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Everything posted by mikeykaise

  1. I'm guilty of relaying the false reports too and I apologize, I didn't think that the picture didn't quite look right. I'll be glad for people to be able to return so we can get an accurate listing instead of one being relayed over and over again. Prayers for the ones that have lost their lives and the ones who were injured, and my heart goes out to all the ones that lost everything. We lost darn near everything we owned from record rain flooding and sewer backup so I can sympathize about how it feels to be nearly wiped out material wise but still be alive.
  2. I agree with you, just saying its plausible to add more blocks especially since they will be doing track work and getting a new train.
  3. I agree, while the first train is in the back half turn around heading toward the structure they could be loading and sending a 2nd train up the hill and there would be plenty of distance between them.
  4. Here's a link to the article, it'll be a good addition but I just don't get excited about these loops: http://www.wdrb.com/story/33816449/kentucky-kingdom-announces-new-attractions-for-2017
  5. Sorry for the double post, forgot to attach the image file.
  6. I'm glad to hear that the aquarium and the sea life inside are safe and sound, hopefully the marine life team will be staying onsite to take care of them as long as the team isn't in jeopardy. It really sucks to hear about the Mysterious Mansion, they confirmed on their FB page that it was lost but they haven't said if they will rebuild or not just thanked people for all the visits over the years, hopefully they will decide to rebuild.
  7. To me it looks like they are laying the track wood like that because it allows them to overlap the seams and the bottom layer where 2 boards meet will be in the center of the board sitting on top of it.
  8. I may have missed it but has the Park announced anything in the way of 2017?
  9. One of these days I'll get over the pond to ride Goliath.
  10. ^ What he said, there was 2 of them, one up front near the entrance and one in the back by Mammoth and Wldebeest but they took out the one in front when they redid SS's entrance and they removed the water slide that went over the entrance walkway.
  11. Just throwing this out there but maybe perhaps "Son of Beast" reborn but without the loop this time and a completely different layout?
  12. I'm not sure what the proper name is but this looks like its a chiller used in commercial hvac systems, I work in IT but the company I work for is a huge hvac company so I'm sure someone in my office could tell me the exact name of this thing. http://www.themeparkreview.com/forum/files/thumb_kingsislandhalloween2015_011.jpg
  13. The one time that I went with the wife and kids we had two day passes, the first day it was raining periodically off and on and the crowd was very light so not much wait times and then we came back the next day, and it was hot and sunny and there were long waits.
  14. Its a good solution for a small park without a lot of room for an out and back. Looks like a fun time.
  15. That's an awesome idea, TPR part on Crittenden when testing starts. I just can't get over that drop, coming out of the barrell roll, I noticed two things A) you pretty much half-way down and b) there's like no noticeable curve at all, its a straight shot to the bottom. This will start out the ride with a huge kick in the pants!
  16. I agree, we had a nice little storm roll through with wind, little bit of lightning, and thunder. I think the storm wanted to include all 3 coasters here in the Louisville area last night.
  17. Especially when they also have a kick A$$ coaster in Lightning Run. By this time next year Kentucky Kingdom will have one of the best one-two punches in the whole country. I know I'll probably be accosted for this, and I know Thunder Run doesn't have much to it but it's a pretty fun coaster too so in my opinion KK will have 4 awesome coasters.
  18. Ahhh ok... the last time I rode it they just had the OTS restraints. Its been too long.
  19. Wouldn't having bags at your feet on FOF pose a hazard since it goes upside down?
  20. From day one when Ed Hart was working on reopening the park he talked about removing the duel from TT and making it into one long coaster, there was even a rumor that he wanted to connect Thunder Run's track to Storm Chaser's and make it the world's longest coaster.
  21. This is so cool! Its a shame it didn't catch on here in the US. Do they use real food in the restaurants or is it plastic, it looked like Kidtums was squeezing sauce onto the hamburger but I couldn't tell if it was real or not.
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