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Everything posted by vuurvogel

  1. I love that idea, food on a bike! Bikes enough here. And did anybody bring a wrench?
  2. I am really exited about this years Halloween. It will be my first in the US and I will both attend to Halloween Horror Nights and Howl-O-Scream. And I am curious what they will make of Silent Hill, it was my favorite horror game back in the day.
  3. This photo makes me want to go to Florida to ride it. Oh wait, I am going to Florida and Busch Gardens in just a few weeks. I hope the ride is as good as the photo.
  4. You were here at the right time of year, one of our most festive holidays. Ik ga wel mee. I still have to visit California, will make it out there one day.
  5. Yes it is, it means firebird or phoenix. There is an interesting story to that. But I really liked to see the differences in the pictures, first subtle and then more and more over the top. Nicely executed!
  6. that was amazing. It made my rainfilled sunday morning at work so much more fun. Love the report, the time you spend on making it was well spend, and the dave-o-saurus had me rolling of my seat. I have already booked front seats for the next installment!
  7. this would be very good news as they make the park management more 'american'. Would love to see the same 'magic' in the paris resort as in the other resorts.
  8. Oh, Japan. I will see you back one day. One of the best places I have ever been to. Even after a nuclear meltdown.
  9. Nice pictures. Did you make them with miniature feature? Looks like it. But really atmospheric, nicely done. Hope I will be able to visit next year.
  10. I liked that park, they were building the new entrance when we where there last year. I mostly remember this park by their coasters and their do it yourself pizza and popcorn vending machine, and the weird version of a powered aqua-trax. Did they still have the bughouse of death?, all happy colour, but death bugs, made me a bit sad.
  11. that is a photo I could hang on my wall. Or woulc serve as a computer background if I made it myself. Love your camera work.
  12. loving this report Larry. Nice of the casino to give something back. Nice to see you enjoying yourself. Hope I will meet up with you this year. (still going to ECB?)
  13. 2010 - 45 2011 - 68 2012 - nothing yet, but more than a hundred planned
  14. My kidneys ended up in my ears on that one, charming coaster to look at though
  15. funky high G ride. Very good coaster in a very good park
  16. Nice to see the park already added new attractions. Driving school and stunt show were not there when we visited the park last year. But the vegetation really needs to grow.
  17. The weather looks really good. Wish I was in Southern Europe now. I am guessing this park is a sister park of Rainbow Magicland. Looks like a fun little park.
  18. I think it is a wonderful show with the most recognizable music from the rides and attractions. Very nice for the 60th anniversary of the park. And this addition is reprogramable, I see them change it in the future to keep the show fresh. Good move
  19. I remember this coaster mostly because I had the OTSR marks still in my shoulders three days later. But I absolutely loved the effect indoors at the first inversion.
  20. As long as the chicks are hot, I do not care where they come from. Keep posting your art, Hanno
  21. The Lava Monster was much bigger in real life then I expected. Awesome creature, I want to see it again
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