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Everything posted by Cyrbuzz

  1. This is a very nice park, would be a shame if there was no more to see. Nice parks like this are a treat to look at with all the detail and hard work put into them.
  2. Hello it’s update time dismanteling of the Sidewinder has begun and what a sad sight it is. More ground work also happening in the back of the park. We should see some vertical construction happening there very soon. So, here are the pictures enjoy. Deconstruction has begun. Going, Going, Gone. Land work continues as season five begins.
  3. I'm glad you enjoyed your trip, it is a great park my son and I visit quite often. I wonder what happened to a couple of the banners on Cheetah hunt's tower?
  4. Well here we are again and I have the scoop on Sidewinder. It seems there were numerous hairline cracks and once large failure in various welds on two of the corkscrew loops and a large section of the helix. These were discovered during a test run before the park opened for the day. Along with that there was damage to some of the rails due to some shifting. This has left the park to make a serious decision. My insider friend says Sidewinder may be dismantled and put into storage to be repaired later and relocated to the expansion area in the back of the park. Now where does this leave the park with one large flagship ride out of commission? Another rumor has it that John Wilson has been in talks with B&M recently. This could really get interesting so stay tuned. In the mean time here’s more pictures from around the park including the new flat ride Tumbleweed. Sawmill Falls has also received a few changes to its structure, enjoy. Tumbleweed the new addition to the parks ride lineup. Sawmill Falls has received a facelift, looking good. A trip through Ghost Town Oh give me a home, where the buffalo roam.
  5. Hi again, another update come your way. Something is afoot at the sidewinder coaster. A closed sign has gone up on our signature ride. The Redman brothers are tight lipped at the moment regarding this closure. Rumor has it that there is some issues with segments of the track. I can’t confirm this but did notice ride inspectors were out in force inspecting a couple areas around the corckscrew loops and the helix. Land clearing continues at the back of the property but nothing picture worthy yet. Here are a few new snapshots of the park for your viewing pleasure. What's going on with Sidewinder? Square Dance a Tilt A Whirl with charm. This is Tornado, a typical Scrambler style ride. Sawmill Falls the parks flume ride.
  6. Any idea when construction will begin? There sure is a lot to have up and running by 2013 I hope they can get ti done.
  7. Don't be shy folks, all comments welcome here. Six Gun Territory will be here for a while to come. I have much larger park in the making too, but that's a topic for another day.
  8. Hello again, it’s time for a visit to Six GunTerritory as season four is in full swing. Big things have happened since the destruction of Barnstormer. The Redman’s have a new business partner in the park and word is he has very deep pockets and is as passionate on this park being successful. His name is John Wilson and he is a real estate tycoon who wanted a new venture to sink his teeth into as he planned to move on from the real estate business. The park is in the process of aquiring a new ride to replace Barnstormer and possibly a second ride along side of it. The biggest news though is expansion of the park into the backside of the property. Construction vehicles are already working on clearing the backside of the property. Details on what will be put there are still top secret, but I’m told it will be a big expansion with a new roller coaster and a compliment of flat rides, shops and eateries. So here are a few shots to hold you over until we get more info. Here's the new arrival taking place of the departed Barnstormer. Name will be announced soon. A little land clearing under way. Some new views of the parks other attractions. Here's Lasso a themed round up ride. What's a theme park without a few games here and there? Sidewinder doing its thing on a Sunny Day.
  9. Hello, we’re back to Six Gun Territory for an update on goings on in the park. We’re into the third season and tragedy has struck the park. Barnstormer, the park’s topspin ride, was struck by lightning during a summer thunderstorm. The bolt had struck the barn structure and the fire spread very quickly to the ride itself. Because the event happened after hours during an overnight storm, emergency response was not immediate. The following day the Redmans inspected the damages along with their insurance adjuster and concluded damages were too severe to repair the ride. A sad day to be sure since it was the only ride of its type in the state of Florida. The park will look at their options on replacing the ride depending on the insurance companies evaluation. Barnstormer smoldering from terrible fire. This is the site a week later after the ride was cleared away.
  10. Remember the good old days when the price to park was only $7.00? By the way aren't their current prices a little above the norm for a park their size already?
  11. Great coaster and a great park, one thing I really enjoy in viewing these parks is attention to detail. I like checking out the details people put into their creations as it inspires me to be creative in my endeavours.
  12. Sad to hear this ride doesn't live up to its hype. Visually it is definately a site to behold and gives Montu a run for its money on themeing. At the end of the day however, it's all about the ride experience itself.
