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Everything posted by bottom_feeder_13

  1. Nope, in this year's poll the closest I've got is 16th, top ten through 2007. Have you ever ridden one of the 10 worst wooden coasters on the Mitch Hawker Poll?
  2. Little fish and chips shop called Mac's, great everything (if it's possible for deep fried hagis to be great).
  3. Thanks for all the help, sounds like I'll be buying the fast pass.
  4. Just a quick question for all the CW locals, are the lines long enough then to merit spending the cash on the Fast Lane extension or not?
  5. Nope, but I have had fried grass-hopper tacos before. Are you a Trekie?
  6. Yes, Matterhorn Bobsleds at Disneyland, first tubular steel track coaster. Do you like running?
  7. Yes Have you ever been hit in the crotch more than 5 times in one day?
  8. 22/26 some of those were a bit obscure but it was a fun one.
  9. ^ Couldn't be more right if he was saying Green Lantern was a crappy movie < Wishes that spring brake lasted more than just a week v Is answering from their iPhone
  10. After Frequent Faller was mentioned somewhere I had a look at the Interactive Rides website and found that they have a 32 seat drop tower design. See the page here.
  11. ^^ Soon would imply this year which would imply a year round park which would narrow down the candidates to just a few parks, Knott's being one of them, also I think that those colors would fit in nicely in the Mexico area of the park.
  12. ^ Hell yes < Wishes it was July already so he could go to Leviathan Bash v Is going to Leviathan Bash too
  13. Could it be that Knott's is finally getting a new coaster, they have a history of opening rides late in the year, so maybe this is for them, not to mention it compliments Perilous Plunge nicely. If it isn't that then Everland is my second guess, also sometime last year Screamscape posted something about a B & M launched model.
  14. I've stepped on a rockfish (the non-poisonous kind) and still have a few scars on the bottom of my foot that used to be holes about a half inch deep. Also I've had two really close calls with a scalpel, once I almost dropped one blade first into my foot and then almost had one roll off a workbench into my thigh.
  15. ^ Wishes he was older < Wishes he was shorter V Wishes they were fatter
  16. No, but I have used toilet paper as a tissue because I had a really bad nosebleed and couldn't find the tissues. Have you ever had teacher grade your test with the wrong answer key?
  17. Accidentally eating fresh haggis. What''s worse than Dollywood and Silver Dollar City both replacing all their food places with McDonald's?
  18. My computer just froze up and I had to manually shut it down but NL was running at the time of the failure and I happened to be working on my submission to a competition over at CC and now whenever I try to load the file it says that it cannot load the track. Any help would be immensely appreciated.
  19. I don't get all the flak Ghostrider gets, I think its a great ride that is a bit rough but if they would remove the horrid trimming on the MCBR then it would be a brilliant ride.
  20. Chuck Norris was a midwife once, he only delivered one baby, its name was Bruce Lee.
  21. More sexyness as usual, my only gripe would be that the red aerowing trains looked epic on the sky colored track while the blue ones are a bit meh.
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