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Everything posted by mikeykaise

  1. I'm so excited now, I'm so looking forward to May. So many new things and new shows especially the Seals show. I'll definitely be taking the family to Kentucky Kingdom a few times next year.
  2. Everyone knows that a vat of chocolate is the best for dipping pretzels into especially if its an Auntie Em's pretzel.
  3. you do, looks like almost they have two crews working on both sections.
  4. if we can't afford the tour, is it possible to join the group when they are at Kentucky Kingdom and Holiday World for the day since both are in our backyard and would love to meet everyone?
  5. I can't remember from the animated videos and pov but will there be tunnels for banshee or is it all above ground?
  6. That's correct. ahhh ok so as your going into Gobbler's getaway it'll be to the left of there?
  7. by the drawing it appears it'll be out behind Girrafica and across from Hyena Falls, Paula?
  8. http://www.holidayworld.com/holiblog/holihint-countdown well that wasn't very nice to give a no information hint like that... it could be anything... lol
  9. I hate to say it but you probably are right since Hyena Falls is kind of over there by itself and some small new flat ride for the Holiday World side. I can't imagine they'd build one set of water slides way out yonder where its such a long walk away from the rest of the waterpark unless they were going to build another waterpark expansion.
  10. Convenient how she didn't respond to this... Pirate Splash Battle back by Giraffica anyone? With as many issues as there has been with Giraffica, perhaps they're tearing it down and putting in a Splash Battle as a replacement?
  11. Dang, you got it! Wait till you see the new Sally dark ride we have planned ... take a ride through the labor and delivery process over the centuries. It'll be a screamer! that sounds like a clone almost of the most disturbing walk-through from the Mexico TPR trip earlier this year!
  12. if its the same company as last year I wasn't too impressed. I rode both of the Himalayas last year and it was so turned down that it was a boring ride same way with the scrambler. I hope its better this year when we go.
  13. I agree... I rode Voyage 10-15 straight times this year at HW Nights moving around the train each time while everyone was on the walk back so I could wave at them and pose for the cameras and I really wasn't sore or had bruises after my last ride of the day. It was a little cool and not very humid so I think that is what makes the ride. I've ridden it on more hot and humid days and it was brutal.
  14. I have 3 words. Rocky Mountain It. totally agree... imagine how much more awesome the Voyage would be with a nice smooth steel topper track.
  15. http://www.holidayworld.com/holiblog/voyage-train-update Well this just sucks! No Timberliners for HW at all.... I wanna cry now.
  16. you forgot to add repressed and ultra conservative. Americans need to learn to relax and enjoy life like Europeans do.
  17. the article does help clarify things but the thing I'm confused on is this one and other ones just updated are saying after the first hill drop but I didn't think the first hill had a tunnel at the bottom, I thought this happened at the diving turn after the hill or am I just thinking wrong since I haven't had a chance to ride this one yet?
  18. I agree with you about this ride, I love Giraffica/Pilgrims Plunge and its a fun ride, but the whole around, up, down, and back around to station kind of makes for a boring ride. They had plenty of room behind it and could have done so much more with it like other parks have done with the same exact kind of ride. I forget the name of the ride or what park it is in over in Europe, but the coaster section would be a blast and would still be considered a family friendly ride.
  19. Chang errr... Green Lantern looks good as ever, I wonder if Ed Hart could cut a deal with Six Flags to bring it back to Louisville, I know I know, its a pipe dream but a guy can dream can't he?
  20. I know STR and Giraffica are different with their lifts but that the boats are the same so I'm sure its just coincidental but Holiday World is saying now that Giraffica is going to be closed down indefinitely while the company that designed it comes in to work on the track some. Like I said probably not related but the timing makes you wonder?
  21. I noticed that as well. There were several things still there that they closed down and never took down. Sawyer's Treehouse, a building and a clear path behind Geyser Gulch, and then the one that got me was a very tall loading platform that's probably like a 100 or 200 feet tall and you look up at it and it doesn't connect to anyplace, just standing there next to the path as you're walking down. I forget where its located but its on one of the downhill wooded paths, think its the one that brings you out by the whitewater rapids ride but could be mistaken.
  22. Really kind of sad that people would use this kind of thing just and make stuff up like this just so they can get on tv and brag to their friends that they got interviewed. I completely agree, I saw on IAAPA's website that the statistic of dying at an amusement park is 1 in 450 million people and the GP they see something like this they all get scared of going to one.
  23. what a tragic accident and prayers for the family. I know when I ride a roller coaster I always push down 2 or 3 times to make sure the lap bar is down all the way. I trust the ride ops but it never hurts to double check them before leaving the station and going up the hill. I agree with most everybody, with the bar still being down on the return into the station it wasn't a mechanical failure but just a body type vs lap bar. I couldn't imagine seeing something happen like this towards the beginning of the ride and having to sit there during the rest of the course after seeing that. My prayers for everyone on that train. One thing that the GP needs to keep in mind is that there's no perfectly safe roller coaster and that when you sit down on one, you have to be aware of "yes I realize there's an implied risk of inury" that comes from being hauled around so fast and twisting at such angles.
  24. I'm so happy to have my city's park opening next year. My only concern is if they start making a profit and becomes very popular will Ed screw up again and sell it to another big park corporation that will run it into the ground. I sure hope not, and I know its a really slim chance of happening but I wouldn't mind seeing the in-door coaster brought back once more.
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