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Everything posted by viking86

  1. ^Yup! The concert was, as always, bloody fantastic! Mighty Quinn raised the roof, as did all the other classics such as Blinded by the Light, Davy's on the road again, etc... Being in a small venue with a low roof and FANTASTIC sound quality really makes it one hell of an experience!
  2. Going to watch Chris Thompson tonight! It's an annual event in my city, and like every year I'm really looking forward to it. Been humming on 'Mighty Quinn' all day lol...
  3. ^It was described as 'horror experience' in a Norwegian newspaper...
  4. Heide Park on May 31st. Even without Colossos running I'm very excited, my last coaster was Hyperspace Mountain at Disneyland Paris in September last year so it's definitely time to ride some coasters again soon.
  5. We only have a small selection of American beers available in Norway, but at least there's a couple of decent ones to be found!
  6. I would ride it, but I would definitely be nervous! I rode the first StarFlyer at Wiener Prater back in 2005 and that was quite an experience, despite that one only being around 250 ft tall if I remember correctly.
  7. I saw those pictures on facebook yesterday. That part of the ride was really bad last time I rode Thundercoaster in 2016, so nice to see it getting some care.
  8. Spring has suddenly arrived on the Norwegian west coast, and this is the second day in a row where the weather/temperature has allowed for a beer on the terrace after work. Today I have enjoyed a Silver Lining White Belgian IPA from Norwegian brewery Nøgne Ø. This one was perfect for sitting in the sun!
  9. Awesome report! Disney Magic sure seems to capture plenty of the "Disney magic". I have never been a proper cruise myself (only overnight ferries), but it looks like something that I would enjoy very much. I love heading down to the harbour to have a look when there is a Disney ship in town. As a huge Disney fan, there's just something special about seeing the ship with the Disney logo on the side. Standing there wanting to go on the ship makes me feel like a child again! Disney Magic in Bergen, Norway in July 2016.
  10. "Dankins" New England Style IPA (6,8% ABV) from Cervisiam Brewery (Oslo, Norway). A very nice refreshing and easily drinkable IPA, one of the better new beers I've had in a while.
  11. All that beer looks delicious! But I'm still waiting for Disney to start serving Norwegian beer in the Norway pavilion at Epcot!
  12. Very cool that the tour is self guided, I really like that idea. West Ham's move to the Olympic Stadium was definitely controversial, with many fans unhappy about moving from their home for more than 100 years into a soulless corporate stadium that was never built with football in mind in the first place. It seems like the fans are now starting to settle in into their new home, in the beginning there was a lot of chaos with also several instances of fighting between fans and stewards. But yes, at the moment their team is also a bit shit and the fans are not happy with the management of the club. As a bit of a ground enthusiast it was definitely sad to see their old ground Boleyn Ground bite the dust, a proper football stadium with tons of history and character.
  13. There are additional stats in the December 2017 announcement. Page 39 Obviously I have a poor short-term memory because I had completely forgotten about this announcement. Heck, I had even commented on it! I guess with the constant new announcements coming from this park it's easy to get confused if it's something new or something which has already been announced before.
  14. Just checked my taxes and I'm getting almost $2k back this year!
  15. Bøyla Blonde Ale from Ægir Brewery in Norway. Decent beer, and Ægir still has my favorite can design.
  16. I just broke a glass. I don't care about breaking it, but it happened right after I washed it and that made it really annoying!
  17. I could have sworn the forecast was saying rain today...
  18. Just north of the city, not far from where I grew up and where my parents still live. This was the view from their house this weekend.
  19. That is one change from the original animation and I like it a lot. The drop after the second turn-around was easily the best moment on the Georgia Cyclone because of the airtime you would hit there, seems to me RMC took the best moment on the Georgia Cyclone and made it better. Absolutely agree... looks very intentional to preserve that moment from the past. Even if they don’t think and design that way, let’s just pretend that they do, cuz it’s more fun to appreciate it than refute it. Excitement building for sure. This ride, though short and short, looks to pack a real punch. Can’t wait!! I just went back and looked at the original animation. Definitely looks like a change for the better!
  20. Still beautiful, but rain is coming in a few days... (right click -> open in new tab for full version)
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