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Everything posted by bottom_feeder_13

  1. ^ Change the huge spine on the lift to some wooden beams and have an environment with the wood texture removed or make it out of turned L or H beams and it'll look way better. It also looks like your drop has a straight section in it, which I would get rid of..
  2. ^ This post is full of win. Back on track, I've never been on a togo so I have nothing to contribute.
  3. It's quite easy, a majority of the "GP" share a crazy, unreasonable logic: "I saw it on the internet, so it must be real." I read this and immediately thought of this Ahh, the Onion.
  4. In addition to what I already posted: $150 cash from grandparents New jacket that is for weather about 25* colder than it ever gets were I live Another $100 cash from my aunt
  5. Steel: Either Maverick it the back row, X2, or Goliath (SFMM) for the whip, straight down orientation and flat drop straight into the tiny tunnel respectively. Wood: Tremors, straight into and out the gift shop with a nice pop of air in the back seat.
  6. Really nice backpacking gear A week out at Catalina Chocolate Some headphones from a white elephant exchange A cookbook More chocolate Some candy Some other stocking stuffer stuff Whatever I get tomorrow when I go see my Dad's extended family.
  7. 26/26, the thing is, I actually knew all but one of them. Yes, I'm sad and pathetic with no friends, pity me.
  8. The first half of Maverick is also at only 50-55 mph, so I think this has plenty of potential to be intense.
  9. A quick question: when order tickets should I enter my account email or the email of the parent paying for the tickets?
  10. Want, Now. Now if only I could arrange to go to England next year.
  11. ^ What, to maintain a woodie worse than some parks I know of *cough*Colossus*couch* you'd have to have a guy out on the track every morning with a chainsaw or a blowtorch.
  12. I wonder how much these things cost because I'd love to have one in my back yard. Daydreaming aside it looks like a great addition, now if only someone would start a waterpark near were I live and add one of these as well as a few other slides.
  13. The whole zero g roll really bummed me out, I was looking forward to a B & M hyper not another ride.
  14. So those pics just confirmed that this drop won't have water running down it ala Pilgrim's Plunge, I think this may turn out very interesting and I'm bummed that I won't be able to go ride this for a few years.
  15. Looking at the layout it looks like this would make a decent little spinner, with all the turns it could have turned out quite nice, if rather dire capacity wise. Still looks like an enjoyable little coaster, with a pop of potential air in the back row on the first drop.
  16. ^The only thing is that at SFMM even the GP immediately rush to X2, the line for S:EFK isn't that huge at first, it's sort of a second tier ride.
  17. Haven't been following this much but it's nice to see my home park away from home get another good ride. Now if only they had found a better spot to drop Carolina Cobra instead of ripping out FSS, and had refrained from murdering Nighthawks aesthetics, then it may qualify as one of my fav parks.
  18. Whoa, there I thought this was a family site, there's too much sexyness in that last set of pictures to be classed as anything but porn.
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