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Everything posted by mikeykaise

  1. even though its smaller than the first hill of voyage in the animations it looked much bigger than the hill so it'll be interesting to see if it looks taller than Voyage's drop.
  2. I can see them keeping CSX names on the theming since CSX has a huge rail yard downtown and is one of Cincy's biggest companies.
  3. lol too funny, my thing is he's not that far from the treeline why not hightail it into the trees where he wouldn't be seen that would have been my move. I'd be running fast.
  4. HW is amazing, did anyone else see on their FB page that ticket prices aren't going up next year even though they are building a $22 million dollar new coaster, truly amazing! More good news for 2015: We don't plan to take gate prices up! And we have an Easy Pay Plan for Season Passes: $15 per month if you sign up by August 15: http://www.holidayworld.com/park-tickets/season-passes/ Meanwhile, be sure to visit us this season - before summer slips away!
  5. Didn't they say they were going to add the clue reveals to the 66 Day website?
  6. I think it will help both parks and it won't really be so much competition. Just look at how many people will come into the area for a couple of days just to go to both parks. I think it'll definitely help draw people to both parks.
  7. I really thought the tribute to Will on the side of the station is an awesome touch.
  8. Nope. That's wishful thinking. Thunderbird has nothing to do with Thanksgiving itself, nor a direct correlation with the Mayflower, or Pilgrims. Yeah, remind me again what relation The Raven has to Halloween. Thanks for the help, ZeroGravity. Edgar Allen Poe's poem the Raven fits right into Halloween Theme.
  9. I'm starting to wonder if its possible the footers are for other rides not just a new coaster. The building looks like its going to be either a bathroom, food stand, game booth or a drink station. They did say that this was going to be an expansion so I'm sure there'll be other new rides.
  10. It was just a bunch of to do over one employee's misunderstanding of the policy. Ed Hart personally posted on KK's FB page and clarified exactly what the policy is. The supposed mass breast feeding sit-in was cancelled after Ed Hart clarified the policy and said no one would ever be harassed and he just asked for mom's to use their discretion.
  11. The clue was at the end, the mile a minute or maybe faster, saying that the coaster is going to be 60+ mph.
  12. I just think its cool that one of the HW crew members came down to Alabama with Dan, I wonder who else went with Dan.
  13. ^ I completely agree with you about slurs & such, I think the report of what happened was slightly over exaggerated as none of the local news stations never even mentioned anything about this especially if it did indeed involve LMPD.
  14. I'm more wondering if its all about the new family members trying to take HW in a new direction and using a different formula and less about KK. *oops* forgot my example... their new commercials (is it me or is Santa a little freaky looking?) are more about attractions then family which is totally different than the ones with Pat, Will, & Dan talking about the family fun appeal.
  15. All KK is doing is trying to keep the water park family friendly by having a dress code just like HW. If the guy had gone to HW they would have done the same thing. Its just another case of someone trying to create bad publicity for a good thing like the other cases over the past couple of weeks.
  16. I think that they can expand in some of where the parking lot is now They would have to get permission from the Fair Board for that first, and seeing how much they use of the parking lot for the State Fair and how full the parking lots get for all the conventions and shows that happen I don't see the Fair Board allowing them to do that.
  17. you could be a dead ringer for Bert from Trip Flip aka Bert the Conqueror, you're not him are you?
  18. I think you are right about the water element and have figured from Day 1 PP's landing will be used in the expansion somehow. If I was a park manager and I took out a ride if I wasn't using the splash down portion in the future why would I leave the concrete channel, why not just take it out. If I wasn't planning on re-using it I would just take the concrete out and fill in with dirt and I'd still be able to maintain the surprise. I'm really starting to think it will like Aquatrax & Verbolten romancing either other and having a Vertrax baby
  19. the tower climb looks like it was awesome, and definitely qualifies as a "Never ever ever in America".
  20. here's a what-if that I just had after reading today's clue..... a wooden roller coaster with no splash down at all, and a new log flume with a ship voyage theme using pp's splash down and removing frightful falls, that would give them space in Halloween that they could expand Halloween to. When I look at the deck of the ship, I remind myself that this wood was once part of a towering tree. And I remind myself that we will one day see trees again when we reach the New World. - See more at: http://www.holidayworld.com/66days/#sthash.NcrVmh73.dpuf
  21. Welcome to America, land of bureaucratic red tape & crumbling infrastructure.
  22. I'm thinking the possibility of something similar to the Seven Dwarves Mine Train ride. I could see how they could model individual cars as ships and it would have the rocking motion like a ship would have and hasn't been thrown out there yet.
  23. Based on today's clue, it may not be popular with coaster enthusiasts on what they're building: "A growing number of passengers whisper concerns that we made a poor choice in joining this voyage. How do we help them find courage? - See more at: http://www.holidayworld.com/66days/#sthash.StEW6xFR.dpuf" Maybe I'm reading too much into it, but that's my whole interpretation. Just like the year they were building up to the Mammoth announcement which turns out to be a bigger version of Wildebeest.
  24. whatever happened to the whole covered bridge thing that was suppose to appear this year?
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