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Everything posted by Cyrbuzz

  1. Being a parent myself of a 6 year old, stories like this just give you that sick feeling inside. When will people start taking more responsibility for their actions, especially where their children are concerned? I'm in total agreement with you Rob there's no excuse for this kind of reckless parenting. I'm reminded of an incident that occured not far from where I live. In Oxford, Florida a child was killed by a pet Burmese Python that was kept in a tank covered with nothing but a towel. If there was a crime for stupid parents just think how full the jails would be.
  2. Wow that is a great coaster indeed. I like the feel very Maverick like and nice placement of themeing. Can this track be downloaded? I would love to use it in a future park project.
  3. I think Gwazi at Busch Gardens would be a nice candidate for the Rocky Mountain treatment. Even after the Millenium Flyer trains were added there are still a lot of complaints about this ride.
  4. How about Gwazi at Busch Gardens? It twists in and out between the two tracks and they're pretty compact for a wood coaster. Not many other woodies have such a layout that I'm aware of.
  5. Where did you get the art deco scenery? I like the art deco look and think this looks great, can't wait to see more from this park.
  6. Very nice park, such detail makes it a pleasure to look at. I look forward to seeing more of this effort.
  7. Anything new on the rumored drop tower ride? I haven't heard of anything new being said or announced.
  8. I'm really liking the new steel track being done on these coasters. Funny how so far the only coasters getting this refurb are in the state of Texas. If only Busch gardens would have this done to Gwazi then maybe that ride would finally have all its issues fixed. I'm sure many would agree that Mean Streak should be the next candidate for this type of refurbishment.
  9. Very nice, I like the buildings that go with this, that's one of the things I really enjoy is checking out the different building styles presented on the gaming sites.
  10. The launches of Cheetah Hunt give a pretty neat whoosh sound. I never heard that kind of sound before on the few launch coasters I've been on.
  11. Wow this is one nice looking coaster, such great tunneling work. I look forward to seeing more of this.
  12. Here's something I'm currently working on. Does this look familiar?
  13. Wow that is quite a twist to your park's storyline. I love how much of a real park feel you put into this the lawsuit angle definately fits in todays world where our favorite parks come under fire for some reason or other.
  14. Since interest in this has waned I will post no more updates for this park. For those who commented I thank you for your imput.
  15. Michigan's Adventure's Corkscrew coaster is pretty short, pretty much the same layout as Busch Garden's Python coaster was.
  16. Some of the night shots look like Christmas time, looking good keep up the good work.
  17. Nice ride with a touch of Maverick in there. I don't suppose you would put the track only up for download would you?
  18. Okay, I was going to wait a little before update but here is a good one. As season 5 draws to a close a new coaster is gracing the front of the park. Set to open for the 6th season I give you Longhorn a B&M floorless coaster with the power of a raging bull. Finishing touches are in progress and this ride should be a great addition to the park. The Redman and Wilson families will be on hand for the grand opening. Meanwhile look at what is finally happening in the back of the property, another coaster going up in what will be a mining town themed area. And as if that weren’t enough, an area called The OK Corral where kid friendly attractions will abound, is also being prepared. I'm still working on the supports for Longhorn, so hang in there and better layout shots with a fully completed coaster will be coming soon. The new station house. Something new shaping up in the back of the park. A new shop opening up next to Tumbleweed Sawmill Falls has seen some face lifts to its station house. A shot of a new flat ride called Saddle Soar. The OK Corral coming soon to Six Gun Territory Behold The Longhorn a B&M floorless coaster.
  19. It’s update time, here’s quick shots of progress on the yet to be named B&M coaster going into Sidewinder’s old spot. The station house has really gone through big changes from the sidewinder days. More shots to come of the new ride and there may be a little break from updates as I get the park expansion going in the back of the park. Please share any thoughts on the park’s current updates. Track work beginning and station modification. Sidewinder's station has really gone through a big change.
  20. This is a short update as we are into season five for Six Gun Territory. Sidewinder is no more and the station itself is being altered but not completely leveled. As was stated in earlier update John Wilson has been in talks with B&M and has all but confirmed a Beemer will take Sidewinder’s place at the front of the park. No official announcement has been made yet but indications point to a floorless coaster. Included in today’s photos are land prep for the new ride and a few shots around the park including The Cheyenne Grille. Enjoy the pics and stay tuned for our next update with some expansion construction in the back of the property. Sidewinder station being prepped for future attraction. Carousel Square The Cheyenne Grille
  21. Your coasters are very well done, great themeing, great layouts very nicely packaged attractions. Where did you find the Furious Baco coaster train?
  22. I visited Canada's Wonderland once before Behemoth and Leviathan were built. I believe Paramount still owned it at the time and I remember it had some great flat rides but a mediocre coaster collection. I remember the two big woodies were the roughest I've ever been on. At least now with a couple great steel coasters added my next visit will be much more exciting.
  23. Looks good, a little more landscaping and this could be a very nice park.
  24. I love pictures of parks from a bygone era, it stirs my imagination and wishing to be able to travel back to a time when they were brand new. It's really cool to compare the parks from how they started to how they look today. Those pics are in pretty good shape for their age.
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