
  9. They are going to have to scratch out Kingdom 7 and change it to Kingdom 8 now. They are airing commercials here locally now saying they are up to 8 new rides this season.
  10. Awesome! It should be a International Law that every park in the world is required to have a Scrambler!
  11. Maybe they'll make it to where after the train is loaded it rolls over onto its top and goes up the lift making it the first ever totally upside down wooden roller coaster.
  12. What I was curious about and the pov doesn't show is 1) will it go back up the first drop hill and 2) will it have enough speed to make it back up if so or will there be another chain. The pov doesn't really show if there'll be a last run backwards into a brake run or if it shoots back up the first hill.
  13. RMC and their stuff is awesome, but that would cause quite the uproar and would be almost sacrilegious to the Coaster enthusiasts out there if they were to do that. I think there would be a lot of unhappy people and negative backlash if they were to let RMC redo The Beast.
  14. T3 & Raging Rapids are rehabs from the park being closed for so long but they'll be open again for the first time in a long time in 2015 and then the other 3 will be brand new rides.
  15. looking at the pics in that blog post, it sure does seem to be the Eagle Flyers from the 4th of July section. I wonder if they'll reclaim that space for something other than a ride or replace it with a new flat ride possibly?
  16. Someone! Tell me when it is going to open! Please open such an awesome CCI woodie! Dan's saying it won't be open until 2015.
  17. No, it was a death caused by the lap bar not in the correct position and the ride op not stopping the ride to adjust it. Gerts is saying they are innocent because it was a ride operations error and that they actually made seat belt anchors into the cars but Six Flags chose not to finish installing seat belts until after the accident.
  18. I read that earlier and if what Gerstlauer saying is true about the seatbelt anchors being pre-installed with the ride and SF chose to not install the actual belts and buckles that makes SF look pretty bad for not installing them in the first place and then right after the accident when the ride was shut down they go ahead and install them. They must have edited the article, because now there is no mention of pre-installed seatbelt anchors... >_> I read the article wrong and misunderstood, apparently the seat-belt anchors were built into the train cars not pre-installed, sorry about that.
  19. Its a shame the loop isn't centered over top of Voyage, how cool would that be to be at the top looking down at a Voyage train or be on the Voyage and look up and see people hanging upside down above you, there would have to be some kind of netting but man that would be cool.
  20. I read that earlier and if what Gerstlauer saying is true about the seatbelt anchors being pre-installed with the ride and SF chose to not install the actual belts and buckles that makes SF look pretty bad for not installing them in the first place and then right after the accident when the ride was shut down they go ahead and install them.
  21. Ed Hart did say something about connecting both sides of Twisted Sister and adding to it to make it the worlds longest woodie or something to that affect.
  22. oops sorry for double post, had a brain & hand disconnect, That first article is great, not sure who wrote that but I live in Louisville and I can 100% confirm that police were not shooting people, no one was walking around in masks, and in fact it was a quiet night so there was a whole lotta uproar over something that never happened when the kid posted the flyers about the "purge".
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