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Everything posted by ncf

  1. I think "giga" and "strata" is just Intamin's names for those models and not a coaster that is taller than # feet
  2. I don't think it has to do with the track, I think the reason is the the metal holding the wheels bends as the trains goes through the track hundrets of times every day, and after some years some of the wheels doesn't even touch the track anymore...
  3. Then it would look even more ridiculous, but it would probably be cool to ride...
  4. ncf

    Same coasters !!

    They're cheaper and peolpe don't know they already exist somewhere else...
  5. no Do you think that the end of the world will be on 06.06.06? lol
  6. Happy New Year from Norway!! The time is now 01:50 here, here's some pics I took
  7. Only 3 hours and 48 minutes till the year when SpeedMonster opens! 8)
  8. I think Tornado feels like a B&M invert, except it's a little bit bumpy (doesn't really even affect the ride)
  9. Intamin has a wide variety of coaster types. They have their problems, but they made my best coaster experiences
  10. Since I finally found a way to share videos, I decided to give you my on-ride videos of Särkänniemi's Tornado and Halfpipe :mrgreen:
  11. Déjà Vu!!!!! What's your favorite B&M coaster model (megacoaster, inverted, floorless...)
  12. Because they have SROS which is/looks at least as great
  13. I don't waste my time on kiddycoasters...
  14. no, but the day after that... just a little Have you bought fireworks yet?
  15. Oh that's right, I forgot... But have you been there? If so, what are their B&Ms like?
  16. Robb & Co, have you been, or are you going to Janfusun Fancyworld? Looks like they have some of the few B&Ms in Japan
  17. My outside-the-park-photos http://www.rollercoasterpro.com/updates/sm12.24.05/
  18. Tornado @ Särkänniemi, no roughness or banging at all! Well it is an Intamin What was your favorite Christmas present?
  19. oops I forgot one! http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v414/vjjk/sm8.jpg
  20. It was when I rode it... And I rode it 10-20 times during July in 2004
  21. I'm gonna lose 5-7kg... Shouldn't be a big deal
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