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Teacups Make Me Sick

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Everything posted by Teacups Make Me Sick

  1. ^ Your dog is soooo freakin cute. Is she a Caviler Spaniel??
  2. Hercules at Dorney Park...pretty looking coaster the first drop was next to a lake...but looks are deceiving.
  3. What a funny topic. I think most people might have a problem FITTING in a kiddie ride (I'm 6 feet...which limits most kiddy rides). My favorite though, are the swings...
  4. This guy must not be friends with (ex) governor Spitzer...or as he likes to anonymously call him self client #9.
  5. ^Refillable cups are better for the environment... But the wasting of toilet water due to the amount of times one goes to the bathroom after drinking 10 gallons of soda isn’t so good for the environment.
  6. Thank you Team Thriller...she is cute and believe me...she knows it. If you dont give her attention she will bite your ankle. Lola is a dwarf lop, she looks large in that pic, but most of it is fur. Here is another picture and a pic of my bird, Yager. The bird is afraid of the bunny since the bunny likes to chase after her. Little Yagermeister (name came from getting her as a 21st b-day present) Lola getting love
  7. ^Think what you'd like... My title, my prerogative. Go flame on w/someone else.
  8. ^Awww Bailey is veryyy cute. (and looks well behaved) Since I cant get a dog...I got the next best thing...which is a bunny. She is house trained and lovveeeessss affection. Its a bit fuzzy...but anybody can see how freeking cute she is!!
  9. I think that the story reads the same whether the headline be a SF Worker/SF Contractor. If the "GP" are most likely going to read the story if the headline catches there eye. Most people would read a headline like that and want to read on b/c of any personal associations they might have with that ride that the article is referring to. Such as: Is this something that I have ever road on? "So-and-so" go to that park...is it something that they should be aware of?
  10. ^I agree... We are splitting hairs when an article headlines "worker" instead of third party contractor.... All in all, sad news...my thoughts and prayers go out to the family.
  11. ^ Congrats!!! 15 years is a big year. Whats your secret??
  12. ^hahaha if that is sarcasm.... If not Dubai is part of the United Arab Emirates.
  13. Nobody can tell a person at what age they feel love. Just don't do anything that would be stupid/permanent....such as having a baby!!! *This PSA has been sponsored by Durex.
  14. ^It happens to the best of us! I remember the first time ever seeing a ride on camera at Hershey Park's log flume. My brother and I were about 12 & 15 and we were with my parents. My parents had a great idea to flip the bird to the camera (which is VERY uncharacteristic of them....especially my dad). My parents thought nothing of trying to buy this photo and when they asked for two copies of number __ , the op said "why I never"...hit the delete key and told my parents that anymore obscene gestures and they will be kicked out of the park. Don't parents make great role models!!??
  15. ^Hahaha! Thank you for the compliment. My head just swelled up to the point that I cant fit through a doorway.
  16. ^^ Bummer....Great Adventure has a ton of history...it would be nice to see stuff other then the pics that can be found on websites.
  17. I'm not a stalker, I'm related to her ex. Dark Helmet: I am your father's brother's nephew's cousin's former roommate. Lone Starr: What's that make us? Dark Helmet: Absolutely nothing! Which is what you are about to become. Dark Helmet: Keep firing a$$holes! (off topic...but I LOVE that movie!)
  18. Hanson...and anyother "boy band" that re-unite. If they can buy beer...they are no longer boys. I guess Man Band doesnt sound right.
  19. Use the search function on the homepage to look up TR's (trip reports) on parks that you want to go to/ones that are close to you. Ummm...or just waste countless amounts of hours viewing coaster porn for parks that you have a slim-to-none chance of going to.
  20. Ohhh so Figment was a character that Disney brought back.... I went to Disney for the first time two years ago and the group that I was with had a "WTF" moment after going on that Journey Into Imagination ride. The ride seemed so out of place and unimaginative.
  21. Thank you for the update... With the risk of sounding greedy...do we know if SF is planning on making a museum in their other parks?
  22. I agree... Besides...who would buy a book that is only made up of the worlds tallest/shortest/fattest/skinniest (not all the same person) man? People would get the same book year after year. *yawn* ^A girl in her right mind wouldnt dare ride a coaster w/out a bra ...good idea, thou.
  23. Your b/f doesnt like coasters?? Neither does mine We should ride together.
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