  13. I look forward to seeing where this park goes. I enjoy seeing the works of aspiring park makers,since I too have a newly released park and love to share with others. I can't wait to see this parks progress in the days ahead.
  14. Thanks for bringing the Arrow Looper to my attention. What happened was I was going to have a more detailed explanation about that. My original back story would have been a couple pages long so I had to shorten it a bit. What was accidentally omitted was why this ride had the layout it has. In my back story The Redman brothers when planning their park wanted a signature ride to grace the front of the park. But due to budget constraints, they could not afford a modern new coaster such as a B&M or Intamin. So what they found were a pair of Arrow coasters from two defunct parks. The coasters were sold to them for a very low price, since they were to be scrapped anyway. The Redmans hired Vekoma to refurbish and rebuild the coasters. However, since it made no sense to built two nearly identical coasters in the same park, they decided to combine elements of one coaster into the layout of the other. This explains the third corkscrew in the layout along with added length of the ride from it's original length. The Frankenstein routine worked out well and the guests love this combination of classic coasters. The remaining track that was not used in the ride was sold for scrap to help pay for the refurbishment. There will be more interesting things to come involving this ride but that is for another update. Thanks again for reading and stay tuned for more to come.
  15. Thanks for your complement, I like this game and the possibilities. Anyone else have a comment or any constructive criticism please share I would like to hear from you.
  16. Hello, this is my first project since switching over to RCT3 from RCT2. I hope you like the story and the views so let's get started. Jim and Steve Redman are two Florida boys who grew up in Ocala, Florida and had a big love for the theme parks and all things fun. The Redmans own a small chain of family fun parks in Florida and Georgia consisting of putt putt golf and a few small rides. In 1997 while visiting Walt Disney World, the Redmans were inspired by the Frontierland section of the park. It reminded them of a park once located in Ocala called Six GunTerritory which had a wild west theme and ran from the mid 1960's to the mid 1980's. Six Gun Territory had a full scale western town with saloons, trading posts, gun fights through out the day. There was an old fashioned steam train which took you from the parking lot into the town itself. Or if you preferred, a skyride carried you to the town instead of the train. The park also had a small area with familiar carnival rides and games. The Redmans grew up going to this park (as well as nearby Silver Springs) and had fond memories of all the fun they had. Steve decided he wanted to build an all new Six Gun park closer to the I-75 interstate running right through Ocala. He figured the location may give this park a better chance of success over the old park. The Redmans searched for a suitable piece of property and found one, with man-made lakes and close to the interstate just off State Road 200. The property was once a large horse farm that had gone into foreclosure and was just right for a large project of this scale. Next was the task of securing the rights to the name Six Gun Territory. This process took a few months but the name was aquired and the next step is construction. The hope was to start by the end of 1998 and open the park by mid to late 1999. As news got out around the area of this park local support grew by leaps and bounds. The original park closed due to low attendance and location, despite its proximity to Silver Springs up the road. Construction went as planned and by September 1999 Six Gun Territory was once again a part of the Ocala landscape. Let's check out a few photos of this dream come true for the Redman family and Ocala. Here's an overview of the park's layout. Main Street Six Gun. Barnstormer a topspin ride with nice themeing. Blazing Saddles a wooden beast with the thrill of a stampede. Sidewinder the parks signature coaster at the front of the park. Sassy Sadies a dining mainstay in this new western park. Carousel Square section of main street.
  17. For me the worst lines were anything at Cedar Point 3+ hours on the big ones. Gemini was one of few coasters I rode there that kept the lines moving. I've been to the Point at least 4 times in my life and got a good ride on "Line:The Ride."
  18. Coming Soon to TPR games page, "Six Gun Territory". Shot0040.bmp A park with a western flavor. Shot0016.bmp
  19. Very nice park, it has a lot of character. Where did you get the railings such as the ones in front of your log flume?
  20. Looking for stadium lights to use on a recreation of a major league ballpark. Are there any good ones out there that look like the ones in modern ballparks?
  21. How busy is Busch Gardens on Mondays? I'm thinking of going on the 25th of this month but am curious on crowds during a weekday.
  22. Thanks that did the trick the pictures should upload now with no problem.
  23. When attaching pics for a park, my pics were over the 2Meg size limit. How do I convert my pics to where they won't be as large? It is a screen shot from the RCT3 game saved as bitmap.
  24. Has anyone heard anything to go along with rumors about Gwazi possibly getting track work similar to texas Giant? Screamscape reported a rumor about parts of Gwazi getting this track work since it is still having issues despite the new flyer trains.
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