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Everything posted by mikeykaise

  1. I think you're right, there's definitely like a main path and it has two different openings.
  2. The central time zone doesn't start until you get 30-40 miles south and west of Louisville, the whole city is on EST year around with Daylight Savings Time. I don't recommend going too far west of I65, around the airport is fine but the NW/West side of Louisville are rougher parts of town.
  3. Love the track colors, the support columns doesn't look right against the sexy gray/red combo of the track.
  4. the best part of the tunnel was it was a nice spot to go and get cool under when it was hotter than the devil's balls. There's very few spots left now to go and cool off now.
  5. Kentucky Kingdom - do not head to Storm Chaser if you're there at opening that's pretty much where everyone goes first. I would head to Thunder Run or Kentucky Flyer first and then check out the line for Storm Chaser or Lightning Run. Be Prepared for slow dispatch times on all rides and waterpark being very crowded anytime during the summer. I'm not a fan of SLC's but I've heard T3 can beat you up.... also another good coaster for the first one of the day would be Roller Skate.
  6. well at least Six Flags didn't just up and pull out and leave things abandoned and also take two rides with them, they could easily do that at one of the less maintained parks... lol
  7. I know both of my kid's trips to HW were in May... the lines weren't horrible, it just depends on how many schools show up that day.
  8. this is becoming the norm, I did my Computer Science Bachelor's degree totally online and never stepped foot in a classroom while working full time.
  9. Most of the school groups stay more in the dry park from my experiences so the lines usually are filled with school kids during the day.
  10. I agree about having to be on your phone all the time at any Disney property would suck, that's supposed to be quality family time not play on your phone, but then again anytime you go out to eat everyone around you is usually on their phones instead of spending time as a family.
  11. I think you're right the layout won't change, I think looking at the crossover in the picture I think they might mean that the elevation will change at the tunnel entrance, like the drop in will go lower and then the crossover will move to above the drop-in... just how I'm reading it.
  12. Agreed, Grandfather's Mansion, and if you're not careful you can easily miss the entrance to it. SDC doesn't really make it too obvious we kind of accidentally passed the entrance when we were there.
  13. What I'm getting from it and I could be wrong is they're redoing the geometry so instead of dropping down and then coming back up possibly maybe start out on the bottom near the tunnel and then climb up the helix?
  14. I'm just going into the Carnival trip next year as being at Walmart for 5 days and an open mind. I'm more excited about actually getting a passport and traveling out of country going to Mahogany Bay and Cozumel and then back to Tampa. It'll be all sorts of interesting.
  15. One good thing about them working on the drop into the helix is maybe they'll get rid of the trim brake that was there, we can hope anyways.
  16. This sounds like a story I heard on the news last night, the employees of the Candlemaker plant in Mayfield are hiring attorneys and are going to sue the company for not allowing them to leave when the storm hit, seriously an EF4 tornado is bearing down on you and you want to go outside, if the company let the employees leave there would have been more than the 8 unfortunate deaths from that company.
  17. My gf and I are looking at a Carnival cruise for 5 days to Mexico, should I be wary of Carnival or is it pretty decent? This will be my first ever cruise.
  18. I haven't found any new about the park but does anyone know if they suffered any damage from the 3 tornados that hit Bowling Green?
  19. Honestly I'm surprised that DW is keeping LR going, the thing that keeps popping into my head is the return on investment.... it can't be that great because it's constantly down.
  20. I agree about the name, Arieforce... come on... I could see something like Aeroforce.
  21. Just something I've always wondered before but why not use an air sprayer as opposed to rollers to do repaints, seems like it'd be more cost efficient and would go on better.
  22. I totally agree and I'm interested to see what they will do with Kentucky Kingdom now. I think this could be a very positive thing for Louisville in a few years as long as they can put up with dealing with the Fair Board.
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